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Chapter 2350 One cannot go against the wind

Chapter 2350 One cannot go against the wind
Sonia has already thought about the question raised by Toros.

In fact, she already had the answer in her heart.

It's just that Toros insisted, and Toros had no experience of failure for many years, she didn't dare to speak out what was in her heart.

Now, Toros suddenly asked her this question, which made Sonia's mind work quickly.

From a workplace perspective, it is best not to say anything at this time.

But she was really unwilling, and Toros continued to work hard in this place where there was almost no chance of winning.

So after a little hesitation, he finally said: "Mr. Toros, I think you are really unwilling."

"It can be said that I am very unwilling to accept this matter."

"But what can you do if you don't give in? MiKe Electronics' stock is still strong after being hit one after another."

"And it is impossible for Shen Lin to be assassinated a second time."

"So I think we should do some goal shifting."

"As long as we set our goals in other directions, as long as we can collect some resources from other directions, I believe we can still come back when the financial situation changes."

"When the time comes, it will be natural to avenge the past."

"And if we continue to waste money here, it won't have much effect."

The woman's words made Toros nodded slightly.

He knew that if he continued to consume, he and Shen Lin would be depleted of resources. If so, the end result would be more losses than gains.


With the loss of funds, those who usually treated him respectfully no longer had the same attitude when facing him.

Situations like this are what he needs to pay attention to.

"You are right." Toros said in a deep voice: "At this time, there is no need to waste time." '

Having said this, he said to Sonia: "Answer Shen Lin's call for me."

Sonia saw that Toros listened to her persuasion.I suddenly felt a little happy.

There are various important calls in her mobile phone, and Shen Lin is undoubtedly the most important one now.

The call was quickly connected, and after Sonia said a few words, she handed the phone to Toros.

"Haha, Director Shen, this confrontation made me realize that people cannot go against the wind!" After Toros answered the phone, he said with a smile: "So, I am ready to give up the confrontation between us. .”

"At the same time, I also hope that we can still be friends in the future."

Toros said this, naturally not because he already had a choice, so he wanted to win over Shen Lin.

It is true that he invested too much money in the stock market. Without Shen Lin's cooperation, if he wanted to leave the market, he would have to cut off a lot of money.

Listening to the meaning of Toros' words, Shen Lin already felt Toros' choice in his heart.

But on this matter, Shen Lin was not ready to let it go lightly.

He said calmly: "Mr. Toros, what you said makes perfect sense."

"But I also know that as long as a person does something, he can never go back to the past."

Shen Lin's words shocked Toros.

He could feel that there was something in Shen Lin's words.

In a moment of thought, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I think some things can still be undone."

"After all, money is something external to you and me."

"It's not worth it for us to turn against each other for something external to us!"

Hearing what Toros said, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Toros, what you said is correct."

"But one thing is, do you think that my assassination is something external to me?"

Toros was stunned for a moment. In this matter, he naturally couldn't talk about things outside himself.

After all, Shen Lin almost lost his life in this matter.After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, after your accident, I told you that this matter was not done by me."

"Now, I can also pat my chest and tell you that this matter was not done by me."

"If you are angry with me because of this matter, it will be painful for your relatives and quick for your enemies!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I know you didn't do this yourself, but it probably has something to do with you."

"Can you say that you have nothing to do with Mr. Nick?"

Shen Lin's words stunned Toros.

He asked in shock: "Did Nick do this?"

When Shen Lin's accident happened, Toros actually doubted Mr. Nick. After all, among his allies, Mr. Nick was the most daring one.

But even though he had suspicions, he didn't have any evidence.

But now, Shen Lin actually mentioned Mr. Nick's name directly.

"I won't accuse him unjustly." Shen Lin said calmly: "But I don't know if there is someone behind Mr. Nick's actions."

Although Shen Lin said this calmly, the suspicion in his words was not concealed at all.

Toros knew in his heart that the object of Shen Lin's suspicion was himself.

After all, Mr. Nick had a very close relationship with him, and if Shen Lin was successfully assassinated, he would be the one who would benefit the most.

After pondering for a moment, Toros said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I can assure you that I did not participate in this matter."

"If I participate, I will never hide it."

Shen Lin said calmly: "I also hope that you, Mr. Toros, will not participate, but... I can't afford to bet on my life!"

Toros felt a little chill in his heart.

He knew very well that once a person in Shen Lin's position connected the assassination with himself, it would be difficult for him to have a stable life.

Although I didn’t do this myself, but...

Each thought filled Toros's heart with discomfort.

He hesitated for a while and then said: "Director Shen, how can you believe that this matter has nothing to do with me?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Toros, if you want me to believe that this matter has nothing to do with you, then I need your sincerity."

It is easy to say the word sincerity, but Toros can feel that it is not easy to show this sincerity.

He pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Dr. Shen, I don't understand what you mean by sincerity?"

Shen Lin said without changing his tone: "My sincerity is actually very simple. I want to make the person who assassinated me pay the price."

"I wonder if you can help me?"

Toros's first feeling was that he should refuse.

After all, Mr. Nick did not assassinate himself.

Moreover, Mr. Nick also has a good relationship with himself.

But just when he was about to say his rejection, he swallowed it.

He knew in his heart that if he refused at this time, it would mean that he was on Mr. Nick's side in this matter.

And Shen Lin's suspicion will probably become even stronger.

Maybe the host behind the assassination would fall on him.

But asking him to abandon Mr. Nick, he really didn't want to do it.

Shen Lin did not rush Toros, but waited quietly.

After a while, Toros said: "Director Shen, I don't like to cooperate with people who don't follow the rules."

"All I can do in this matter is keep my distance from Nick."

(End of this chapter)

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