The conference room of MiKe Electronics is now filled with most of the top management of MiKe Electronics.

Although the Chinese New Year is approaching, everyone present looks very serious.

It is said that the development of MiKe Electronics this year can be said to be very rapid. Not to mention other things, in terms of profit alone, the profit of MiKe Electronics has reached a level that many large companies can't match.

As the boss of Mi Ke, Shen Lin is not a stingy person, so everyone’s bonuses and dividends are basically cramped.

Don't talk about big bosses like Cheng Zhenyuan who have worked for MiKe Electronics for many years, just think of Liang Jialuo, who just joined the top management of MiKe Electronics. He got more than 500 million in bonus and share alone.

This is when he has only worked at MiKe Electronics for a quarter.

Therefore, the entire Mihu Electronics Factory in Dongzhou is full of joyful atmosphere.

Most of the workers wear new clothes to work.

Some people even bought themselves luxury brand clothes.

"Director Shen, I think you should think about it carefully." There was a hint of sincerity in Lian Shaofeng's voice.

"If we really get hit, it may not have much impact on our domestic development, but it will definitely be very detrimental to our development outside."

"Even in many places, they will follow Lao Mi and give us a stumbling block."

"After all, many places don't want us to continue to be strong."

After Lian Shaofeng finished speaking, he looked at Shen Lin, waiting for his decision.

Shen Lin glanced at Lian Shaofeng and felt a sigh in his heart.

In terms of business operations, Lian Shaofeng is undoubtedly a good player, but he is still a bit forward-looking and hesitant.

After a thought, Shen Lin did not answer immediately, but looked at the others and said, "Do you have any other opinions?"

"President Lian, I don't agree with your opinion." It was Guangzi who spoke, and he said angrily: "Lao Mi's behavior is because he feels that our development is good and threatens them."

"If we retreat now and avoid this time, what about the future?"

"As long as they think we are a threat and take action against us, then there is nothing we can do."

"So I think we can't just let them out and we'll be intimidated!"

"This would be irresponsible to us."

Guangzi's accusation made Lian Shaofeng look a little embarrassed, but he still explained in a deep voice: "Mr. Guang, I have analyzed it just now."

"Although we are very prosperous now, this ban will still have a huge impact on us."

"If one of them is not handled well, then our company will have big problems."

Having said this, he continued: "So I think you should carefully consider the impact on the company and not act on impulse."

Guangzi's temper has always been very bad. When he heard Lian Shaofeng's words, his expression suddenly became extremely angry.

He said very loudly: "President Lian, please explain clearly why I am so motivated. I am..."

"That's enough. I'm here for you to have a meeting, not to quarrel." Shen Lin glanced at Guangzi and Lian Shaofeng and said, "Guangzi, if you can't control your temper, then you can No need to participate.”

Although Guangzi had a bad temper, he immediately shut his mouth when he looked at Shen Lin, who had a gloomy face.

Lian Shaofeng said: "Mr. Guang, what I said just now is a bit wrong, but my starting point is for the good of our company." "I don't want any problems to occur in the company."

Guangzi believed what Lian Shaofeng said. He looked at Shen Lin sitting in the middle and finally said, "I was also wrong. I spoke too hastily."

"In the future, please forgive me."

As the two talked, they finally talked the matter out. Shen Lin ignored them, but his eyes fell on Cheng Zhenyuan and said: "Mr. Cheng, what do you think we should choose in this matter?"

Since Cheng Zhenyuan was discharged from the hospital, I don't know if it is because he works less and rests better, so he seems to be more energetic than before.

He is now the vice chairman of the company. Although he is not in charge of as many things as the general manager, in terms of position, he is still ahead of the general manager Lian Shaofeng.

Hearing Shen Lin ask himself, Cheng Zhenyuan solemnly said: "Director Shen, I just listened to the opinions of Shaofeng and Guangzi. They both thought about the company from different perspectives."

"Shaofeng's perspective is the negative impact on the company after the ban."

"As for Photon, our company's reputation is naturally a consideration."

"I would say that these two considerations are actually correct."

"For us, we just have to choose the one with the least loss to us from two considerations."

Speaking of this, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "I think we can also look at the problem from another angle."

"If you, Mr. Shen, feel that our MiKe Electronics has fully grown and reached a level that you are satisfied with, then we don't have to worry about slowing down the development of MiKe Computers."

"If, Director Shen, you feel that our company has not developed into the product you want and needs more independent development, then we will choose the path of independent development."

Cheng Zhenyuan's words silenced everyone present.

They had argued a lot before, and Cheng Zhenyuan's words named the theme of the matter.

That's what to do about this matter?In fact, it was Shen Lin's decision.

If Shen Lin wants to continue to develop MiKe Computer, then they will continue to promote this matter. If Shen Lin does not want to continue, that is another option.

Facing everyone's gaze, Shen Lin smiled and said: "My idea has actually been chosen. I came to you all to discuss the pros and cons of the development of this matter."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "I feel that I am still a little dissatisfied with the development of MiKe Electronics. I still hope that MiKe Electronics can continue to develop."

"So, I think the more they try to ban it, the more we need to make a breakthrough in this area."

"Until they finally realized that we had surpassed them and made it impossible for them to stop us."

Lian Shaofeng silently put down the pen in his hand. Although he had already expected Shen Lin's decision, to be honest, he still felt a little uneasy because of this decision.

After all, this decision will make the future of MiKe Electronics very difficult.

But as he savored Shen Lin's decision, a trace of pride arose in his heart.

The more difficult the road is, if you can persist in walking and pass it, it will definitely be a huge achievement.

And he also needs this kind of achievement!
"Okay, now that we have made a choice, let's talk about the response strategy." Shen Lin coughed lightly and started the next topic of the meeting.

"Guangzi, please tell me first, what will you do if this happens?"

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