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Chapter 258 Big brother, don't look at people with old eyes

Chapter 258 Big brother, don't look at people with old eyes


Just when Zhao Honglian, Lu Xiaorong and others were a little confused by Shen Hai's words, there was a sound of a car.

In this era, cars are a rare item, that is, only some big factories have cars.

In the hardware machinery factory, there is only a domestically produced jeep that has been driven for an unknown number of years.

Now, the sound of a car sounded outside his door, and Shen Hai, who had vented his resentment, couldn't help but look outside.

He saw outside the courtyard gate, the door of a Volga car opened, and his father came out with a bag in his hand.

At this moment, his father, Shen Xingye, seemed to be much younger than when he returned home last time, and when he walked, he seemed to be in a hurry.

But looking at his father who came from vodka, Shen Hai felt more and more uncomfortable in his heart. In order to coax Li Xuemei, his wife, his father would not lose face to borrow a car, but they didn't know that on their side, there was nothing Tell Li Xuemei.

They made such a fuss, but they were the ones who were ashamed.

"Dad, where did you borrow the car from? Let him go." Shen Hai quickly came to Shen Xingye, and said in a deep voice: "I have already told Xuemei about our family's situation, you don't have to played."

Shen Xingye was already immersed in joy, but this time he went to the group company to talk, which greatly encouraged him.

The person who was talking to him was the leader of the group. During the conversation, he not only praised his previous work, but also encouraged him to guard against arrogance and impetuosity and play his role in future work.

These conversations intensified old Shen Da's desire to have a fight, but he didn't expect that the eldest son would say these words just after returning home.

"This is the factory's car. I just sent them back. What are you talking about, Shen Hai? Isn't it normal for us?"

Shen Hai looked at Shen Xingye who looked puzzled, and felt more and more resentment in his heart.

It's already this time, you are still acting, don't you think I have lost enough people?

"Dad, you have already retired, why is there still a car to deliver, and the second brother bragging is too much, he even asked that idiot Qiangzi to help him bragging, saying that the whole Paris street is his."

"I didn't even know that Xiaorong actually gave advice on the writing of well-known writers. Isn't it shameful to say such a thing?"

Shen Xingye looked at the impetuous Shen Hai, and he understood his son's thoughts completely. He looked at the leaving car, looked at the side of the car, with a faint smile on his face, but looked down at him. Looking at Li Xuemei of her own family, she couldn't help but feel a little funny in her heart.

It seems that Shen Hai still regards his home as a few months ago.

After pondering for a while, he was just about to speak when a brand new bicycle quickly stopped at the door of his house, and Shen Lin, who was holding a bag, walked in with a smile on his face.

Shen Lin was in a very good mood right now, and the reason for his good mood was naturally not because of Shen Hai, but because of what he was thinking, and finally got it.

The negotiation with Li Yuan Village can be said to be extremely smooth. Li Yuan Village wanted to rent out the dilapidated factory, but they have never been able to find a tenant. The appearance of Shen Lin is simply a blessing from the sky for Li Yuan Village .

Not to mention, Shen Lin also bought a piece of land and gave them 1 yuan directly, which made their village financially richer.

For Shen Lin, the incident in Liyuan Village not only made his idea of ​​having his own child born in his own home come true, but the rented light bulb factory could also truly inspire the things he had planned since his rebirth. sail.

"Oh, isn't this Boss Shen Da? I heard that Boss Shen Da has a whole lot of property, which is really enviable!" Shen Hai didn't dare to prick his father too much, but he didn't care about Shen Lin. What scruples.

This brother of his is really embarrassing to him.It’s okay to let Hadron and Photon praise him, but he even said that every street belongs to him. Who does he think he is!

Why can't Shen Lin hear that his elder brother has something to say, but the experience of his previous life has already made him understand that you must not be polite to the elder brother and his wife.

The stronger you are and the tougher you are to them, the more honest they will be.

The more polite you are to him, the more they will think you are weak and deceitful, so at this time, Shen Lin is not going to be polite.

"Brother, it's useless for you to be envious. It's all my property, so don't want it at all." Shen Lin said bluntly.

Hearing what She Lin said, Shen Hai laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, that street belongs to your Boss Shen, I don't want it at all."

"But, Boss Shen, you have such a big property, you must have money in your pocket, can you borrow a few thousand from your brother, so that I can get married with more pomp."

Shen Lin looked at the anxious Shen Hai, and said lightly: "Brother, it's really a trivial matter to lend you a few thousand dollars."

"But what? You need to write an IOU and tell me when to pay it back. After all, brothers still have to settle accounts."

Looking at the serious Shen Lin, Shen Hai was really so angry that he was speechless. He had already said so much, and he was still pretending for himself.

It's a shame to throw it at grandma's house!
"Shen Lin, is your brother kidding you?" Li Xuemei walked out gently and said, "Uncle, aunt, and Shen Lin, Shen Hai has already told me about your family's situation."

"I identified him because of him, not because of your family, so you really don't have to hold on like this."

"I think if you treat me like a family, we should be honest and honest."

Li Xuemei's words were nice to hear, but the pride in her bones made these words have a taste of charity.

Shen Lin looked at Li Xuemei, who looked like I was generous and didn't care about your family's situation, and said with a light smile, "Brother, sister-in-law, we really didn't pretend for you."

"Our family is really different from before."

Having said that, Shen Lin turned to Shen Xingye and said, "Dad, when you go to the headquarters of the group this time, you should bring back a copy of your appointment document, and show it to your elder brother so that he won't believe it."

Although the headquarter of the group gave the appointment documents directly to the General Iron and Steel Factory, but in many cases, they would keep a copy for themselves.

After all, dozens of copies of this appointment document would be printed at once.

Shen Xingye was very excited about his appointment, so he still looked for a relationship and asked for a letter of appointment.

Shen Xingye, who had already thought of the problem joint, opened his purse after hearing what Shen Lin said, and took out a letter of appointment.

Shen Hai was still somewhat disdainful at first, but when he looked at the appointment letter, his father's name was clearly printed on it, and there was a bright red group seal at the place where the signature was signed, which made him realize that his father's matter , not fake.

My father really went from retirement to the deputy director of the General Iron and Steel Plant.

"By the way, there is also a newspaper at home, which introduces our father's deeds. Brother, please take a good look at it later." Shen Lin continued.

ps: Make up the fourth update yesterday, a little late, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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