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Chapter 2446: Director Shen is still the same Director Shen

Thousands of viewers have gathered at MiKe Electronics’ press conference.

Some of these visitors have tickets obtained by purchasing MiKe Electronics products, some are employees of MiKe Electronics, some are loyal users of MiKe Electronics, and some are volunteers who applied...

However, these audiences have one thing in common, that is, their hearts are full of expectations at this moment.

Some of them were watching the MiKe electronic product launch conference for the first time, and some had watched it many times.

But most of their hearts are full of expectations.

"Will Director Shen be serious this time?" someone asked his companion.

"I think Chairman Shen will become very serious. After all, today is extraordinary. For MiKe Electronics, today is a day to fight!"

"Director Shen should be serious and full of fighting spirit!"


While many people were talking, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed, but a huge number appeared in the middle of the stage.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

I don’t know who shouted first. As the voice got louder and louder, the numbers on the screen quickly turned to zero.

At the moment Zero appeared, the screen turned black, and then a bright light shone in the middle of the stage.

It shined on Shen Lin.

Shen Lin, wearing casual jeans and a black down jacket, held a microphone in his hand and waved gently to the surroundings!
"It's Director Shen!"

"I saw Director Shen, Director Shen is still smiling!"

"Hahaha, I also saw Director Shen smile. Director Shen doesn't take this to heart!"


In the midst of this discussion, a burst of warm applause rang out from the scene. The applause was like thunder and lasted for a long time!

Xiao Chu, who was sitting in the library, was surprised and couldn't help but applaud when he saw Shen Lin on the TV screen.

Although they were just sitting in the library watching the live broadcast, and although Shen Lin couldn't hear their applause at all, they still couldn't help but want to applaud at this moment.

He wants to applaud Shen Lin!
Applause to the entire MiKe Electronics!
The applause lasted for half a minute and then became quiet as Shen Lin spoke.

"Thank you very much for your support for me and MiKe Electronics. Without your support, MiKe Electronics would not be what it is today."

Shen Lin took the microphone and said solemnly: "Thank you!"

Following Shen Lin's words, there was another round of applause.

In Dongzhou, in the conference room of Mi Ke, Cheng Zhenyuan and other senior officials were also watching the live broadcast.

Although they can go to the scene if they want, the production of MiKe Electronics cannot be separated from them, so they can only watch the press conference in the conference room.

"Looking at everyone's support for us, I think Director Shen's product launch conference should be held." Fat Aunt sat in the corner of the conference room and said loudly.

No one refuted Fat Aunt's opinion.

Someone said: "Looking at everyone's support for us, my feeling is, who can compete with our MiKe Electronics!"

"Old Niu, your words are very pleasant to my ears."

Cheng Zhenyuan sat in the middle of the conference room, naturally listening to the comments around him.

Although many of these words were very biased, who could compete with him made him feel happy for a while.

He liked this statement, and he felt that it was not wrong.

Who can compete with it?
"For today's product launch, a colleague advised me that I have to wait for a while before opening it, because the smell of tit-for-tat is too strong."

"People will be unhappy when they see us doing this, which will lead to greater targeting of MiKe Electronics."

Shen Lin, standing in the TV screen, said solemnly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet.Almost all eyes were looking at Shen Lin.

Not only that, everyone watching the live broadcast also fell silent.

Almost everyone's attention fell on Shen Lin who was speaking. They knew very well what Shen Lin was saying at this time.

"I said, people are not afraid of us being unhappy, so why should we worry about whether they are happy or unhappy."

"What we want is to let those who are always trying to point fingers at us know that we will not let them take advantage of us."

"We just want to confront each other tit for tat, and we just want to not give in an inch."

"In the end, we will rely on our own efforts to break through all obstacles and eventually be at the forefront of the industry!"

After Shen Lin finished speaking, a burst of applause rang out again.

Xiao Chu applauded in front of the TV and said to his companion: "Director Shen is so arrogant. I knew that Director Shen would not give in so easily."

"Dr. Shen's words speak to my heart. I think this is what a man should be like."

"I think so too!"

Lao Ma patted Xiao Chu on the shoulder and said, "It would be great if we could see this on the spot!"

Xiao Chu didn't say a word, but in his heart he extremely agreed with Lao Ma's words.

How great it would be to be able to watch Director Shen’s press conference live!

Just when Xiao Chu was feeling emotional, Shen Lin continued: "What we like most at MiKe Electronics is to speak with facts."

"Now, I won't say any more nonsense. Please take a look at our first product first."

As he spoke, Shen Lin waved his hand in the air and said, "Show your face, little baby!"

Following Shen Lin's words, there was a buzzing sound in the air. Along with this sound, a small plane was seen flying silently not far from Shen Lin.

The small plane was only the size of a basketball. Looking at the small plane hovering next to Shen Lin, doubts flashed in many people's eyes.

What is the first product of MiKe Electronics?Could it be a toy?

If MiKe Electronics starts selling toys, then this press conference...

Xiao Chu and others looked up one by one at the small plane hovering in front of Shen Lin, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

"Let me introduce to you that this aircraft is the new generation drone of Mihu Electronics that we are preparing to launch."

"What he uses is... an operating method that can reach as far as thousands of meters..."

When Shen Lin said this, he waved his hand towards the drone and said: "And we also left a card slot for it to carry a camera. As long as we set the time, it can help us take pictures in the air."

Having said this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Next, I will use this drone to take photos of our scene."

While Shen Lin was speaking, a staff member quickly brought a digital camera to Shen Lin's hands.

And when Shen Lin installed the digital camera on the drone, many people started talking about it.

"What is Director Shen doing?"

"I heard that he seemed to be using this camera to take pictures."

"Why do I feel that this matter seems a bit unreliable!"

"I also think it's a bit unreliable, but it's Director Shen who did this. I don't think Director Shen can give us anything unreliable."

“The idea of ​​taking pictures with drones is really good, but I don’t know what the effect will be.”


While everyone was discussing, the drone, which had been equipped with a digital camera, flew gently. However, this time, it did not fly too fast, but its height continued to rise.

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