Chapter 2351 Keep Your Distance
What is keeping your distance is that it will not help Mr. Nick.

Under Shen Lin's coercion, making such a guarantee was actually a humiliation for Mr. Tross.

In fact, if ordinary people made such a request to Mr. Tross, Mr. Tross would definitely refuse without leaving any room.

But facing Shen Lin, he had to make a compromise.

After all, Shen Lin is not an ordinary person.

If Shen Lin really regards Toros as his life and death enemy, it will definitely make Toros sleepless at night.

"I feel the sincerity of Mr. Toros."

Shen Lin's voice was still calm, as if he was saying the most ordinary thing.

He said calmly: "Mr. Toros, I hope you will keep your word."

Toros said coldly: "Director Shen, I don't agree to other people's affairs, and I will never talk nonsense."

"If you promise others something, you will definitely do it."

"Do not worry."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I'm very happy that Mr. Toros is not the one who wants to kill me."

While talking, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping on the phone, Tross was filled with anger.

For him, Shen Lin's call made him feel extremely aggrieved.

But when answering the call, he had to deal with Shen Linxu.

It humiliated him.


Toros slammed his cell phone to the ground.

Sonia, who was in the office next to her, ran over quickly. As Toros' assistant, she was most concerned about Toros' actions.

Looking at the broken mobile phone on the floor, Sonia was filled with doubts.

What on earth happened to make Mr. Toros so angry?


"Mr. Toros, what happened?" Seeing that Toros didn't speak for a while, she asked boldly.

Toros said calmly: "It's nothing, you don't need to ask."

These words made Sonia's already worried heart become even more frightened.

She hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing.

Half a minute later, Toros said: "Is there anything else?"

"Mr. Toros, Mr. Nick just called and said he wanted to meet with you and talk to you about something."

Sonia said carefully: "He is on his way here."

Nick came to see him, what happened to him?
If Toros still had some feelings for Nick as a friend before, now he has regarded Mr. Nick as his bane.

If Mr. Nick hadn't acted randomly, how could he have encountered this kind of thing.

He said coldly: "Did Mr. Nick say anything happened?"

"Mr. Toros, Mr. Nick doesn't seem to want to evacuate too much. He feels that although we have suffered a lot in this stock market battle, the bosses here in Xiangjiang have also suffered huge losses."

"In this case, we still..."

Tross frowned and then said coldly: "Tell him that I have something else to do and I won't see him today."

"Also, I have already made up my mind, so he doesn't need to say anything else."

Sonia was stunned for a moment!
She did not expect that Toros would not see Mr. Nick.

You know, although Mr. Nick and Toros are not in the same company, they are usually as good as one person.Many times, two people even call each other brothers.

Will such a person disappear just because he says he can’t see him?
"Mr. Toros, are you really not seeing Mr. Nick?" Sonia hesitated for a moment, and finally said it, which seemed like something she shouldn't say.

And Toros nodded coldly, using this plain action to express his thoughts.

Sonia clenched her hands into fists, but still asked: "If...I said if Mr. Nick asks me why, how should I answer?"

"You just need to tell him that I don't want to see him."

Toros stared at Sonia coldly and said, "Do you still need me to teach you about this kind of thing?"

"Sonia, I hope you won't disappoint me this time."

Listening to Toros's threatening words, Sonia's face became a little gloomy.

She knew that her talkativeness just now had made Mr. Toros unhappy.

As thoughts flashed through her mind, she quickly said: "Sir, I'll go notify you right away."

Looking at the phone that had been picked up, Toros quickly assembled the fallen battery.

Although he was really angry this time, he knew in his heart that at this time, it was best to keep his phone connected, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

As the phone turned on again, Toros felt a trace of emotion in his heart.

The quality of MiKe Electronics’ mobile phones is quite good. No wonder consumers have such trust in MiKe Electronics.

Just when the thought of how Shen Lin would take revenge on Mr. Nick arose in Toros's mind, his cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller number, Toros directly chose not to answer the call.

Because the caller was Mr. Nick.

The phone rang tenaciously for four to five minutes.

Toros looked at Mr. Nick's name flashing on the screen and finally picked up the phone.

He didn't want to pay attention to Mr. Nick, but there were some things that needed to be said clearly.

"Nick, are you calling me for something?" Toros said calmly the moment the call was connected.

Mr. Nick said: "Mr. Toros, are all the things you asked Sonia to inform me true?"

"Of course it's true." Toros said in a deep voice: "Do you think I would make fun of you about this kind of thing?"

Nick said: "Of course not, but I think you should discuss this matter with us. After all, we are working together now."

After listening to Mr. Nick's words, Toros said calmly: "It is not impossible to discuss, but my attitude has been very clear, that is to change places."

"It's not easy to do here. If we keep insisting, we will definitely be the ones who suffer a bloody loss."

"So I won't change this idea."

Mr. Nick did not expect that Toros would be so persistent, and for a moment his heart was filled with anger.

He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Toros, the reason why we take action here is because we believe in you."

"But isn't it too unkind for you to throw away all our efforts like this?"

When Toros thought about how he was forced by Shen Lin today, he felt anger surge in his heart.

He said coldly: "Mr. Nick, don't say that you all follow me."

"No one is forcing you, you are here with me because you want to make money."

"So in this matter, don't say who is sorry for whom."

"At the very least, I, Toros, have not been sorry for you in this matter. I have nothing to apologize for."

Having said this, Toros said coldly: "If there is nothing else, I will hang up the phone first."

Listening to Toros's angry words, Mr. Nick's eyes flashed with anger. He finally suppressed his anger and said, "I want to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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