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Chapter 2343 This is also an opportunity

Chapter 2343 This is also an opportunity

"Director Shen, Boss Li, everyone, let me say a few words first."

After a period of silence, someone said in a deep voice: "Although Director Shen was not injured this time, this matter will definitely spread."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid that many people who originally had confidence in us will be shaken."

"In that case, there may be problems with stocks tomorrow."

When the man said this, his voice became deeper and deeper: "So, I think we should take countermeasures as soon as possible."

As soon as this person's words came out, there was discussion around him.

"What Mr. Xiong said makes sense. I think we must make a decision as soon as possible regarding the assassination of Director Shen, whether to keep the news secret or choose something else."

"Yes, I also feel that there is no need to delay."

"Director Shen, I think this news should be hidden, otherwise it will shake the investors' support and confidence in us."

All kinds of voices came and went all of a sudden.

Shen Lin did not say anything immediately, but listened quietly.

As the host of this gathering, Boss Li said to Shen Lin after everyone's opinions were almost settled, "Director Shen, what do you think about this issue?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Boss Li, I think you already have the answer to this matter."

"Haha, I have some ideas, but in this matter, the most important thing to listen to is the attitude of you, the person involved."

Boss Li smiled and said, "Dr. Shen, you'd better tell me first."

Looking at Boss Li who looked sincere, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Since Boss Li said so, I will tell you."

"I think this matter cannot be hidden."

"Although we occupy a favorable position in Xiangjiang, some news is like the wind. The more you cover it up, the farther it will spread."

Regarding Shen Lin's statement, Boss Li, Boss Zheng and others nodded lightly.

It's not like they have never done this before, but in the end it was difficult for them to succeed.

"So, Mr. Shen, do you think we should do nothing?" asked Mr. Xiong who raised the question.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Of course we can't do nothing."

"On the contrary, I think the more times like this, the more we need to take the initiative."

"Instead of covering up this matter, we will actively expose it."

Having said this, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "But while telling the facts, we need to explain the background of this incident."

"I want everyone to know why the other party secretly attacked me."

"The main reason why they do this is that they lose confidence."

"And as long as we work together, victory is ours."

Shen Lin's words made many people present couldn't help but nod.

Boss Li's face even showed a smile.

His thoughts were the same as Shen Lin's. It could be said that Shen Lin's words spoke to his heart.

"I completely agree with Director Shen's decision."

Boss Li didn't wait for anyone below to speak, and said in a deep voice: "The reasons that Director Shen just said are obvious."

"I believe that as long as we expose the cause and effect of the matter, more and more people will support us, and their confidence in our victory will become stronger and stronger."

"So from that aspect, it's a good thing."

When Boss Li said this, he glanced at Shen Lin and said, "But from my personal point of view, no matter how much money it is, I don't want Director Shen to be in danger again."

"So we must do our best to ensure Director Shen's safety."

"I also believe that with the support of Director Shen, we will be able to win this victory." As soon as Boss Li finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from all around.

The bosses who can be here are all smart people. They were a little worried just now, but after Shen Lin and Boss Li explained clearly, they all understood that things can be viewed from this aspect.

Shen Lin didn't say anything anymore. Although his prestige had risen a lot, he had to admit that Boss Li was the best candidate to implement the plan he just mentioned.

He is well aware of the abilities of every boss.

Therefore, under his arrangement, almost everyone can exert his best abilities.

After most people accepted the tasks and went about their business, Boss Li invited Shen Lin and others into a small conference room.

He said in a deep voice: "Dr. Shen, the assassin has been recruited."

"He said that he was arranged by someone from Europa. He didn't know who the arranger was. He just took money to do things."

Shen Lin glanced at Boss Li and said, "Mr. Li, who do you think this person is who wants to kill me?"

"There are too many people here, there are Toros and there are supporters of Trusts."

"You hinder them from making money, and naturally some people will want to take evil ways." Boss Li said coldly: "We cannot underestimate the limits of these people."

"So, Director Shen's safety in the future is very important."

Although Shen Lin didn't like to be restrained, the previous assassination also made Shen Lin feel that he was also very fragile.

So when it comes to some things, it’s better to be careful.

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Li, everyone, I believe that with our joint efforts, the future situation will become more and more favorable to us."

"When Toros and the others realize that this is a hard bone that they can't bite, they will have no choice but to leave."

After Boss Li and others exchanged pleasantries with Shen Lin, they left one by one.

Shen Lin returned to the ward where Mi Yuan lived and looked at Mi Yuan who had fallen asleep, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Although he was tired for a day, Shen Lin couldn't sleep no matter what. Whenever he closed his eyes, he thought of Mi Yuan standing in front of him.

Some things really can't be forgotten.

Morning still came, and Shen Lin fell asleep unconsciously in the morning light.

Mi Yuan, who was lying on the bed, opened her eyes at some point. Looking at Shen Lin lying on the bed, a smile appeared on her face...

For Shen Lin, early morning is the time for him to just fall asleep.

But for many people, early morning is the start of the day.

Many people have already started reading newspapers when morning comes.

I also started to receive various messages.

At the breakfast shop in the early morning, some people sat together and chatted, and some even talked about the news about Shen Lin.

"Have you heard? Director Shen was in danger last night? Someone wanted to assassinate him.

"It's true. If it's true, I really want to transfer my money."

"Tsk, tsk, if there is a problem with Director Shen, there will definitely be a problem with MiKe Electronics' stock. I spent a lot of money to buy this!"

"You said that, when the market opens, I will also sell my shares of MiKe Electronics. Does MiKe Electronics rely entirely on Director Shen?"

"Yeah, I sell it too..."

During these discussions, someone slapped the table and said, "You sell me a ball, and I'll tell you, this matter has not hurt Director Shen at all."

"Not only is he safe, he has more support."

"Do you know why some people do evil things to Director Shen? Let me tell you, it's because they feel that they are no match for Director Shen, so that's why they do it."

(End of this chapter)

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