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Chapter 2448 Fellow travelers through thick and thin

Shen Lin's words made Xiao Chu feel energetic!

MiKe Electronics was suppressed because MiKe Electronics wanted to catch up with the world's advanced level, so people were unwilling and suppressed MiKe Electronics.

And there are many such examples.

For example, although a certain large-scale equipment was sold to us, we still had to spend a lot of money to let others control it. The reason was that the other party's technology blocked it before buying it.

and also……

Every time he saw something like this, Xiao Chu felt filled with righteous indignation.

But being angry is angry, and Xiao Chu knows very well that he can't change anything.

It was precisely because he couldn't change that Xiao Chu's heart was filled with anger.

Now, hearing the words "far ahead" from Shen Lin's mouth made him feel extremely excited.

A kind of pride rushes straight into my heart.

It turns out that we can also be far ahead.

It turns out that we are too...

Half a minute later, when the applause slowly subsided, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Now that we have such an advantage, a colleague gave me a suggestion, saying that our level is beyond the reach of our peers in a short period of time."

"In this case, we should make more profits."

"After all, we have invested a lot in research."

“It’s time for us, MiKe Electronics, to benefit.”

Shen Lin's words were not loud, but it was difficult for those present to dislike the person who proposed to benefit MiKe Electronics.

Because of these words, many people sitting in the audience agreed.

That’s why MiKe Electronics should benefit!
Why not benefit from MiKe Electronics?

"In order for me to make up my mind, our marketing department calculated an account for me. If we sell one unit for 1 yuan, although we will sell a lot less units, some professional units and professionals in need will eventually buy it. ."

"Of course, some wealthy photography enthusiasts will also buy it."

"Have you not seen that many camera lenses purchased by photography enthusiasts cost tens of thousands of dollars!"

Xiao Chu had no impression of photography because he didn't do it, but he felt that Shen Lin would never lie about this matter.

Because by lying about this matter, Shen Lin was actually ruining his reputation.

"I have a cousin who is engaged in photography. I heard that he bought a set of equipment for tens of thousands? Mr. Shen must be right. Lenses are really expensive."

"But I think there really aren't many lenses. The reason why they are so expensive is not because of the consumer's psychology."

"Yeah, if you don't buy mine, you can't buy it anywhere else."


Shen Lin, standing in the middle of the press conference stage, naturally couldn't hear these discussions.

He solemnly said: "In order to determine this price, our subordinate departments also made a report for me and calculated the profits."

"If we price it at 1 yuan, our profit will be more than half higher than the current price."

"As for the reason? If you sell one unit for ten thousand, the profit will be higher than if you sell fifty units at the current price!"

Having said this, Shen Lin looked around and said, "This is why the prices of many things that don't seem to require too much material or effort are so high."

“And I rejected this proposal!” “Because we want everyone who likes MiKe products to be able to use MiKe products and be able to afford MiKe Electronics products.”

If Shen Lin's words before surprised most people, then now, Shen Lin's words aroused waves of applause.

The applause is like thunder, the applause is roaring!
Let everyone afford MiKe Electronics' products. Such a simple sentence makes people feel the endless sincerity and the determination of Shen Lin and MiKe Electronics.

Listening to the thunderous applause, excitement began to rise on many people's faces.

Shen Lin pressed his hand down, hoping that everyone would stop applauding, but as he pressed his hand down, the applause around him became even more enthusiastic.

Some people even stood up and applauded.

Finally, after Shen Lin pressed his palm down three times, the applause subsided.

Shen Lin continued: "I don't know if anyone has noticed this situation. I make electronic products, so I am very sensitive to the prices of some products."

"I found that the prices of many so-called high-precision products from abroad were very high at the beginning."

"Even some things are prohibitive for us!"

"For example, I heard that not only are our purchases of shield machines restricted, but the second-hand products sold to us are also very expensive."

"But what? When we make technological breakthroughs in these products, their prices will plummet."

“The prices of many products have dropped to less than half of their original prices.”

"Why is this? This is bullying us for not having technology."

“So, I think we should move forward bravely, we should vigorously develop and rely on our own efforts to solve these problems that are blocking our necks, and finally solve all the problems that are blocking our necks.”

"Clap clap clap!"

The applause rang out again. Xiao Chu felt that his hands were numb from the applause, but he still applauded solemnly. He was afraid that his applause was not powerful enough and that he would not be able to express his feelings.

"What I just said are all personal opinions."

"However, I very much hope that this personal opinion can be recognized more, so that we can move forward together!"

Lao Ma stood next to Xiao Chu and said with regret: "It's really a pity that I didn't listen to Director Shen's press conference live!"

"I have decided that after graduation, I will announce the recruitment of MiKe Electronics."

"I want to go to MiKe Electronics and be a fellow traveler of Director Shen."

Hearing what Lao Ma said, Xiao Chu was stunned for a moment. He and Lao Ma were good friends, and he knew that this old friend had already obtained a good position.

It can be said that this position is still an iron rice bowl.

"Lao Ma, why don't you think about it carefully? You have worked so hard for that position of yours."

"Brother, I was still hesitant at first, but Director Shen's words made me feel that what I was struggling with was not a problem at all."

"I should apply what I have learned instead of pursuing a stable life."

Having said this, he patted Xiao Chu on the shoulder and said: "What's more, Director Shen also gave too much. Not only is the salary high, but the benefits are also good."

"For people like me, if you go to MiKe Electronics, you will have a dormitory for singles. If you get married, you will get better benefits."

Xiao Chu thought for a while, but found that he really had nothing to persuade Lao Ma. After all, MiKe Electronics was actually a good place for many people.

He could only pat Lao Ma on the shoulder and said: "I support you."

Shen Lin on TV did not know that his press conference had changed someone's mind. He smiled and said: "After introducing the drone, I will introduce our second product..."

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