Chapter 269 Guillotine Wire: Bad things turn into good things

As soon as Shen Lin finished speaking, there was thunderous applause from all around, even mixed with applause.

After all, as ordinary people, what annoys them most is buying counterfeit and shoddy goods. In many cases, when they buy such things, they can only consider themselves unlucky.

Now, Shen Lin's statement made many people feel extremely comfortable in their hearts, and some even felt that these words hit their own hearts.

Shen Lin continued: "Here, I promise everyone that as long as you buy fake and shoddy goods from Paris Street, we will pay ten for every fake one!"

"If you buy counterfeit and shoddy goods on Paris Street, feel free to come to Lin Rong Electronics to find me."

When the words of "[-] for one fake" were said, the applause around them became even more enthusiastic. In the eyes of everyone, this kind of thing of "[-] for one fake" made them feel extremely excited.

When everyone applauded, Shen Lin continued: "Boss Shen, come and say a few words to everyone."

Although Shen Fanyun was a little nervous, he knew very well that this opportunity was very important to him.

If he doesn't change these customers' impressions of him as Shen Lin said, then he will really be unlucky.

Even in Paris Street, it is difficult to flourish again.

As a businessman, Shen Fanyun is naturally not afraid to speak, so after a little pondering, he said loudly: "Everyone, I am Shen Fanyun, the boss of Fanxing Electric Cable."

"First of all, I want to apologize to Mr. Cheng. He bought fake and shoddy goods from me, which caused him a lot of trouble!"

Shen Fanyun stood up and spoke, which shocked everyone present.After all, Shen Lin, as the manager of Paris Street, stood up at this juncture. Although it was surprising, it was also normal.

But the boss who sold fake goods stood up, what kind of thing is this, what is this boss going to do?

Just when everyone was looking at Shen Fanyun expectantly, Shen Fanyun said in a very annoyed voice: "The main reason why this happened in our store this time is because of me. "

"I think inferior wires are cheap, but they are making money, so I did such a thing. It can be said that I am sorry for all the customers who believe in me."

"After Boss Shen's persuasion, I realized my mistake."

"Now, apart from compensating Mr. Cheng, I have one more thing to say. I assure everyone that we, Fanxing Cable, will never sell fake products in the future."

"If my hands sell fakes, then I chop off my fingers, and if my mouth sells fakes, then I cut off my tongue."

"Boss Shen said just now that if anyone buys fake products on Paris Street, he will be responsible for paying ten for every fake product. Here, if everyone sees that I sell fake products, I will compensate him for the whole store."

"Please supervise me!"

After Shen Fanyun finished all this, he bowed deeply to everyone.The customers who were originally disdainful of Shen Fanyun looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Do you think he will obey what he says?"

"I think I can believe it. After all, he has already said his big words. That's cutting off his tongue and fingers!"

"Tsk tsk, this boss, this oath is really powerful. I think you can never go wrong buying things from him in the future."

"For his own sake, he probably wouldn't dare to sell fakes."

Shen Fanyun's face was tense. Although Shen Lin taught him the words, although he said them impassionedly, in fact, he was full of apprehension.

After all, this kind of thing is easy to say but not easy to hear. If no one forgives him, then his store's reputation will be over.At this time, listening to the discussions around him, it seemed that the customers around him had a good opinion of himself.

Just when Shen Fanyun felt relieved, a dark guillotine had been carried over by two young men.

When the guillotine was put down, almost everyone's eyes widened. Everyone present knew what the guillotine was for, but they were a little dazed when they saw the guillotine being brought over.

What did Shen Lin want to do when he brought the guillotine over here?
While the people present were guessing in their hearts, Shen Lin continued: "Keep fake and shoddy goods can only harm people, so today, I will wipe out all these fake and shoddy wires."

While speaking, Shen Lin walked up to the guillotine, straightened up the guillotine and said, "Everyone, please help me to connect the wires."

Using a guillotine to guillotine wires, who has seen such a thing?Almost when Shen Lin raised the guillotine, many people stepped forward one after another.

"Boss Shen, wouldn't it be a pity if these wires were destroyed?" Someone came to Shen Lin with a hint of persuasion in his voice.

Unfortunately, Shen Lin didn't pay much attention to this seemingly well-intentioned reminder. After a job gave him a plate of wires to be placed at the mouth of the guillotine, he dropped the guillotine heavily.


That is to say, with a little effort, they were neatly tapped and cut into two parts by Shen Lin. Those who watched the fun couldn't believe their eyes at this moment.

"Oh, it really sucks!"

"Isn't it? Although this is a bundle of counterfeit and shoddy wires, it costs a lot of money to buy them, so it's just ruined."

"It seems that Paris Street is really not an ordinary place. When you want to buy important things in the future, you can definitely come here to buy."

During this kind of discussion, Shen Lin erected the guillotine again, and opened the halves of the object that had been cut in half again.

The wires have been cut into a section of more than 20 centimeters. In such a situation, it basically means that these wires are useless.

And just as Shen Lin put down the guillotine, and the third son of Fan Xingxian followed him to continue guillotining, the crowd watching the excitement couldn't help but burst into warm applause.

Li Xuemei withdrew her gaze from Shen Lin, and then said towards the deep sea: "Your brother's trick is amazing. From today on, all the businesses on Paris Street will be improved to a higher level."

"Tell me, how can a person like him know so much, let alone a college student, not even a high school student?"

Hearing his wife's emotion, Shen Hai didn't know how to answer.Although he felt a little happy for Shen Lin in his heart, but besides that, what was more in his heart was a kind of jealousy.

A deep jealousy.

"He's the one who deceived himself, if it were me..." Shen Hai wanted to say something to save his face when he said this, but unfortunately, he soon discovered that he really had no words to say about himself. How about it.

So in the end, Shen Hai still kept his mouth shut.

As for Shen Lin, surrounded by everyone, he quickly came to Xu Ruibing and said, "How is it?"

"Shen Lin, I always felt that I was no worse than you, but now, I feel that I am much worse than you."

Speaking of this, Xu Ruibing pointed to the guillotine that was cutting the wires and said, "You have made a big news for yourself!"

ps: The third update is here, please support.

(End of this chapter)

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