"Director Shen, I think we are not only good friends, but also good partners, because our two interests are connected."

Mr. Yabo hesitated for a moment, then laughed and said.

Shen Lin also smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, I also think that we are good partners."

"So, everything you said is true?"

Mr. Yabo said: "Dr. Shen, everything I said is absolutely true."

At this point, Mr. Yabo's voice became a little lower and he said, "For this matter, I also found a capable friend."

"I want this friend to help you, Mr. Shen, to intercede."

"But my friend said that your matter is really too involved."

"He can't help at all!"

At this point, Mr. Yabo sighed: “It’s really that the height involved in your MiKe Electronics is too great.”

Shen Lin hesitated deliberately and said, "Mr. Yabo, what do you think I should do next?"

"Director Shen, if someone else asks me this question, I won't have any answer, because this matter has nothing to do with me."

"But Director Shen, you are my friend and partner. I must stand on your side on this matter."

"My opinion is, Mr. Shen, your MiKe Electronics has developed sufficiently."

"So at this time, we should slow down a bit."

"Especially since you're in the computer field, I think it's better for you, Mr. Shen, to keep a low profile."

"It is best to involve core industries such as CPUs that are prone to misunderstandings."

Shen Lin listened to Mr. Yabo's advice and said helplessly: "I have already made plans for the expansion of our MiKe Electronics."

"Especially in terms of computers, we want to become the top brand in the country, and we also want to hit the international front line."

"It would be a shame to give up now."

"Even if I were willing, my partners wouldn't be willing."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Mr. Yabo said in a deep voice: "Dr. Shen, I can understand your mood, but you must stay rational!"

"It is true that I understand your feelings, but if you continue to expand the current situation, you will definitely be hit."

"At that time, your loss will not only be the expansion."

"Even the operating systems we cooperate with will be affected."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, thank you for your kindness. I will think about it again."

Mr. Yabo said: "Director Shen, I know that you are a rare talent in business, but as a friend, I still have to tell you that your arms cannot reach your thighs."

"Although your ability is strong, you can't fight it."

After expressing his gratitude to Mr. Yabo, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

Mr. Yabo's ability to make this phone call shows that this partner, at least on the surface, still cares about him.

However, Shen Lin didn't know how sincere this concern was.

Although he had made up his mind on this matter, Shen Lin still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Since his rebirth, he has basically earned enough money.

Even if he just lays down now, his current money is enough for him to live comfortably with Lu Xiaorong.

But after a rebirth, do you just have to admit defeat?

Just when Shen Lin was feeling uneasy, his phone rang again.

Shen Lin deliberately didn't answer the phone, but those who could call him directly were not ordinary people, and they might have missed something.

He picked up the phone and took a look and found that the phone number was a bit unfamiliar.After hesitating for a moment, Shen Lin answered the phone.

"Shen Lin, what are you busy with?" Zhong Tianyang's voice came over the phone.

"Brother Zhong, is this the new phone number in your office?" Shen Lin and Zhong Tianyang's relationship is getting better and better, so they speak very casually at this time.

"It's the phone number of my new office." Zhong Tianyang said solemnly: "I just handed over the work yesterday, and now I'm back in Beijing."

Shen Lin patted his head and said, "Look at my memory, congratulations."

"Brother Zhong, it can be said that you have a bright future this time!"

Zhong Tianyang is also very satisfied with his current position. He smiled and said: "Haha, everything is for work."

The two were old friends. After chatting for a while, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother Zhong, you called me suddenly this time, wasn't it to tell me the phone number of your office?"

"I know I can't hide things from you." Zhong Tianyang said in a deep voice, "I'm calling you this time to ask for your opinion."

Having said this, Zhong Tianyang pondered for a moment and said, "Have you heard about the MiKe computer?"

Although Zhong Tianyang didn't say it explicitly, Shen Lin knew in his heart what Zhong Tianyang was talking about.

He smiled and said, "I've heard about it."

"Just now, my partner Mr. Yabo called me because of this matter and advised me to keep a low profile."

"Try to reduce your investment in computers and make yourself less conspicuous."

Zhong Tianyang's voice was still serious: "What do you think?"

“Brother Zhong, I have actually thought about this matter carefully.

"My idea is to take life and death lightly and fight if you don't accept it."

"Anyway, I'm not going to let myself become a deserter because of other people's threats."

"I can't do this kind of thing."

After listening to Shen Lin's words, Zhong Tianyang hesitated and said, "Shen Lin, you should know that this road should be very difficult."

"He will give MiKe Electronics a big blow."

"It's not just the computer side."

Shen Lin said: "Brother Zhong, I have already considered it."

"But I gave in this time, and those people will not let us go because of my concession."

"After all, for them, as long as they don't like you, that's a reason to attack you."

"So, instead of giving in, we might as well fight vigorously and let some people know that we are not soft persimmons."

"If you want to pinch, be prepared to be pricked."

Zhong Tianyang suddenly laughed and said, "I thought this would be your choice."

"What I'm telling you is, go ahead and do it boldly. At most, you won't be as rich as you are now."

“They can ban MiKe Electronics’ computer production, but they cannot ban MiKe Electronics’ other products.”

"Thank you Brother Zhong for your understanding. When you say this, I am a hundred times more confident!" Shen Lin said with a smile: "I will deal with the current affairs in the past few days. In a few days, I will go to Beijing to listen to you." teachings.”

Zhong Tianyang smiled and said: "Don't take teachings seriously. I was just saying that I would find some time to have a good communication with you?"

"By the way, bring Jiaroye over when you come. His old man said he wants to meet you?"

When Shen Lin heard what Zhong Tianyang said, he was stunned for a moment. He really didn't understand why the old man of the Liang family wanted to see him.

However, Shen Lin still smiled and agreed to Zhong Tianyang's request.

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