Chapter 2352

As old friends for many years, it seemed normal to meet up at this time.

But Shen Lin just called him, and it was clear that Mr. Nick was the person in charge of this assassination.

What would Shen Lin think if he met Mr. Nick at this time.

It seemed that he shouldn't be afraid of Shen Lin, but in fact, Mr. Toros knew very well that it was better for him to be more cautious in this matter.

"I'm sorry Nick, I really have something to do. If you need anything, you can talk to my Sonia."

While speaking, Toros didn't give Mr. Nick a chance and hung up the phone directly.

He pondered for a moment and then notified his driver on the phone.

Nick knew this place, and he refused to meet him. According to Nick's character, he would definitely not be willing to do so.

But staying here will not do you any good.

Three minutes later, Toros took a car and left the building where he worked.And just after getting in the car, he called Sonia.

After Sonia heard the news of Toros's departure, although she was shocked, she didn't say anything.

After all, she is just a subordinate and cannot tell her boss too much.

But when Sonia put down the phone, her heart was heavy.

She already felt that Mr. Toros had really given up on Mr. Nick.

Even the face is missing.

But how should I face Mr. Nick?

Just when Sonia was feeling uneasy, Mr. Nick had already hurried in.

He glanced at Sonia and walked directly to Toros' office.

But the office door was locked. He pushed hard several times, but it didn't open.

"Mr. Nick, Mr. Toros has gone out. If you need anything, you can call him." Sonia calmed down and quickly came to Mr. Nick and said.

At this time, she can only do her own job.

Mr. Nick glanced at Sonia twice, and then said: "Sonia, tell me where Mr. Toros is, and I will go find him."

Sonia looked uncomfortable and said, "Mr. Nick, although I don't want to admit it, I have to tell you the truth."

"I don't know where Mr. Toros went."

"So, I don't know where you should go to find him."

Nick's eyes were fixed on Sonia, as if to see if she had lied about this matter.

But unfortunately, Sonia's expression was peaceful and he couldn't see anything strange.

"So where did he go? I didn't even tell you."

"That's right, Mr. Toros didn't even tell me when he left." Sonia said, "He called me after he got in the car."

"Mr. Nick, if Mr. Toros wanted to see you, he would have met you long ago."

"Now, he doesn't want to see you. Even if you look for him again, you won't be able to see him."

"I suggest you take care of your own affairs."

Mr. Nick glanced at Sonia twice and then said, "Did you hear something?"

Sonia looked at Mr. Nick who was looking at her closely, and her heart couldn't help but beat a little fast.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Some time ago, Mr. Toros asked me if I should change places."

"Also, he had a phone call with Shen Lin some time ago."

Mr. Nick pondered these two pieces of news, and there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.

Although he felt that the assassination of Shen Lin arranged by him through an intermediary was very secret, but could this matter really be hidden from everyone?
He has no idea!

As thoughts flashed one by one, he said in a deep voice: "Sonia, think about it carefully, is there anything else going on here?"

"This is important to us."

In order to make Sonia pay attention to this matter, Mr. Nick used the word "we" in his words.Sonia's heart trembled when she heard the words "we".

She wanted to reject these two words, but when the words came to her lips, she could not say them.

Because she knew in her heart that Mr. Nick was right about these two words.

It has become very difficult to separate the relationship between two people.

"Okay, let me think about it." Sonia said, "You should also be careful."

Mr. Nick nodded, then picked up the phone and dialed Toros' number.

But this time, Toros didn't answer the phone.

Mr. Nick, who called three times in a row but got no answer, directly picked up the phone in Sonia's office and dialed.

Sonia wanted to stop her, but was stopped by Nick's eyes.

This time, Toros still didn't answer the phone.

Feeling bad, Mr. Nick slammed the microphone on the table and strode out.

Seeing Mr. Nick leave, Sonia's eyes were filled with gloom.

She already had a bad feeling.

While she was deep in thought, a subordinate came over and said, "Miss Sonia, Mr. Toros, please answer the phone."

Sonia was stunned for a moment, but followed her subordinate to another office.

After picking up the phone, I heard Toros's voice: "Is he gone?"

Sonia knew that he was referring to Toros.

"Let's go!" Sonia considered it for a moment and said with a trembling voice: "But Mr. Nick was very angry and threw the phone in my office."

"It's okay, I'll buy another one later."

Toros said calmly: "As for Mr. Nick, just pay attention. If anything happens, call me in time."

"Mr. Toros, where are you going?" Sonia hesitated, but still asked with concern.

Toros said calmly: "I'm going to go out and take a rest. I have already arranged the work. You just need to follow up."

"As for the rest, don't worry about it."

Sonia felt a chill in her heart when she heard what Toros said. As the closest secretary, if she doesn't know the whereabouts of her boss, this is actually a sign of her status being shaken.

She doesn't want to lose her identity.


"Mr. Toros, what should I do if Mr. Nick comes to the door again?"

Toros said a little impatiently: "Just ignore him, just tell the truth, you don't know."

"I believe it won't be long before Nick won't have time to bother you."

"Okay, don't talk about him anymore, just pretend that there is no such person."

While speaking, Toros hung up the phone.

Soon, Mr. Nick stopped bothering me and pretended that there was no such person.

As a secretary, Sonia knew that Toros was not a person who talked freely.

What he said definitely meant something profound.

Mr. Murphy is going to have a problem, so Mr. Toros hides out.

If that's the case, what should you do?
Should we keep a distance from Mr. Nick, or should we tell Mr. Nick the news.

After all, it is no longer easy to separate between myself and Mr. Nick.

As thoughts flashed through her mind, Sonia's heart sank.

(End of this chapter)

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