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Chapter 240 Win-win cooperation, everything is under control

Chapter 240 Win-win cooperation, everything is under control
As a businessman, Kazusuke Oda thinks that he has a strong psychological quality, and even if he encounters an emergency, he can handle it without panic.

At this moment, he has regained his composure!
Even at this moment, he looked down at the rustic young man in front of him with a condescending look.

How much appetite can a young man in such a small city have?
1000 yuan!It's just such a little money, thinking about it, I can't help but feel a little proud.

How can there be so many truths in life?Some people are born with rich clothes and good food, and some people have tried their best just to live.

Just like the poor man in front of him, he collected information with great pains, and then sold himself a meal money. Thinking about it, it makes people feel funny.

However, just as he waited expectantly for Shen Lin to speak and say the condition, which in his opinion was not worth mentioning, Shen Lin stretched out a finger.

"1000 million!"

Shen Lin's voice was not high, but it was loud.

Kazusuke Oda swallowed involuntarily, 1000 million, even in Japanese yen, is not a small amount for him.

His level is not worth 1000 million yen.

Your conscience is greatly broken!

Just when Kazusuke Oda was furious, Shen Lin said slowly: "I'm talking about US dollars!"

"Your Excellency, not only can I not meet your condition, but I am afraid that any company will not be able to meet it."

Shen Lin smiled lightly and said, "So, Mr. Oda thinks my qualifications are too high?"

"Yes, you have no sincerity in negotiating with this condition, you are talking nonsense!"

Shen Lin looked at Kazusuke Oda, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "As for me, I believe in contentment and happiness. As for the conditions just now, I just talked casually. As for this information, it may not be worth the money."

"But, just now, Mr. Oda, you were so arrogant. I think if I mentioned less, I would be sorry for your boldness!"

At this moment, Kazusuke Oda felt that his whole body was about to explode.

He felt that at this moment, he was like a puppet on a string, being manipulated at will, which made him uncomfortable and felt a huge sense of humiliation.

After coming to this small town, he felt that he was superior to others in every way. He would not look sideways at the people he came into contact with, even if they were taller than him. After all, these people had to look up to him.

But now, being played by such a rustic young man of unknown origin, this feeling is very bad.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Kazusuke Oda felt that his emotions were about to explode!

Shen Lin smiled and said: "There is an old saying in China that those who gain the Tao will be helped more than those who have lost the way. I am here this time, and I actually want to cooperate with Mr. Oda for a win-win situation."

When Shen Lin said this, he raised the information in his hand and said, "If these things of mine are sold to Delro, they should be worth some money, but I don't want to do that."

"Then what do you want to do?" Oda Kazusuke asked.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I want to give these things to Mr. Oda, and my condition is also very simple, that is, Mr. Oda, you have to listen to me and do as I say: at tomorrow's signing ceremony, public Acknowledge the fact that you have replaced the old with the new."

Kazusuke Oda almost roared: "You...what are you talking about? You let me admit that our equipment is refurbished, you...impossible!"

"Mr. Oda, you can't be so absolute. I know what you are worried about, but I think this is the most beneficial choice for you."

When Shen Lin said this, he shook the information in his hand and said, "If I provide these things to Delro, the loss to your company will be immeasurable."

"After all, for a big company like yours, reputation is very important in many cases. What is reputation? It is the recognition of customers, which is worth a lot of money!" Kazushi Oda nodded, and Shen Lin still meant what he said. Makes sense.

However, agreeing with this point of view does not mean that he has to compromise.

"I'm not asking Mr. Oda to directly admit that you can express your apologies to the customer of the General Iron and Steel Plant at the signing ceremony."

"Tell them that during the last negotiation, didn't someone in the Iron and Steel Plant say that your equipment was refurbished? After you heard this, although you didn't believe it, you immediately sent someone to carry out the inspection with the attitude of being responsible for the customer. investigation."

When Shen Lin said this, he was sure of winning: "You didn't receive the investigation results until tomorrow, and found that the equipment purchased this time is indeed refurbished."

"Those of you who feel that the matter is important, request that this contract be terminated immediately and offer the most sincere apology."

"Through these, I believe that your company has made a living advertisement, which has vividly shaped the image of a company operating with integrity. In the long run, although your company failed to make a profit this time, after this wave of operations , I believe it will win a bigger market!"

"what do you think?"

He took the initiative to admit his mistakes, took the initiative to suspend the contract, so as to establish his image of being honest and trustworthy. Hearing these, Kazusuke Oda's face gradually became more serious.

He even felt that this was an excellent opportunity to promote himself!
After glancing at the information in Shen Lin's hand, and thinking about Shen Lin's words, Oda Kazusuke said: "Your Excellency's condition involves too many aspects."

"I'll report to the headquarters now to see what the headquarters thinks."

Having said that, he turned to Shen Lin and said, "Your Excellency, do you have any other conditions? If so, please bring them up."

"As long as we can satisfy, we will never let you down."

Shen Lin glanced at Kazusuke Oda who was smiling, and said lightly: "I don't need His Excellency Oda to worry about my own affairs."

"I just hope that Your Excellency Oda can report as soon as possible. How about I go out first, and how about I come back in half an hour?"

Shen Lin left as soon as he said he would, without the slightest sloppiness, but Kazusuke Oda had a look of disappointment in his eyes when Shen Lin left.

"Do you think we can move this person?" Kazusuke Oda asked his assistant as he watched the door close.

The young man in his 20s said with a trace of regret in his voice: "This man didn't mention asking for money, but just proposed a plan that is good for both of us. We have no way to touch him at all."

"After all, no matter how they look at it, they are all goodwill."

Oda Kazusuke sighed and said, "This man is really very cautious! As long as he asks for money, we can sue him for extortion!"

"Okay, go and make a phone call and report on what's going on here. The focus is on that young man's plan just now."

Although Kazusuke Oda was talking, what was overwhelming in his heart was his speculation about Shen Lin.

As soon as this young man came up, he took all the initiative, and even proposed a plan that he couldn't refuse.

Although I didn't earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, if I suddenly established my good reputation of honesty and trustworthiness, it would be a great resource no matter from which point of view.

And he can also get more appreciation.

This condition seems to be acceptable!
ps: The second update is here today, please support.

(End of this chapter)

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