Chapter 259

How much is ten thousand dollars?

Of course, this number can't trouble Shen Hai, a college student, but Shen Hai never thought that the astronomical figure of [-] US dollars would be donated directly by his father so lightly!
In front of the cadres and workers of the entire iron and steel plant, Dad donated the [-] US dollars that they rewarded him.

Looking at the news in the newspaper, Shen Hai only felt that his hands were shaking.At this time, he really wanted to tell his father that the ten thousand dollars was not just your old man's own!
If he had [-] US dollars in Shen Hai, let alone the cost of marriage, he could even find a good house in the capital!You said, why did Dad miss such a good opportunity? Dad, Dad, why didn’t you ask for my opinion before donating!

Shen Hai felt uncomfortable for a long time, which fairy sister fell in love with him, and obstructed every good thing he did.

Putting down the newspaper with a desolate expression, Shen Hai knew very well that this matter was a done deal, even if he tried everything he could, nothing could be changed, and the ten thousand dollars would never be brought back no matter what!

But at this moment, Li Xuemei looked at her father-in-law with a lot of awe.Although she always had a sense of superiority after she came to Shen's house, this old man was in the newspaper after all.

And he was the one who donated $[-].

"Dad, you are amazing!" After saying these six words, Shen Hai felt like crying.

Shen Lin looked at his elder brother who was smiling uglier than crying, and there was a smile in his eyes.

At this time, since he can't change the character of his brother and sister-in-law, at least he can knock out the pride in their bones.

He wanted them to know that they had nothing to be proud of.

"Sister-in-law, when I just came back, I took a piece of mail for Xiaorong." While speaking, Shen Lin opened a thick package, and saw that it was full of books.

Book after book exactly the same science fiction world.

Li Xuemei is a loyal reader of the science fiction world, but she is still very frugal in normal times. Looking at these dozens of identical science fiction worlds, she has an urge to say something about Lu Xiaorong.

It’s right to buy books, but what kind of thing is it if you buy so many identical books all of a sudden!
"Sister-in-law, this is a sample booklet sent to Xiao Rong by Science Fiction World, and I give you a copy." While speaking, Shen Lin handed a book to Li Xuemei and said, "Sister-in-law, the first serialization of this book is Xiao Rong's booklet." Rong wrote."

Li Xuemei looked at the latest sci-fi world handed over, and suddenly thought that the most popular serial in this period of time is the Three-Body Problem that she has been chasing.

The authors are Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong.

When she first saw the name Shen Lin, she was full of doubts and asked Shen Hai if it was written by his brother, but Shen Hai said that it is absolutely impossible, there is only one possibility, which is the same name.

At that time, she didn't know that Shen Lin's daughter-in-law was called Lu Xiaorong.

Now that Shen Lin said this, she immediately reacted, and shouted in shock: "Ah, you are the author Lu Xiaorong!"

Lu Xiaorong smiled calmly and said: "Sister-in-law, this story was actually thought up by Shen Lin, I just recorded it."

Although Lu Xiaorong spoke of humility, Li Xuemei was more and more confused at this time.She originally thought that no matter her family background or work, she was much better than Lu Xiaorong, who was a village girl.

But now, this sister-in-law, whom I look down on at all, is actually one of the authors I admire and like the most.

Shen Hai adjusted his glasses. He saw something like a money order in Shen Lin's hand. He looked over it curiously, and saw the words 5000 yuan written on it.

5000 yuan, this is 5000 yuan!
Shen Hai himself is a graduate student, and his monthly subsidy is not as high as that of an ordinary worker. Although Li Xuemei has a good job, it is 70 yuan per month.

In other words, the combined salary of two people is 100 yuan a month.This is why he came back eagerly waiting to ask for money from his parents.His goal was not too high. He was prepared to ask for 2000 yuan or [-] yuan, but he did not expect that a remittance order from Lu Xiaorong would be [-] yuan.

"This... what is this, why is it so much, 5000 yuan!" Shen Hai's voice was trembling when he spoke.

Shen Lin raised the money order in his hand and said, "Xiaorong's manuscript fee for this issue."

Li Xuemei quickly came to Shen Lin, she looked at the money order in Shen Lin's hand, and didn't know what to say?
"Xiao Rong, I was afraid that I would not have enough money for the Mid-Autumn Festival just now, so your manuscript fee came here." Shen Lin handed the remittance slip to Lu Xiaorong.

Li Xuemei looked at the money order, and didn't know what to say, but at this moment, Shen Hai was also in a daze.

"Boom bang bang..."

The sound of a tractor broke the silence around. In the family courtyard of the hardware machinery factory, the sound of tractors is rare.

"Boss Shen, is Boss Shen at home?" The moment the tractor stopped, a rough voice sounded outside Shen's house.

Shen Hai just woke up from Lu Xiaorong's manuscript fee, and just when he was about to scold those who shouted outside his yard, Shen Lin went out and said, "Brother Jiashun is here, come in quickly."

"Boss Shen, I have to go to the Engineering College later, I'll let someone bring the things in first." Li Jiashun shouted towards the outside while speaking: "Er Nuo, hurry up and bring the things in the car in."

Following Li Jiashun's roar, he saw four or five stout men, each carrying two or three urea bags, striding in.

These urea bags were bulging and very heavy at first glance. Soon these urea bags piled up in a large pile in Shen Lin's yard.

"What are these?" Shen Hai looked at the big bags and asked casually.

Shen Lin opened a bag, revealing a big red apple, he took out one, and felt that this apple weighed more than half a catty.

"Brother, I got these apples and pears."

Shen Lin looked up and down at Shen Hai jokingly, and said as if nothing had happened.

While talking, he took the apple in his hand to the water pipe and washed it, then handed it to Lu Xiaorong and said, "Daughter-in-law, try it!"

"Shen Lin, what are you buying so many apples and pears for? Do you want to resell these apples and pears during the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Shen Hai looked at the glowing red apples and could only think of this reason for a moment.

After all, there seems to be no other explanation for getting so many apples and pears besides selling them.

"No, I'm giving benefits to employees. It's the Mid-Autumn Festival soon. Everyone has done something with me. After working for so long, it doesn't look good if I don't give out something."

Shen Lin said casually: "In addition, everyone still has five catties of moon cakes. I wanted to get some meat, but meat tickets are really too difficult to get."

At this moment, Shen Hai really didn't know what to say.

ps: The first update today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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