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Chapter 280 Someone smashed the glass

Chapter 280 Someone smashed the glass

There was no dream all night, when Shen Lin woke up, it was already morning, although he didn't need to go to the morning market to sell things, but Shen Lin didn't allow himself to sleep in late.

I got up quietly, put on my vest and ran for three to ten minutes, and went to the snack street to buy Lu Xiaorong's favorite fried dough sticks and tofu nao, and returned home on time at seven o'clock.

Lu Xiaorong was already awake, but he hadn't gotten up yet, lying lazily on the bed, as if he was thinking about something.

As soon as Shen Lin came in, Lu Xiaorong said coquettishly, "Honey, the baby kicked me just now."

"Really, let me see if he misses his father." While speaking, Shen Lin came to Lu Xiaorong, looking at Lu Xiaorong's swollen belly, Shen Lin's heart was full of anticipation.

But it's a pity that the little baby at this time didn't give any face to Shen Lin's father, nor did he act Nezha Naohai for Shen Lin just because of his arrival.

"Honey, am I too fat to wear these clothes!" Lu Xiaorong asked worriedly as he rubbed his belly.

"You're not fat, daughter-in-law, your legs are not as thick as sister Hua's in our neighborhood!" Shen Lin said with a smirk.

Lu Xiaorong rolled Shen Lin's big eyes, and then laughed: "You don't use dirty words when you are hurtful. No matter how fat you are, you can't say that you are thick! After the baby is born, I will lose weight. "

"I will never give up until I reduce it to a hundred catties."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I'll help you remember your slogan, but now, the most important thing is to eat more, otherwise, we won't be able to guarantee our baby's nutrition."

The two talked and laughed, and ate the breakfast bought by Shen Lin together.

After accompanying Lu Xiaorong to the gate of the General Iron and Steel Factory, Shen Lin rode a bicycle and hurried towards the factory in Li Yuan Village.

Although they have already arranged for a follow-up, Shen Lin is very clear that today Li Shuangzhu and others will definitely not let it go, and there may even be another wave of attacks before the wave subsides.

What he hopes most now is that Chu Feng and the others can act quickly, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to himself.

When Shen Lin walked into the factory, he found that in the office, Li Jiashun, Guangzi and others were gathered together, as if they were talking about something.

"What happened?" Seeing this situation, Shen Lin knew something had happened, but the more this happened, the more Shen Lin felt that he had to keep calm.

Photon said angrily: "Brother Shen, the people in Liyuan Village are also deceiving people too much. Look, they smashed half of the glass we just installed."

"Look again, they smashed every other piece."

Following Photon's finger, Shen Lin saw that on the windows of the office area, every other piece of newly installed glass was smashed by someone. Such a situation had actually clearly told Shen Lin that they did it on purpose.

"Brother Shen, I'll call a few brothers over, let's fight these guys hard, and let them know that our brothers are not easy to mess with."

Photon was very angry. Some of these glasses were installed by himself. He felt very tired at the time, but he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Now, not only these glasses were smashed, but also smashed in this way, isn't this a deliberate provocation!
Shen Lin looked at the roaring photon and said: "Photon, how many people can you find, how many people can you beat, and who are you going to beat!"

Shen Lin's rhetorical question stunned Guangzi. Among the young young workers, Guangzi is still very appealing, but can the people he summons compare with the people in his village?

What's more, he didn't know who smashed the glass, so he wanted to fight with someone.

"Brother, tell me, let's just forget about this?" Photon's voice was a little hoarse.Shen Lin patted Guangzi on the shoulder and said, "Of course we can't just let it go! Let's call the police first and settle the ledger for them later."

Call the police!

Hearing Shen Lin's handling method, Guangzi's face twitched a little. It is difficult for the police to find the person who smashed the glass. Even if the police station came, they would at most deal with it.

"Brother Shen, is it useful to call the police?" Photon said helplessly.

"Of course it works, we have to trust the police station." Shen Lin said solemnly: "Wait a minute, the two of us will report to the Chengnan Police Station."

Li Jiashun looked at the smashed glass, hesitated and said: "Boss Shen, I'll go find Li Guoqi again, but I suggest that we don't repair these glass, and let's remove the good glass first, shall we? "

Although Li Jiashun didn't say it clearly, in fact, he was telling Shen Lin that those glass smashers would probably smash the rest of the glass.

Shen Lin smiled at Li Jiashun and said, "Uncle Li, send someone to buy new glass, and after the people from the police station have seen the scene, we will press the new glass on."

"You don't have to worry. After this time, I believe that no one will smash our glass again."

Li Jiashun's expression darkened, he really regretted introducing this factory to Shen Lin.Shen Lin's attitude made him feel like a child who refused to admit defeat. He knew he couldn't win, but he had to bite the bullet.

"Boss Shen, I think it's better to wait, we don't need glass for the time being, that..."

Just when Li Jiashun was about to persuade Shen Lin, someone said at the door: "Oh, what happened to the glass here?"

"Oh, it's really bad enough to be smashed. How can children nowadays be so naughty? It's really distressing to have such a good glass smashed!"

The voice of this person sounded mean. Under the eyes of Shen Lin and others, Li Dabiao and Li Cunren walked in unsteadily.

"Li Dabiao!" Photon stepped forward and greeted Li Dabiao.

"Why, do you want to beat someone? Let me tell you, in our village, those who want to beat us are still not born in the womb."

"Do you want to fight, come here, fight here, whoever doesn't fight is the grandson." Li Dabiao stretched his face towards Photon while speaking.

Although Photon was more thoughtful than Qiangzi, he was a young man with a fresh blood after all, not to mention seeing the glass he had just finished being smashed in such a humiliating way.

Stimulated by this kind of naked provocation again, Guangzi felt his blood spurt, wishing to punch this thing in the face, but was grabbed by Shen Lin's big hand.

"Photon, why do you want to do it?" Shen Lin said to Li Dabiao, "He called your name just now, and he wanted to ask you something."

"What does he want to ask me?" Li Dabiao was a little disappointed when he saw that Photon didn't make a move. After all, as long as Photon made the first move, then he would be able to carry out the following things in an aboveboard manner.

Unfortunately, Photon was held back by Shen Lin.

"He wants to ask you if he knows who smashed these glasses. If he doesn't know, he is going to call the police." Shen Lin looked at Li Dabiao and said lightly.

ps: The second update today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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