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Chapter 2444 The neck is too hard and it hurts when you lower your head.

Chapter 2444 The neck is too hard and it hurts when you lower your head.

In Xiangjiang, Boss Li's villa, several big bosses gathered together for a rare occasion.

The aroma of tea overflowed, but at this time, no one was in the mood for drinking tea.

"Our Director Shen is really tough." It was Boss Zheng who spoke, and his voice was full of emotion.

The originally quiet room became lively with Boss Zheng's words.

"Dr. Shen is good at everything, but he's a little too young. I don't know that a little impatience can lead to big plans!" The speaker was Boss Guo. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water and said: "Should we persuade him? "

"After all, my arms can't hold my thighs!"

Although Boss Guo’s question was about us, his eyes were directed at Boss Li.

He knew very well that among his people, the real leader was Boss Li.

Naturally, I have to ask Boss Li many questions.

Boss Li shook his head and said: "What Director Shen has decided, even if we try to persuade him, it will be useless."

"Before this incident came out, I told him that as long as he stopped the production of computer hardware, I could help him with other problems, but he didn't listen."

"Now that things have reached this point, he won't even listen."

Boss Li's answer made the room that had just become lively become quiet again.

Everyone knows that Boss Li will not lie about this matter.

And if Boss Li doesn’t lie, then...

"Everyone, will Director Shen's head-on confrontation have any impact on us?" The question was raised by a short old man with a shrewd face.

Although he looks to be in his 60s, he looks very energetic.

Boss Guo glanced at the person who asked the question and said nothing.

Boss Li said: "Brother Du, this matter is a matter of MiKe Electronics and has nothing to do with us."

"Although we have a lot of cooperation with Director Shen, these are all financial cooperation."

"As for other aspects, there is no relationship between us."

Brother Du said: "Boss Li, I understand everything you said."

"But you also know that there are many things that are somehow involved together."

"I think since we don't want to be involved with Shen Lin, we might as well draw some clear boundaries with Shen Lin."

"This will be good for everyone!"

Boss Li laughed and said: "Brother Du, we have cooperated too much with Director Shen. We are not willing to do what you said."

"Of course, if your brother is willing, we won't stop him."

"After all, everyone is free to do this."

Boss Guo smiled and said, "Brother Du, you don't need to discuss with us what you want to do."

"You have your own freedom."

Brother Du's expression kept changing. The fact that he raised this question was not directed at Shen Lin. He was just afraid that he would be implicated in this matter.

Now, Boss Guo's words made him unable to step down.

"Boss Guo, I just want to ask for everyone's opinions. After all, Director Shen's toughness is really worrying!"

Boss Li looked at Boss Du who looked aggrieved, smiled and said, "Brother Du is also thinking about all of us."

"But I think we don't need to be too concerned about this matter."

"Our industry basically has nothing to do with the computer field, so even if something happens next, it won't have much to do with us."

"Everyone, don't worry."

After sending away these bosses who came to his home, Boss Li said to Boss Guo who stayed behind: "What Director Shen did this time is really bold, I can't compare!" Boss Guo shook his head and said : "No, I was shocked when I heard the news."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to you to discuss this matter with you."

While the two were chatting, Boss Guo said, "Do you think Shen Lin's persistence is useful?"

Boss Li hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "As an old friend, I really want to say that Shen Lin's persistence will definitely be useful."

"But the fact is, this kind of thing is not easy to do."

At this point, Boss Li said: "We can only wish that Director Shen's wishes will come true."

Boss Guo didn't say a word, and the two of them fell into silence for a while.

After a full three minutes, Boss Guo said, "Should we give Shen Lin a call to express our support for him?"

"This call should be made." Boss Li smiled and said: "No matter how you say it, we still have to stand by Director Shen on some matters."

On this day, Shen Lin not only received calls from old friends such as Boss Li and Boss Guo, but also received many other calls.

Here is Mr. Yabo’s phone number.

As a partner of MiKe Operating System, Mr. Yabo was very excited about Shen Lin's response on the phone.

"Shen Lin, did you know? Some people are already clamoring to impose restrictions on other products of MiKe Electronics."

"You, can't you act recklessly?"

"In fact, there is no need to make a high-profile announcement about this matter!"

"As long as you just do it and don't say it, others can't do anything to you. Why should you..."

Listening to Mr. Yabo's nagging, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Yabo, is someone going to ban our cooperation?"

“Are they planning to take action against the MiKe operating system?”

Mr. Yabo hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Someone has proposed this, but it has been opposed by most people."

"Don't worry, if anyone mentions this matter, I will object too."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "But your other products of MiKe Electronics will probably be subject to more restrictions."

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Yabo, our other products do not use your technology."

"They want to restrict it, but they can't."

"If they don't want to buy it, we're not going to sell it."

As Shen Lin’s partner, Mr. Yabo naturally knows what other MiKe Electronic products are.

Whether it is the battery produced by MiKe Electronics or the LED LCD screen produced by MiKe Electronics, they are all leading brands with patents.

This kind of product basically has no worries about selling.

"Shen Lin, I know you have the confidence, but as an old friend, I still want to say something."

"The more humble your attitude is now, the faster this matter will be resolved."

"And once you act too strong, the difficulty of solving this matter will increase a lot, so I hope you can give up your stubbornness, lower your head, and let the matter be resolved quickly."

Mr. Yabo's voice was low: "I'm doing this all for your consideration."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, I am very grateful for your kindness, but what I want to say is that I cannot listen to you on this matter."

"The main reason is that my neck is too stiff and it hurts when I lower my head!"

"You should be able to see the broadcast of tomorrow's press conference. Please support me more!"

Listening to Shen Lin's teasing words, although Mr. Yabo was helpless, he could only say: "Okay, I want to see what surprises you can come up with in this press conference."

(End of this chapter)

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