Chapter 241

Half an hour later, when Shen Lin knocked on Oda Kazusuke's door again, the short and fat Oda Kazusuke looked at Shen Lin with a sincere look.

"Your Excellency, may I ask your name?" Oda Kazusuke's voice was full of enthusiasm.

Shen Lin said calmly: "My name is Ye Yichen, haha, why is Mr. Oda interested in knowing my name?"

Shen Lin's calm appearance made Oda Kazusuke feel that the person in front of him seemed to be called Ye Yichen.

The reason why he pretended to be Ye Yichen was because Shen Lin felt that he had to prevent Oda from helping them.After all, now he is holding Oda Kazusuke to death, but after tomorrow, it will be different.

And using Ye Yichen's name was also a credit to Ye Yichen's face.

"Mr. Ye, I have reported your proposal to our vice president. After hearing the news, the vice president criticized our work."

"Speaking of our Zhutian Club, there should never be a situation where we are shoddy, so this time, he arranged for us to use this signing ceremony to make the most sincere apology."

"If we don't do this, we can't show our sincerity. If we don't, we can't let everyone see our determination to operate with integrity."

Oda Kazusuke's words were a little blunt, but it sounded a little impassioned.

Listening to Kazusuke Oda's words, Shen Lin felt that what this guy said seemed to be true.

If he hadn't held onto him and found such a good way out for them, how could they have agreed to his plan.

"Mr. Ye Yichen, our vice president said that talents like you are what we need most. Haha, I hope that Mr. Ye Yichen can join our Zhutian Club. The salary and treatment are all at the manager level."

When Oda Kazusuke said this, there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

In the Zhutian Club, although he is a small leader, his salary has not reached the level of a manager.

Shen Lin, a young man he looked down upon, was able to reach the level of a manager all of a sudden. How could this not make him feel envious from the bottom of his heart.

Shen Lin didn't expect that this Zhutian club would actually recruit him. His career had just started, so how could he join the Zhutian club here.

So he said without the slightest hesitation: "Thank you, Vice President, for your kindness, but I still have other things to do..."

"Mr. Ye, don't refuse, we implement an annual salary system here, and the annual salary of the manager level is [-] US dollars."

"I believe that this money will definitely make your life rich. What's more, if you want, you can also work in our headquarters."

Shen Lin looked at Kazusuke Oda with a sincere expression, and a little heartbeat rose in his heart.

After all, that was thirty thousand dollars!

"I'm used to being lazy, so I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to work in your club, hahaha." When he chose to refuse, Shen Lin was still a little bit pained.

Oda Kazusuke followed Shen Lin's firmness, pondered for a moment, and stopped persuading, but changed the subject: "Your Excellency, we will follow your suggestion, but please don't announce this matter before we sincerely apologize. "

"We want everyone who sees this signing to feel the sincerity of our Zhutian Club in this matter."

Naturally, Shen Lin would not object to this proposal. In fact, this was also his condition.

After negotiating all this, Shen Lin took his leave and left. The unwilling Kazusuke Oda wanted to keep him, but Ye Yichen, the incarnation of Shen Lin, left extremely firmly.

After successfully completing his plan, Shen Lin went home leisurely.Just when Shen Lin was about to buy some vegetables on the road, he saw Guangzi rushing over.

Guangzi has now decided to join Shen Lin's Lin Rong Electronics and can accept Shen Lin as one of his own. After seeing Shen Lin, he said to Shen Lin: "Brother Shen, someone just called and asked me to tell you You, sister-in-law, don’t have to attend the signing ceremony tomorrow.” “Everything will be handled by him.”

"By the way, this person said his surname is Zhong, so you should know him."

The surname is Zhong, it should be Zhong Tianyang, Shen Lin doesn't care about this, but let his daughter-in-law participate in the signing ceremony, what do you want to do here?In Shen Lin's heart, it can be said that it is clear.

Shen Lin thought of what would happen tomorrow, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the chuckling Shen Lin, Guangzi said angrily: "Brother Shen, that Lu Changyou is too much, if you think it is inappropriate to do it, we will punish him."

"Okay, I'll take care of this matter." Shen Lin waved to Photon, you go first.

Photon turned around for a while, then came back and said, "Brother Shen, I heard that this ceremony was very big. They also invited those retired factory leaders to attend this signing ceremony."

"Even Director Shen was invited to participate."

Shen Lin was not surprised that his father was also invited to participate. After all, Lu Changyou hated his father to the bone. How could he feel at ease if he made such a big battle and didn't let his father see it.

"Photon, I heard the preparations for the signing ceremony tomorrow are very lively. I'm ready to watch the excitement, or let's go together."

Photon did not expect that Shen Lin would also attend the signing ceremony.

"Okay, Brother Shen, if you participate, I will accompany you." Guangzi said solemnly, "Do you want me to prepare a hidden weapon, and when the end is about to end, I will give people like Wang Youzhu a good look."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "No need, tomorrow, these people won't be complacent."

Shen Lin left, watching Shen Lin leave with a smile on his face, Guangzi shook his head, although he was much smarter than Qiangzi, but at this moment, he still didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Shen Lin's gourd.

The signing ceremony was destined to become the focus of discussion in the entire factory area.For most people in the General Iron and Steel Plant, the construction of the second workshop has already attracted their attention, not to mention that Shen Xingye and Lu Changyou were involved.

In these discussions, some people said that Shen Xingye was doing the right thing, while others said that Shen Xingye was just trying to please the public.

But no matter what you say, time does not change with people's will.

When the next day came, many workers who had not gone to work immediately ran to the small square in front of the steel plant.

For them, today's excitement, no matter what, cannot be absent.

Although these workers came early, Chief Lu came even earlier. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit made in an unknown year, and he gave off an energetic feeling.

"Lu Yuanpeng, go and have a look over there!"

"Who is that, let you see if the chairs are arranged!"

"Whoever holds the camera, check it out, let me tell you, this time, no one is allowed to lose face for me."

Director Lu's voice was incomparably loud, and he was so excited that he felt as if he was about to fly.

In just over an hour, the signing ceremony will begin.

ps: The third update today, please support, the fourth update will be tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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