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Chapter 2340 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 2340 Reaction of the Parties
The second gunshot made Shen Lin's heart tremble.

At this moment, he felt that death was so close to him.

For the first time in two lives, Shen Lin felt that death was so close to him.

But at this time, he observed more carefully.

In any case, the calmer he is, the greater his chance of surviving.

And just when Shen Lin stared in the dangerous direction, he found that Nariko and others had kicked the man to the ground.

The security personnel even directly pressed down on the man's arm to prevent him from moving.

The gun was even snatched away by Nariko.

It looks like it's already safe.

Just when Shen Lin stood up to check Mi Yuan, Cheng Zi quickly arranged for two subordinates to run to Shen Lin's side.

"Director Shen, be careful they have accomplices."

Although Shen Lin was also worried about these, he was worried about Mi Yuan's situation.

The moment the man fired, Mi Yuan rushed towards him. Although he didn't see it, Mi Yuan's fall to the ground gave him a bad feeling.

So Shen Lin didn't care about anything else. He hugged the crying child and rushed to Mi Yuan's side quickly.

Mi Yuan fell to the ground, and drops of blood were flowing out from her shoulders.

This situation made Shen Lin feel very bad in his heart.

He quickly said to Mi Yuan: "Mi Yuan, where are you injured?"

"I...I don't know, it hurts a little. Is the child okay?" Mi Yuan's voice contained a hint of expectation.

Shen Lin hurriedly said: "The child is fine."

At this point, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "You should have injured your shoulder. It's okay. Let's go to the hospital later."

Having said this, Shen Lin picked up his cell phone and dialed Boss Li's number directly.

At this time, Shen Lin couldn't care about other things.

He has interests related to Boss Li. At this time, it is safest to go to Boss Li.

Cheng Zi and others, in addition to tying up the assassin, surrounded Shen Lin for fear of another accident.

Boss Li was extremely shocked when he heard the news of Shen Lin's assassination.

Boss Li is very clear about the importance of Shen Lin.

He knew that if something went wrong with Shen Lin, they would be the ones to lose the most.

So Boss Li immediately used the greatest strength in his hand, that is, in four to five minutes, dozens of people came to Shen Lin's side.

With the arrival of these people, Shen Lin's safety is no longer a problem.

The doctor's arrival quickly sent Mi Yuan to the ambulance.

Although there are many things that Shen Lin needs to deal with, Chengzi, who is responsible for protecting Shen Lin, hopes that Shen Lin can return to his residence.

After all, hospitals do not represent safety.

But how could Shen Lin ignore Mi Yuan's life and death.

Shen Lin recalled that if Mi Yuan had not blocked the shot for him, the shot would probably have hit him.

Although the doctor said Mi Yuan's life was not in danger, how could he leave at this time.

Sitting in the car, holding his child who was tired from crying and already asleep, Shen Lin's face was as dark as water.

Chengzi drove the car for Shen Lin. Around the car were not only the subordinates transferred by Boss Li, but also many sirs.

"Did that person speak?" Shen Lin asked Chengzi.

Chengzi said: "Dr. Shen, we just asked, that person was very tough and didn't speak."

"But Boss Li and the experts from his side said they will investigate this person's origins carefully."

"They also promised that they will give you that person's confession within one day." After saying this, Cheng Zi pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen, regarding this matter, I think we should mobilize more people."

"Here, our strength is still a bit weak."

Just when Shen Lin was about to respond, the phone rang.Shen Lin glanced at the caller's number and answered the call.

"Director Shen, I've frightened you." Boss Li's guilt-filled voice said, "I am responsible for this matter."

"I clearly knew that some people would jump over the wall in a hurry, but I didn't expect that they would be so crazy."

"Don't worry, Director Shen, I will definitely give you an explanation on this matter."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Boss Li, I want to thank you for this."

"If your people hadn't showed up in time, I might have been in trouble."

"What's more, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's because I didn't take strict precautions."

Boss Li said: "Director Shen, if you say that, you are dissatisfied with me."

"Please rest assured that this incident will never happen again."

"I have called all parties and they will contact you soon and ensure your safety."

Shen Lin and Boss Li exchanged polite words before hanging up the phone.

But before he could put the phone back, the ringtone rang again.Shen Lin glanced at the caller number and said in a deep voice: "Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

"Is Dong Shen okay?" There was a hint of crying in Zhang Yuqing's voice.

As a top lawyer, Zhang Yuqing has always behaved like an iron lady.

Her crying at this time made Shen Lin stunned for a moment, but he then smiled and said: "Hello, Lawyer Zhang, I'm fine."

"It was an accident."

"Do not worry."

Zhang Yuqing said: "Director Shen, I think we should take action. After all, your safety is more important."

"Also, I suggest you return to Dongzhou for the time being."

"Although this place is very important, Mr. York Hansen and others are in charge of the overall situation. It doesn't matter whether you are here or not."

"Director Shen, your safety is related to the entire MiKe Electronics. I think you should think twice before taking action on this matter."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Lawyer Zhang, your suggestion is very good, I will consider it."

"But I believe that even here, I am still very safe."

"Do not worry."

Zhang Yuqing wanted to persuade him again, but Shen Lin's car had already arrived at the hospital. He immediately said: "Lawyer Zhang, I have something else to do. Let's talk about it later."

While talking, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

But when Shen Lin followed people to the hospital building, Mi Yuan had already been pushed into the operating room.

The hospital run by Boss Li was busy at this time. Not only did the best experts from the hospital gather, but the person in charge of the hospital quickly came to Shen Lin because of Boss Li's arrangement.

"Director Shen, Ms. Mi Yuan's life is not in danger, so don't worry."

"Our doctors are the best and they will do their best."

"I see that you are tired too. How about I find a place for you to rest while you wait for the operation to be over."

Shen Lin smiled at the dean and said, "Thank you for your concern, but I'm not in the mood right now."

"I'll just wait here."

Although the dean still wanted to persuade, looking at Shen Lin's determined look, he could only stand aside and accompany him in the end.

In just two and ten minutes, Shen Lin's subordinates had gathered.

However, although they were all worried, no one said a word. They all stood not far from Shen Lin, waiting for the operation to end.

(End of this chapter)

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