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Chapter 257 Is Your Family Interested in Acting?

Chapter 257 Is Your Family Interested in Acting?
Zhao Honglian stood at the door, her face full of anticipation!

For Zhao Honglian, the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are fleshy, and both sons are equally important.Now she doesn't have to worry about the younger son, and her eldest son's marriage has become the focus of her attention.

Fortunately, the eldest son has also found a partner.Moreover, she is still a girl from the capital.

Lying on the bed at night, thinking about these two up-and-coming sons, Zhao Honglian smirked happily for a long time.

So today, she silently calculated the time when the boss would come back. The only thing that made her feel like a fly in the ointment was that Shen Lin was busy with business, and the old man was also approached by the group company to talk.

This is an important appointment talk of the group company after being appointed as the deputy director of the general factory.

Although the old man tried his best to keep himself calm, Zhao Honglian could feel that the old man was still very excited, among other things, just look at him walking these few days with his head held high and his chest upright, carrying the wind all the way.

Deputy Director of the General Factory!This was the goal the old man had been striving for before, but he never thought that it would be achieved in this way.

In the past few days, the old man has been saying that he, the deputy director of the factory, is entirely dependent on his son, and I don't know how he said such words.

"Xiao Rong, wait for your sister-in-law to come, you have to have a good conversation with her, don't let her feel restrained." Zhao Honglian looked at Lu Xiaorong beside her, and said softly.

Lu Xiaorong happily agreed: "Okay, but Mom, my sister-in-law is here this time mainly for you, so you still have to accompany me."

In her mouth, Lu Xiaorong said very politely, but in her heart, she was thinking about what Shen Lin said last night.

"For this sister-in-law, you don't have to be too polite. I think, as a person in Beijing, she may look down on us country people. You should show yourself well and let her know that she is far behind."

When Shen Lin said these words, Lu Xiaorong felt that Shen Lin was very angry, as if he was not optimistic about this sister-in-law.

Although he didn't understand why Shen Lin said this, Lu Xiaorong still decided that he had to play by ear and handle this matter well.

While Lu Xiaorong was pondering, Shen Hai and Li Xuemei came over accompanied by Qiangzi and Guangzi.

"Shen Hai is back, tsk tsk, college students are different, they are much more refined than before."

"Isn't that right? If I go to the street, I won't even dare to recognize him."

"Shen Hai's partner is quite fair, as expected of a girl in Beijing."

"Second sister-in-law, I don't think she is as good-looking as Xiao Rong."

The middle-aged women who surrounded Zhao Honglian greeted Shen Hai and commented on Li Xuemei at the same time.

For such a situation, Li Xuemei didn't like it very much. After saying hello to Zhao Honglian, she followed Zhao Honglian to the house.

"Shen Hai, you came at the wrong time. If you come half a month late, your mother will move to the villa of the main factory." A chubby middle-aged woman was holding a handful of melon seeds, eating melon seeds, While moving towards Shen Hai, he said with emotion.

As a child of the hardware machinery factory, Shen Hai knew that only the person in charge of the main factory was eligible to live in the villa here.

My father has already been dismissed, so what kind of villa does he still live in? This is simply a joke.

He smiled at the fat aunt and said, "Auntie, you really know how to joke."

Apart from looking at Zhao Honglian, Li Xuemei also looked at Lu Xiaorong. After all, they were sisters-in-law. Although she was sister-in-law, when it came to entering the house, she was later than Lu Xiaorong.

At this time, she naturally wants to compare with Lu Xiaorong.

Although Lu Xiaorong was pregnant, Li Xuemei felt that she was worse than Lu Xiaorong in every aspect.Regardless of appearance or figure, she felt that she and Lu Xiaorong were not on the same level.

"Xiao Rong, besides working, do you usually read books?" Li Xuemei asked with a smile when she thought that Lu Xiaorong introduced by Shen Hai was just a worker.She is using her strengths to compare the weaknesses of others.

Lu Xiaorong said calmly: "Sister-in-law, I often read books."

"Reading is good, but the most important thing for us to read is to read good books." Li Xuemei said solemnly when she said this: "I often read science fiction books these days, and I think they are well written."

"By the way, there is an author named Mu Xue among them. I think the story about the robot is pretty good."

Li Xuemei said with a trace of enthusiasm: "I think, she is quite thoughtful, and she handled it well in the end."

If Li Xuemei talked about other things, Lu Xiaorong would just listen most of the time, but when Li Xuemei talked about Mu Xue, Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "Mu Xue's writing is really good, but her imagination is not enough."

"Two days ago, she discussed with me the ending of the robot, and said that she wrote it a bit hastily at the time. If she had discussed with me earlier, it would not have been like this."

Li Xuemei felt that she didn't want to talk anymore, what kind of family is this, not to mention that neither of the two men was at home, just the people they recruited made Li Xuemei feel that their acting was a bit too much.

This Lu Xiaorong is so good at bragging.

In her heart, Mu Xue is a well-known writer, discussing issues with you, Lu Xiaorong, a female worker, are you worthy!
She looked around twice, and found that the fat sister-in-law waited for outsiders to say a few words, and then started to leave. In the whole family, only the Shen family was left.

"Shen Hai, I think you should say it." Li Xuemei glanced at Shen Hai and said solemnly.

Shen Hai frowned, but in the end he decided to say these words by himself.Although Li Xuemei can also talk, but if Li Xuemei said these things when meeting for the first time, then this meeting would be too ugly.

"Mom, Xiaorong, in front of the whole family, I want to say something." Shen Hai coughed and said, "This matter is very important."

Neither Lu Xiaorong nor Zhao Honglian knew what Shen Hai was going to say, but the two of them would not refuse what Shen Hai said.

Zhao Honglian was the first to say: "You child, why are you being polite in your own family, you are all from your own family, so speak quickly if you have anything to say."

Lu Xiaorong also followed suit: "Brother, we also grew up in a family school. If there is anything, you can just say it."

"Okay, then I'll tell the truth. This time I brought Xuemei to the house to identify the door. I know that the family wants to give me the best treatment."

"But what I'm saying is, it's not necessary at all."

"Whatever we have in our family, just take it out. You can't just talk nonsense to Xuemei as soon as we meet, to save face for our family."

"That's not right!"

"Especially Xiaorong, how can you talk nonsense, even the well-known writer Mu Xue asked you questions? Don't you feel blush when you say such things?"

After finishing all this, Shen Hai felt that the anger that was suffocating in his heart was finally smoothed out at this moment.

Li Xuemei, on the other hand, looked at all this with a smile. To her, the curtain of this good show was finally lifted.

She wanted to see if Lu Xiaorong could still laugh when Shen Hai said so.

(End of this chapter)

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