Chapter 279

After eating at Chu Feng's house, Shen Lin went out with Chu Feng. Chu Feng went back to work, while Shen Lin went to pick up Lu Xiaorong from his old father-in-law's house.

Shen Lin rode a bicycle and soon came to the family courtyard of the hardware machinery factory.Under the dim street lights, there are children laughing and playing, adults chatting leisurely, and young people holding hands and pushing the road...

Should I hold hands with Lu Xiaorong and walk a few steps like this?

Just when this idea came to Shen Lin's mind, he suddenly felt that the boy who was leading the girl looked familiar.

"Lu Xiaoshan." Shen Lin stopped in front of the couple and called out tentatively.

The man and woman who were immersed in the sweetness were startled when they heard the shout, and they let go of their hands almost at the same time.

Lu Xiaoshan turned his head to see Shen Lin, patted himself on the heart and said, "Brother-in-law, you are sneaky, you scared me to death!"

"Hey, scared? Tell me, what did you do badly? Didn't you walk leisurely just now!" Shen Lin smiled at Lu Xiaoshan winkingly, teasing him while looking at the girl beside him.

The girl looked refreshing, wearing a red plaid top, with two twisted braids, under the dim streetlights, she was as docile as a kitten.

The girl lowered her head, as if frightened, her face was still a little red.

"Brother-in-law, are you here to pick up my sister? Hurry up, you won't have your meal if you go late!" Lu Xiaoshan seemed to have thought of something, and waved to Shen Lin: "By the way, brother-in-law, My sister had a quarrel with my mother just now, so you must be careful later, and don't touch the muzzle of their mothers."

The daughter-in-law quarreled with her mother again. To Shen Lin, this situation was not too unexpected.

Although the daughter-in-law's personality is much softer, she is actually soft on the outside and strong on the inside. The mother-in-law Xu Hongying is strong on the outside and hard on the inside. Although there is still a gap between the two, they are not too different.

Most of the time, you can still be kind and filial to your mother, but once something happens, you will immediately jump up and down.

"I said Xiaoshan, you still want to change the subject for me? This girl, won't you introduce me?" Shen Lin asked with a smile.

Seeing that Shen Lin didn't intend to let him go so easily, Lu Xiaoshan simply grabbed the girl's shoulder and said, "Xiaoling, this is my rich brother-in-law Shen Lin, you should have heard of it."

"Brother-in-law, this is He Xiaoling, who works in the textile factory next door."

At this time, He Xiaoling looked up at Shen Lin, and said shyly, "Hi brother-in-law, I have heard of you a long time ago, and now everyone says that you are the richest man in our area. I don't know how many young people admire you." And you."

Hearing the richest man this time, Shen Lin shivered, he shook his head and said: "Don't listen to Lu Xiaoshan's nonsense, I don't earn much money."

"Brother-in-law, being low-key is the best way to show off. Why are you being modest? We're not going to ask you to borrow money."

Listening to Lu Xiaoshan's words, Shen Lin shook his head, this brother-in-law really needs practice in speaking!

Looking at the girl's posture, she was unwilling to chat with him. Shen Lin knew the psychology of young people, so he said to the two of them: "Okay, you guys talk first, I'll go pick up your sister first."

Lu Xiaoshan hurriedly said: "Brother-in-law, when you arrive at my house, don't tell my mother that you met me."

Seeing Lu Xiaoshan's serious expression, Shen Lin said with a smirk: "Okay, just pay me some hush money later!"

After bidding farewell to Lu Xiaoshan, he came to Lu Xiaorong's house. When Shen Lin opened the door and entered, he felt that the atmosphere in the not too big room was really dignified.

The [-]-inch black and white TV that was usually turned on at home was not turned on at this time, and even the plug was pulled out.

Lu Xiaorong sat on the side with a cold face, while Lu Dahai sat on a big chair, lying there half asleep. As for Chen Hongying, she was busy in the kitchen.She was clinking, as if she was washing the dishes, but her movements seemed a bit exaggerated.

"Shen Lin is here, sit down and have a rest." Chen Hongying greeted Shen Lin with a smile on her face.

Just as Shen Lin greeted Chen Hongying and Lu Dahai, Lu Xiaorong pulled Shen Lin and said, "Stop sitting, go out for a walk with me, I want to digest."

While speaking, he pulled Shen Lin away.

Although Shen Lin doesn't know what Lu Xiaorong means, but Shen Lin has one advantage, that is, the things he doesn't know, at the first time, he listens to his wife.

"Mom, Dad, I'm leaving first, let's talk later." While speaking, Shen Lin supported Lu Xiaorong, whose stomach was getting more and more inconvenient, and walked towards the door.

Chen Hongying originally had a lot to say to Shen Lin, but she didn't expect that her daughter would make such an outburst to him.

For a moment, she was a little tongue-tied, not knowing what to say.

When the door was about to close, she couldn't help but said to Lu Haihai: "Lu Dahai, look at the good girl you raised, it's only been a few days, so I can't say anything at all, you, a father, don't care about her! "

Facing Chen Hongying's accusation, Lu Dahai didn't care at all. He leisurely plugged in the socket and turned on the black and white TV.

Shen Lin helped Lu Xiaorong go downstairs, and then asked Lu Xiaorong: "Why, did you quarrel with our mother again?"

"Hmph, my mother is really worrying. Tell me, how long has my father been the deputy director of the factory, and she promised a relative that my father will help transfer jobs to other children."

Lu Xiaorong said helplessly: "She told me about this when she was having dinner today, and I directly pushed her back."

Before Shen Lin could speak, Lu Xiaorong continued: "Don't mess with this matter, let me tell you, if my mother is like this, she should be taught a lesson, otherwise, he thinks everything is right .”

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's seriousness, Shen Lin nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, I will never ask about this matter."

Lu Xiaorong nodded in satisfaction and said: "My mother, after being coaxed with three good words, she immediately floated away, and she agreed to everything she could or could not do, really."

After complaining about his mother, Lu Xiaorong suddenly said to Shen Lin: "By the way, how do you know that my mother and I quarreled?"

"I met Lu Xiaoshan when I came here, he said it." Shen Lin smiled and said: "By the way, I also met Xiaoshan's girlfriend, who seems to be a girl from a cotton spinning factory, and the two are quite a match .”

"What did you say? Xiaoshan has a girlfriend?" Lu Xiaorong said in surprise, "He's still a child who hasn't grown up yet. Whose girl is so blind!"

"By the way, tell me quickly, what does Lu Xiaoshan's girlfriend look like?"

Seeing Lu Xiaorong with a gossip face, Shen Lin had no choice but to satisfy Lu Xiaorong's curiosity. While chatting, the two slowly came to their house.

"Shen Lin, why did you suddenly go to the second sister's house today? Is there something wrong?" Lu Xiaorong said before going upstairs.

"It's okay, I just went to see them." Shen Lin pretended to be casual and said, "They are moving soon, I'll ask if there is anything I need to help."

ps: The first update today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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