Chapter 2445

If there is anything that is the most eye-catching news in the past two days, it must be the restrictions on the Mihu electronic computer hardware industry.

The most exciting thing is that MiKe Electronics announced a press conference while making restrictions.

The unprovoked suppression made fans and supporters of MiKe Electronics angry.

But MiKe Electronics’ counterattack makes people feel excited, happy, and...

As a result, MiKe Electronics’ product launch conference attracted the attention of countless people.

"Xiao Chu, how about we go play ball in the morning?" A friend who was playing together came to Xiao Chu and invited with a smile.

Xiao Chu usually would not refuse such an invitation.

He likes to play ball and is a member of the school team.

But at this time, Xiao Chu shook his head and said, "I have something to do this morning."

"What's the matter? You don't have any important classes in the morning, not to mention our game is only for an hour."

The classmate patted Xiao Chu on the shoulder and said, "Okay, I'll count you this time, and don't say anything else."

Looking at the classmate who looked like the matter had been settled like this, Xiao Chu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Brother Ma, I really have something to do. At ten o'clock this morning, it is the new product launch conference of Mihu Electronics. I want to see the launch." meeting."

"Go and fight."

Brother Ma's expression changed, and he said loudly: "Xiao Chu, did you remember wrongly? The new product launch conference of MiKe Electronics is not tomorrow?"

Xiao Chu looked at the surprised Brother Ma and said solemnly: "Brother Ma, today is the day."

"I won't remember this wrong."

As he spoke, he took out the TV report under his desk: "Look, is this today?"

Looking at the contents of the TV report, Brother Ma's expression became serious.

He slammed his fist on the table and said, "Look at my head, I have misremembered such an important thing."

"No wonder everyone who came to play football today said they had something to do."

"What did I think happened to them? It turns out that's what happened."

"This game won't be played anymore. I also want to watch the product launch of Mihu Electronics at ten o'clock."

"I just don't know what good things Director Shen can give us this time."

Xiao Chu said: "I think Director Shen can definitely come up with something that surprises us. Otherwise, MiKe Electronics would not hold a product launch conference at this time."

Looking at Xiao Chu with a confident look on his face, Ma Ge said with a hint of excitement: "If this is really the case, that would be great. This time, I also want to see what MiKe Electronics is like. What kind of surprises can it bring us?”

"I think the surprise that Director Shen brings to us this time should be in the computer field."

A classmate who was reading seriously suddenly raised his head and said: "Otherwise, Director Shen would not hold a press conference at this time."

"I think so too!"

"I think so too!"

"But has MiKe Electronics made any major breakthroughs in computers?"

"We'll find out after watching the press conference."


What was originally a good self-study suddenly turned into a discussion meeting.

Almost all the male students gathered together to discuss this MiKe Electronics breakthrough.

"Stop guessing here. It's just a waste of time. It's better to take advantage of this time to review the knowledge you have learned before, and wait until ten o'clock to go to the MiKe Electronics press conference."

The sudden words behind him startled Xiao Chu and others.

They looked up and saw the teacher of their professional class standing behind with a smile on their face.

Xiao Chu is a shy person, so when facing the teacher, his first reaction is to quickly get himself into a learning state.

But Lao Ma is an active master. When he saw his teacher, not only was he not afraid, but he took the initiative and said, "Teacher Lin, you are also an expert in computers." "Tell me, Mi shell electronics can bypass Overcoming restrictions and producing your own computer?"

This question immediately caused some students who were lowering their heads and pretending to study to raise their heads at the same time and look at Teacher Lin.

Teacher Lin smiled and said, "I can't answer this question from my classmates."

"As for the reason? It's because I have a confidentiality agreement."

"So if you want to know the answer, just watch today's live conference."

Teacher Lin's answer disappointed Xiao Chu and others.

But then, they came back to their senses.

Confidentiality agreement, doesn’t this mean that my teacher also participated in the Mihu computer project.

For a time, the eyes looking at Teacher Lin became even more intense.

Someone even said excitedly: "Teacher, are you...are you really participating in this project?"

Teacher Lin waved his hand and said, "Okay, everyone should not ask questions that shouldn't be asked."

“But what I can tell you is that under current circumstances, MiKe Electronics needs a large number of outstanding research talents to devote themselves to the development of MiKe Electronics.

If you think you are a talent, then study more, practice your skills, and join as soon as possible. "

"Isn't there a saying? It's called Lin Yuanxianyu. It's better to retreat and build a net!"

After listening to his teacher's words, the expressions of everyone present suddenly brightened.

For them, they are more passionate now.

But how to turn this passion into a tool to attack their opponents, they don't know what to do.

But now, Teacher Lin's words pointed out the way for them.

If you learn the knowledge well, you can become an employee of MiKe Electronics and join this exciting career. Thinking about this makes people feel extremely excited.

"Teacher Lin, we understand."

"Teacher, hurry up and start class, we can't wait."

"Teacher Lin, can you tell us the gap between us in the computer field?"


Teacher Lin's class went very quickly, which took more than 30 minutes, and today's lecture ended.The reason why he did this was because MiKe Electronics’ new product launch conference was about to begin.

He wants to give students time to go to the cafeteria and take their seats!

After all, there is no TV in the classroom.

Xiao Chu and others did not pack up their books at all, and quickly ran to the school cafeteria.

They were very fast, but when they arrived at the restaurant, they found that there were more people in the restaurant than during the meal.

The dining benches were now full of people.

The place under the TV was filled with classmates.

Although they arrived not too late, they could only watch from a distance. It was impossible to get closer.

"Hey, it's still too late." Brother Ma said with a hint of helplessness: "I knew there were many people coming, but I didn't expect that there were so many people."

Xiao Chu said: "Brother Ma, as long as you can see it."

"The large number of people is to be expected. I applied to be a volunteer for a product launch event some time ago, but unfortunately before I even got there, the number of people who signed up was full."

"But I can't hear what Director Shen said here, and it's very uncomfortable!" Brother Ma said: "What I hope most is that this press conference will be hosted by Director Shen."

Just as the two people were talking, someone suddenly shouted: "The TV in the library is also turned on. Come and watch it quickly."

After hearing this, many people quickly ran towards the library.

(End of this chapter)

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