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Chapter 239: Go straight in and take the lead

Chapter 239: Go straight in and take the lead
With the room number provided by Zhong Tianyang, Shen Lin quickly came to VIP room No. [-] on the third floor of the guest house.

Although this matter is related to the fate of the old man, Shen Lin, who has experience in later generations, is not very excited about these things.

It's just meeting a director of the Zhutian Club, it's no big deal.

"Comrade, there are VIPs living on this floor. Who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment?" A young waitress asked when Shen Lin approached Room [-].

After all, the waiters in the VIP building are well-trained and very eye-catching.

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Please tell Mr. Oda that the manager of Delro Company wants to see him."

The waiter is a little strange, he is not a frog in a well, an ignorant person, and the person who lives here is a VIP who has signed a contract with the General Iron and Steel Factory, and is a contract representative of the foreign Zhutian Club. But, what the hell is this Delro company?

I've never heard of it. From the name of this company, it seems to be a foreign company.

Thinking of a foreign company, the young waiter suddenly became energetic. The director of their guest house had already issued an order to use the best service, handle all the details in place, and do their best to entertain foreign guests.

Now this person, although he also looks Chinese, but judging from the name of his company, he should also work in a foreign company.

I heard from my companions that when working in a foreign company, the salary is not generally high.

The waiter quietly looked at Shen Lin twice, and then said softly: "Wait a moment, I'll make a call."

While speaking, the waiter came to the room not far from the VIP room, picked up the phone and dialed out.

Seeing the waiter on the phone, Shen Lin felt sour in his heart.The VIP rooms in this best guest house are really not comparable to ordinary places.

He hasn't installed a telephone in his house until now, but he has started to use telephones here, inside and outside the room.

After the waiter reported the name of Delro Company for Shen Lin, he readily agreed to meet with Shen Lin, which made the waiter look at Shen Lin even more with admiration.

The waiter knocked on the door for Shen Lin, and a middle-aged man in his 30s, short and fat, wearing gold-rimmed glasses came out.

When he saw Shen Lin, the humble smile on his face disappeared without a trace.He pointed at Shen Lin, wondering: " are the representative of Delro Company?"

The man's Mandarin was a bit awkward, but he could hear the meaning of his words.Shen Lin didn't panic at all about the man with glasses' questioning, he said flatly: "Mr. Xiaotian, don't you know if you talk to me in depth?"

"Hi! Your Excellency, please come in." Oda Kazusuke glanced at Shen Lin again, and quickly made a gesture of invitation to Shen Lin.

The spacious suite is really unique.There is not only a luxurious living room, but also a separate small suite. When entering the room, Shen Lin found that there was a young man in his 20s in this room.

The man was wearing a kimono and was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. Seeing Shen Lin walk in, he had a look of surprise on his face.

Because he heard it just now, it was the manager of Delro's company.Delro Corporation is a large company in the United States, and Takeda Corporation is the strongest competitor in the world in terms of blast furnace equipment.

It was also for this reason that they chose to meet immediately after hearing that they were from the Delro Company.

Unexpectedly, the person who came in turned out to be a Chinese who was too young.

"Mr. Oda, where do you want to meet the manager of your Delero company?" The man spoke in Japanese, which Shen Lin couldn't understand at all, but from the man's expression, Shen Lin basically understood what he was talking about.Sitting casually on the sofa, Shen Lin did not speak immediately, but waited for the two people to speak.

Kazusuke Oda pointed at Shen Lin, and then said in Chinese to Shen Lin: "Your Excellency, are you really the manager of Delro Company?"

"It's not important." Shen Lin said calmly: "Now, what's important is that it's best not to let Delro know about what we're talking about."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin turned to Kazusuke Oda: "Otherwise, Mr. Oda's behavior will cause irreparable losses to your company."

"I believe that compared with hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits, Zhutian Club cares more about its own business reputation."

Shen Lin's words stunned Oda Kazusuke, who had originally disapproved of him.

The so-called don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, this Kazusuke Oda has not only done bad things now, but what he fears the most is this Delro company.

Shen Lin's words took him by surprise, but he was not someone to wait for nothing, the panic flashed across his face, and he tried to remain calm: "You...I don't quite understand what you said."

For this negotiation, Shen Lin had already made sufficient preparations. As soon as he came up as the manager of the Delro Company, in addition to being able to meet Kazusuke Oda smoothly, he also made a head start.

Sure enough, these words hit the nail on the head.

'Mr. Oda is also a smart person, you want to pretend to be confused?Then I can go. "Shen Lin put down these words and left quickly.

"Your Excellency, let's clarify the matter." Oda Kazusuke stopped Shen Lin, his expression had returned to normal and said: "After all, you have already come, if you don't make it clear, it will be a loss to both of us!"

Looking at the sincere Oda Kazusuke, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Since Mr. Oda said so, let's talk about it?"

"By the way, the visitor is a guest, bring me some tea."

Kazusuke Oda waved at the neatly dressed young man, who quickly poured Shen Lin a cup of tea.

Shen Lin shook the documents in his hand, and said lightly: "Mr. Xiaotian, all of my documents are the data and photos of the blast furnace equipment that your company sold to the General Iron and Steel Plant. It is enough to prove that the things you sell , that is, refurbished old machines.”

Speaking of this, Shen Lin shook the information in his hand and said: "If Mr. Oda doesn't believe it, I can send these things to Delro Company. I believe they should be very interested in this."

Oda Kazusuke's body swayed, and at this moment, his heart was filled with fear.In his opinion, even if the steel factory in this small place bought refurbished equipment, it would be a waste of teeth and blood.

They have no way to solve this problem at all, let alone have any contact with Delro, but now, the equipment has not been fully signed, and this young man who claims to be the representative of Delro has actually obtained their core secrets.

Moreover, he ran here to negotiate with them!
Could it be, is this a conspiracy?

After calming down, Kazusuke Oda said: "Your Excellency, if you have any requirements, just ask, and we will definitely satisfy you."

ps: The first update, I have been busy all day today, the update will be later, please support, everyone, there will be more later!

(End of this chapter)

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