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Chapter 2449 Keep the beauty of time

The introduction of drones has already made this product launch a hot topic.

What products will Director Shen introduce next?

Can this product arouse the enthusiasm of fans just like drones?
Xiao Chu and other viewers were all staring at Shen Lin on the TV screen.

Someone speculated more quietly: "Will Director Shen introduce electric vehicles to us next?"

"To be honest, I have always dreamed of buying an electric car, but it's a pity that my wallet doesn't allow it. It's really a sad story."

Listening to their companion's words, Xiao Chu and others couldn't help laughing.

In fact, they really want to have a car of their own.

After all, as a man, who doesn’t want to have a car of his own?
But the price of today's cars is really too high.

These people can't afford it at all.

If Director Shen was introducing cars, although they would be interested in seeing it, they would definitely not look forward to it.

After all, I can’t afford it!
In the conference room of MiKe Electronics in Dongzhou, Cheng Zhenyuan said to Lian Shaofeng sitting aside: "Shaofeng, what is Director Shen's second product?"

Lian Shaofeng shook his head and said: "I know all the products launched this time, but I haven't paid attention to the order."

"Director Shen said that he will decide this matter himself."

"Mr. Liang, do you know?"

While speaking, Lian Shaofeng looked at Liang Jialuo.

Regarding Liang Jialuo's existence, Lian Shaofeng felt helpless.

At work, Liang Jialuo could be said to be very supportive of him, but he could also feel Liang Jialuo's restraint on him.

As a deputy, Liang Jialuo is a good deputy.

But he understood that the relationship between Liang Jialuo and Shen Lin was destined to be that everything he did at work was under Shen Lin's gaze.

Liang Jialuo smiled and said, "It's a very good product."

"I won't tell you. Director Shen will show it. You should see it for yourself."

Cheng Zhenyuan shook his head and said nothing more. At this moment, Shen Lin said on the TV screen: "This is our second product!"

With Shen Lin's finger pointing, a small platform slowly rose from the stage.

And all eyes fell on the small stage at this time.

As the small stand rose, there was a black product the size of a bowl. Judging from its appearance, it should be a camera.

Many people were disappointed when they saw the camera.

Because they feel that if they want to take over MiKe Electronics’ drones, they should have a very good product.

The camera doesn’t seem to be working!

While many people were muttering in their hearts, Shen Lin had already picked up the camera.

He smiled and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is our own first-generation digital camera newly produced by Mihu Electronics."

"We named it Sewee-[-]!"

Year One!
The name seems good, but why is it a camera?

Xiao Chu doesn't have any hobbies for photography. It's not that he doesn't like it, but photography is really too expensive.

As a college student, he really couldn't afford to spend so much money.

Just when Xiao Chu was a little bit slanderous towards Shen Lin, he heard Shen Lin say: "Our camera has [-] pixels!"

One hundred thousand pixels sounds like a lot, but Xiao Chu, who has a certain understanding of photography, knows very well that some time ago, some outside companies have launched low-priced 25-pixel digital cameras.

It can be said that the product of Mihu Electronics has no technical advantages.

Although in his heart at this time, he still wanted to say, Mr. Shen, we support you, but now, he really can't support him.Not only Xiao Chu, but also his companions all had serious expressions on their faces.

Although they didn't want to say anything discouraging to Shen Lin, they really couldn't fall in love at this time!
The originally lively new product launch conference was also a bit silent at this time.

At this time, Shen Lin said: "Our product, both in terms of technology and pixels, is lower than the same series of products."

"In terms of photo-taking effect, it is even worse than cameras that use film to take photos."

"However, its price is such that every one of us can own it."

"Our digital camera can store a hundred photos and can be used continuously for three hours when fully charged. It can be used anytime, anywhere to capture the best moments in our lives."

"Its price is only 299 yuan!"

In one breath, Shen Lin said everything he wanted to say.

Xiao Chu suddenly raised his head when he heard Shen Lin's words. He looked at the words 299 yuan that appeared on the TV screen and felt unbelievable.

is this real?
Ordinary people can buy a digital camera with less than one month's salary.

Although this camera has various shortcomings, it is a digital camera.

He doesn't use film, but he can really remember everyone's most beautiful moments.

"Director Shen, are you telling the truth?" Someone on the TV asked in a deep voice: "Are your generation's digital cameras really so cheap?"

Although some people muttered that the person who stood up should be Shen Lin who asked for help, but eyes still focused on him, waiting for Shen Lin's answer.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Of course it is true."

"At this time, there is no need for me to deceive you."

"In order to lower the price of digital cameras, we tried every means to avoid losing money within the price range of 299 yuan."

“But I believe that with our continuous efforts, within the existing price, we will definitely make MiKe Electronics’ products better and better.”

Shen Lin's answer instantly won a lot of applause.

"This camera is really good. I'll buy one later. When you want to take a picture, just take it out and take it. And you can delete it if you don't like it."

"I also think it's good. Although it's not as good as the pixels of high-end digital cameras outside, the price is really good."

"I decided to buy one too!"


The atmosphere of the press conference became lively again.With the launch of each product, the product launch conference hosted by Shen Lin continued to burst into rounds of applause.

The applause became more and more enthusiastic, and the atmosphere at the scene became more and more crazy.

"Director Shen has launched more than a dozen new products, why haven't the new computers come out yet?" Lao Ma asked Xiao Chu after introducing a new product.

Xiao Chu shook his head and said, "How do I know this?"

"Who knows what Director Shen has in mind."

"But I think it should be soon. After all, the most important products have to dominate the market."

"Director Shen has already recommended more than a dozen new products, and the press conference is almost at the end."

Lao Ma said: "If you put it this way, I really hope that Director Shen will introduce it for a while. After all, I don't know how long it will take for the next press conference?"

While the two were talking, Shen Lin said: "I believe everyone knows what happened some time ago."

“So, this time, we regard it as the most important product of our launch.”

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Xiao Chu and others who were talking suddenly became quiet.

They watched Shen Lin on the TV screen quietly, their hearts filled with anticipation.

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