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Chapter 270 Sister-in-law, what did you just say

Chapter 270 Sister-in-law, what did you just say
Shen Lin piled the chopped wires into a pile, wrapped them in plastic sheeting, and placed them outside the Arc de Triomphe on Paris Street!
Shen Lin wasn't going to take back those low-quality wires just like that. Since he had done such a big thing, he naturally wanted to publicize it.

If it is said that this matter has made customers full of trust in Paris Street, then for the merchants of Paris Street, it is more shocking.

Although Sister Luo's children's clothing store is very busy, there are still people talking about it here.

"Boss Shen is going too far. Sister Luo, you haven't seen Shen Fanyun. He has already begged for mercy. Boss Shen still has to use a guillotine to turn his wires into scrap."

A woman in her thirties, with heavy makeup, said with a hint of emotion: "Old Shen is usually a character, and now he has lost all face."

Sister Luo really didn't want to pay attention to the middle-aged woman who came to chat with her. Her shop was very busy today, and all the shop assistants wanted to grow four hands.

Now, this neighbor comes to chat with him, which is simply delaying his earning money.

She really wanted to ask this woman, is your shop gone? How busy is your husband? You are still chatting here.

"Sister Chen, I don't think Boss Shen did anything wrong. He has maintained our reputation in Paris Street."

Sister Luo said in a deep voice: "Don't look at how prosperous our Paris Street is. If we don't make a rule to maintain our good reputation, can so many people come to our place to buy things?"

The woman with heavy makeup is not a fool either. Hearing what Sister Luo said, she also nodded and said, "I'm not saying that Boss Shen did something wrong, but that Boss She's methods are a bit drastic."

Sister Luo didn't say a word, commenting on this kind of thing would offend people no matter what.But in her heart, she agreed with Shen Lin's method.

After all, the most important thing in business is reputation. After this incident, although Shen Fanyun will suffer some losses, the business of the whole street will definitely be able to improve.

"Sister of the Chen family, I think you should go home and take inventory to see if there are any unqualified things you bought in the past."

Sister Luo said in a low voice: "You know Boss Shen, once he has made up his mind, he will do many things to the end."

"If we were negligent and we were kicked out from this golden treasure, would it be wronged?"

The girl from the Chen family who was chatting leisurely, suddenly became serious.The reason why she has money and leisure is not only because of his husband's busyness, but also because they own a shop here.

Once Shen Lin turned his face because of her own goods, the consequences can be imagined, so she didn't have the mood to chat any more at this time, and hurriedly said in a deep voice: "Sister Luo, you are busy first, I should go back to cook gone."

After the woman left, Sister Luo glanced at the watch on her wrist and found that it was still early for lunch?She didn't say a word either, but called two trustworthy shop assistants and started ordering her own goods.

Although she has always attached great importance to the reputation of her store, Shen Lin's methods at this time also made her feel a little worried.

After all, there are too many purchases, no one knows if there will be some fake and shoddy things piled up, it is better to deal with them as soon as possible.

Shen Lin still didn't know that his tricks had already caused a huge shock to the new and old merchants in Paris Street.

Some stores even began to pack some low-quality goods directly for throwing away.

After chatting with Xu Ruibing for a few words, Shen Lin walked towards Lin Rong Electronics.For him, this Paris street really doesn't mean shopping, so why not talk with Lu Xiaorong in the store?

Chen Hai and Li Xuemei followed Shen Lin, their expressions full of surprise.This time when I went shopping, I originally agreed that I would help Li Xuemei buy something.But now, neither of them is interested in buying anything. "Shen Lin, what's going on on this street?" Finally, at Li Xuemei's urging, Shen Hai asked this question.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Some time ago, I originally wanted to rent a warehouse in the Second Match Factory as a shop, but I didn't expect that they would rent all the warehouses to me at once."

"I thought the location was good, so I rented it out and remodeled it to become the current Paris Street."

Shen Lin said it very easily, but the eyes of Shen Hai and his wife were all shocked. After they looked at each other, they said, "Shen Lin, how much do you pay the Second Match Factory for renting this place a year?"

Although Shen Lin didn't like this kind of question very much, he also knew that this kind of thing couldn't be concealed.

So he said lightly: "That's 1 yuan."

"Then how much do you rent for this shop?" This time, Li Xuemei didn't even need her husband to ask, and asked directly.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "The rent for this shop is [-] this year, but I heard that there are people who transfer the shop, and the annual transfer fee has already reached [-]."

Li Xuemei was completely dizzy. He looked at the [-] or [-] shops around him, and just used simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to calculate how big a deal the rent of these shops was.

"Shen Lin, your business is really..." Shen Hai wanted to express his feelings, but suddenly realized that he didn't know what to say.

Paris Street is not long, so they returned to Linrong Electronics in no time.Lu Xiaorong was drinking water while playing with a palm-sized second-hand Walkman.

Although this Walkman is a few years old, after Shen Lin's repair, the music effect is still very good.

"Brother, sister-in-law, let's go shopping, Xiaorong and I will stay here later." Shen Lin sat down opposite Lu Xiaorong, and said to Shen Hai with a smile.

Shen Hai really wanted to leave at this moment, after all, he had always had a psychological advantage over Shen Lin, but now, this advantage has completely disappeared.

But Li Xuemei said with a smile: "Shen Lin, we are also tired, why don't we just talk here first."

Having said that, she sat down beside Lu Xiaorong, and chatted enthusiastically with Lu Xiaorong.

Looking at Li Xue's eyebrows who were very close to Lu Xiaorong, Shen Linxin said that this sister-in-law was no different from her previous life, she disliked the poor and loved the rich.

But it's also thanks to her character that she hasn't made any fuss in the past two days since she came to her home.

Among other things, at least my mother doesn't have to be angry because of such trivial things.

Shen Lin chatted with Shen Hai without saying a word. After the two of them talked about Shen Hai's school, Shen Lin suddenly said: "Sister-in-law, when we went to deal with Shen Fanyun and his shop, it seemed that we said something. Something, I can't remember it all at once, do you remember anything?"

What's the matter? Of course, we want to invest in your second-hand electrical appliance store.

Shen Hai wanted to speak, but Li Xuemei clapped his hands and said: "It's nothing, really nothing? Haha, I forgot too."

ps: Make up for the fourth update yesterday, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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