It’s not just fans of MiKe Electronics who pay attention to the MiKe Electronics product launch conference.

In fact, there are many opponents of Mihu Electronics who are watching this conference.

For example, several heads of the famous Delok Computer Company were all staring at the MiKe Electronics press conference broadcast on the TV screen.

They took this conference very seriously.

Because they attach great importance to the opponent MiKe Electronics.

For them, they are very aware of the capabilities of MiKe Electronics, so they are full of fear of MiKe Electronics as an opponent.

MiKe Electronics, which is under a ban, also has many relationships with Delek Computer.

Although in public, their person in charge has sworn that this matter has nothing to do with them, but their promise, almost everyone knows, is of no use.

"Dear David, what do you think of the next computer to be launched by MiKe Electronics?"

Sitting in the middle of the conference room, Delo Computer President Schnaff asked towards his company's technical director.

Schnauf is in his 50s, with a trace of solemnity on his angular face.

David pondered for a moment and said: "I don't know what the computer launched by MiKe Electronics will look like, but looking at the products launched by MiKe Electronics now, I think you are doing the right thing."

"If MiKe Electronics is allowed to develop, it will definitely become a serious problem for us."

"He has the potential to surpass us in many aspects."

If it were in the past, David would definitely be criticized by many people for saying this, but now, David's words caused most people present to fall silent for a while.

Because the products launched by MiKe Electronics have made them feel that they must not underestimate this opponent.

MiKe Electronics has the ability to compete with its own company.

Schnaff said: "Although we have restricted the development of MiKe Electronics now, if we want to remain at an advantage in the competition with MiKe Electronics, you must work harder!"

David is less than 40 years old, so he is naturally a proud person to be able to become the company's technical director at such a young age.

If it were in the past, Schnauf might not care if he said this.

Schnauf's arrangement is more likely to be violated.

But now, he is not unhappy at all with Schnauf's arrangement.

On the contrary, at this time, he accepted Schnauf's request with great solemnity.

"Now our software is in the hands of MiKe Electronics."

"If they produce more hardware than we do, it will be a disaster." Schnaff said in a deep voice, "Everyone, remember this threat."

Schnauf pointed at the huge rice-shell LED LCD TV in front of him and said, "I don't want us to have to rely on others to survive in the future."

Just when Schnaff finished speaking, Shen Lin had already said in a deep voice: "Now, what everyone wants to see is our latest computer, MiKe Kunlun No. [-] computer."

Kunlun No.[-]!
Xiao Chu, who was full of expectation, had a look on his face.

He knew very well that MiKe's previous computers basically used MiKe computers to add numbers to determine names.

But this time, Director Shen directly gave the name of Kunlun No. [-]. This... what is going on?

Could it be that there is other meaning in it.

Just when various thoughts were surging in Xiao Chu's heart, a computer appeared in front of everyone along with the lifting platform.

Black body, black LED display, and black keyboard and mouse!

The computers gathered together give people a clean and atmospheric feeling.

When it comes to desktop computers, few people care about how they look.

After all, the appearance of a desktop computer seems to be just like that, but at this time, the MiKe Electronics desktop computer feels very pleasing to the eye.Is this MiKe Electronics’ new computer?
But the computer can't just look at the appearance, everyone is waiting for Shen Lin's explanation.

Shen Lin came to the front of the computer and gently patted the computer body, but did not speak immediately.

Looking at Shen Lin who looked solemn, the audience below the press conference all looked extremely solemn.

Among them, no one urged Shen Lin, and no one said a word, they just waited quietly.

After waiting for a full minute, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "This Kunlun No. 1 computer is the best computer we have at MiKe Electronics. I think it is also one of the best-performing personal computers on the market. "

While speaking, Shen Lin gently pressed the power button.

As Shen Lin pressed down with his fingers, the computer screen began to appear with a crisp startup sound.

The third-generation MiKe operating system quickly appeared on the display screen, and the blue display screen occupied most of the TV screen for a while.

"The boot time is 32 seconds." Shen Lin said with a smile after the computer was completely booted: "Compared to our previous generation machine, the boot time is ten seconds faster."

At the press conference, no one spoke, everyone was still staring at the computer in front of them.

Shen Lin continued: "This computer uses the best 486 processor now, with 16M of memory, and its graphics card..."

As the configurations came out one by one from Shen Lin's mouth, anyone who knew something about computers felt that this machine was full of sincerity.

Because this machine, as Shen Lin said, basically uses the best accessories.

But this series of numbers only made those watching even more silent.

After briefly introducing the performance of the computer, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and then said: "Our processor is from Troll, our memory is from Hercules, our..."

At this press conference, every time Shen Lin introduced the performance of the product, he received bursts of applause.

But this time, with Shen Lin's introduction, many people's expressions became extremely serious.

Because, they felt a little bit of depression from Shen Lin's introduction.

It was also in this introduction that they felt the gap.

Xiao Chu's face became serious, and he no longer felt as relaxed as when he just held the press conference.

He felt a big stone pressing on his heart, making him feel breathless.

But he still stared at the screen closely, looking at Shen Lin who was speaking slowly.

In his heart, there were only two words surging at this time, and that was gap!

"We at Mihu Electronics have been using these accessories to assemble and optimize our own computers since a few years ago."

Shen Lin's voice sounded again. This time, he seemed to be introducing the development of MiKe computers. Many young people had no intention of listening to such an introduction.

After all, many people know what Shen Lin said.

But now, listening to Shen Lin's words, no one looked impatient.

I don’t know when, whether it was at the press conference or in front of the TV, everything became serious.

This kind of solemnity is something MiKe Electronics has never seen in product launches.

“With the efforts of our scientific researchers and everyone’s support, our MiKe Electronics computers are getting better and better.”

“Everyone who uses our computer will basically say it’s easy to use!”

“This makes us very satisfied!”

After Shen Lin said these words, waves of applause rang out again in the fourth week of the press conference!

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