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Chapter 2344 This shows that they are afraid

Chapter 2344 This shows that they are afraid
The noisy voice in the breakfast shop suddenly became quiet.

Almost all eyes were directed at the person who spoke at this moment.

Finally, someone said: "Lao Luo, is what you said true?"

The man named Lao Luo said loudly: "How come it's not true?"

"Isn't it obvious that this is a lice on a bald man's head?"

While Lao Luo was talking, he took a sip of the porridge, and then said loudly: "Use your brains. If these people are Dong Shen's opponents, why do they want to assassinate Dong Shen."

"Our bosses here are standing with Director Shen."

"Do you think there's no risk to them using this method?"

After hearing Lao Luo's words, the surroundings became quiet again.

But the whispers became more frequent.

"What Lao Luo said makes sense. If they can defeat Director Shen directly, I don't think they need to do anything against Director Shen at all."

"I have thought of this for a long time."

"Hey, I think these people are just scared. They feel they can't beat MiKe Electronics in the stock market, so they do this."

"I think so too……"

Just when everyone was talking, one person said: "How can it be possible if we can't defeat Shen Lin? Is that Mr. Toros?"

"Do you know what Toros does?"

The people around him were stunned for a moment, and no one said a word.

At this time, Lao Luo glared and said, "Who is Toros? How could I not know?"

"Let me tell you, even if Toros is powerful, Director Shen is also a stock god!"

"I'm afraid you don't know yet. The last time there was a problem with oil, Director Shen made a huge fortune. I heard it was a huge amount!"

Various comments abounded for a while.

At this moment, two hosts suddenly appeared on the TV screen where the song was playing.

"Good morning, viewers. Today we invited Mr. Cheng, a well-known commentator, to talk about the assassination of Chairman Shen."

"Mr. Cheng is not only a well-known commentator, but also has made great achievements in the financial field. He graduated from Oxbridge with a finance major and received a doctorate in finance."

As the host spoke, he solemnly said to a man sitting not far away: "Mr. Cheng, what do you think of the assassination of Director Shen?"

Mr. Cheng is in his 50s and wears gold-rimmed glasses, giving him a gentle and elegant look.

Many people who are having breakfast know Mr. Cheng and know that he is a master in the field of commentary.

He glanced forward, and then said in a deep voice: "I am extremely shocked by what happened to Director Shen."

"In addition to being shocked, I am more sad."

"Some people are so crazy that they resort to such despicable means when fair competition is no longer possible."

"They're just so mean."

The host said: "Mr. Cheng, I completely agree with your feelings."

"Actually, I also think that some people are just too crazy."

"I would like to invite you to talk about the background of Dong Shen's assassination. After all, many people want to know this just like me."

Mr. Cheng coughed and said: "We cannot talk about the assassination of Director Shen alone. We should treat it as a series of events."

"The beginning of this incident can be traced back to the financial crisis in the Buddha Kingdom and the Stars."

After hearing Mr. Cheng's words, a lot of pictures appeared on the TV.

Some people began to explain the causes and current changes of these things.

Many people watching the TV took a breath when they saw the picture of many people's money depreciating, and many people's years of hard work being ruined.They couldn't help but think of themselves now.

Now I can still sit in a breakfast shop and have breakfast. Isn’t this a kind of happiness...

"The Toros consortium is going around wildly harvesting wealth. They are taking advantage of some of our loopholes and using the capital in their hands to carry out crazy attacks..."

"And once we give up resistance, or are unable to resist, what we have to face is the depreciation of wealth, the closure of shops, and naturally we will no longer have a job."

"In order to prevent their plan from succeeding, Director Shen and Boss Li have joined forces and have been supporting our stock market to avoid a devastating disaster..."

Mr. Cheng's voice was very low. At the end of his speech, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone has seen the changes in the stock market in the past few days."

"Although there are turbulent undercurrents, overall it remains stable."

"What does this mean? It shows that Director Shen's efforts are still effective."

"As for why Director Shen was assassinated, I'm afraid it will be more clear to everyone if I don't say it now."

"Yes, some people feel that it is impossible for them to win using legitimate means, so they take action against Director Shen."

The host said: "Now that nothing has happened to Director Shen, does it mean that their attack on our stock has failed?"

"I dare not draw a conclusion on this, but I believe that as long as we work together to support Director Shen and Boss Li, I believe that in the end, there will be a good result."

"You also saw that just last night... it was announced..."

Mr. Cheng’s exclusive interview lasted for more than ten minutes, but these ten minutes left many people deeply moved.

"This guy Toros is really nothing."

"We can't be cowards. Director Shen is fighting for us. We must support Director Shen!"

"Toros is not invincible!"


Just when the atmosphere in the breakfast shop became lively, someone said loudly: "The newspaper reported that Shen Lin was assassinated. Everyone must be careful when buying shares of MiKe Electronics. Don't..."

Before the speaker finished speaking, he was looked at coldly by more than a dozen pairs of eyes.

Facing these menacing looks, the man swallowed half of what he said.

"If you say anything bad about Director Shen again, get out of here." Lao Luo stood up and said angrily.

"Yes, get out!"

"You are talking nonsense here after hearing a little bit of news, get out of here!"


The man holding the newspaper never imagined that he would encounter such treatment.

He wanted to argue, but at this time the owner of the hotel came over and said, "Sir, you'd better go to other restaurants."

"We are not prepared to do your business here."

Hearing this, the man's face suddenly turned red. After all, being kicked out like this was really embarrassing.

But the unkind faces of Lao Luo and others made him feel fear in his heart.

Finally, he nodded to the owner of the breakfast shop and left helplessly.

"What the hell, you're actually commenting on Director Shen."

"No, I think I'm a nobody, and I don't think about how big the gap is between me and Director Shen. Huh, what a rubbish."

"No, I just need to pay less attention to this kind of person from now on."

"Yes, don't be familiar with them."

"Let's leave them alone. We just support Director Shen and don't care what they do."

(End of this chapter)

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