Chapter 30
Pedaling a tricycle, Shen Lin was driving on the street. The sun was very hot after ten o'clock, and Shen Lin's heart felt a little hot while grilling.

At this time, Shen Lin didn't have much anger in his heart other than aggrieved.

For him, collecting trash is a good income, but this income is not necessary, and it is not too high.

He is already preparing to switch to repairing old home appliances. Even if there is no trouble from Fatty Liu, he will leave this business after a while.

But leaving voluntarily is one kind of situation, and being forcibly robbed like the current situation is another kind of situation.

Although he was a human being in two lifetimes, Shen Lin couldn't hold back his breath.


A light sound came from a distance, and when he turned his head, Shen Lin saw a glass bottle fall to the ground.

Three figures holding worn-out plastic bags quickly rushed towards the glass bottle.

In the blink of an eye, the fastest figure had already picked up the glass bottle, while the other two walked back dejectedly.

"When is this? You guys are still picking up trash. Don't you know that this job doesn't make money, but you're still very tired?" Shen Lin said loudly to the two dejected figures.

The two trash pickers turned their heads and saw Shen Lin sitting on the tricycle. Although they didn't like hearing what Shen Lin said, they didn't say much?
"Why, do you think I don't know how much money you earn in this business? You earn two or three yuan a day, but my cousin, he collects waste products in the East China Sea, especially waste newspapers in some institutions, and can do it in a day Earn more than 20 yuan."

Shen Lin deliberately said loudly: "Now they are all collected, who will pick them up!"

While speaking, Shen Lin pedaled his tricycle and was about to leave, while the three rag pickers showed concern on their faces.

A thin-faced man suddenly stopped Shen Lin and said, "Young man, is everything you said true?"

"Why isn't it true? Let me tell you, my cousin originally asked me to collect used newspapers, but I felt that this business was a bit unsustainable, so I didn't do it." Shen Lin said deliberately: "If you don't believe it, go by yourself Try it."

"I heard from my cousin that the fattest ones are government agencies. There are piles of used newspapers and books in them. A unit of used newspapers can earn tens of dollars."

"However, if you want to receive newspapers in such places, sometimes you need to find acquaintances, otherwise they may not sell them to you!"

Having said that, Shen Lin didn't stay any longer. He didn't know whether the three of them would try the method he said, but he believed that as long as he said a lot, there would definitely be people who would try it.

On Fatty Liu's side, he couldn't do anything about it, but he didn't believe that Fatty Liu had such a great ability to swallow up the entire market for used newspapers.

one, two, three...

Pedaling a tricycle, Shen Lin circled the streets. In two hours, Shen Lin had already told hundreds of people how to earn money by collecting waste products, and how to earn more money by collecting old newspapers in government agencies. A fellow who collects rags.

Some of these colleagues were dubious, but some directly tried it.

After all, it is not too difficult for them to try.

As for Shen Lin himself, pedaling his own tricycle, he drove towards the market quickly.

The university is about to start, and Shen Lin is going to buy some things in the market, taking advantage of the opportunity of freshmen enrolling, and earn a lot of money.

And when Shen Lin plunged headlong into the market to buy goods, the words he spread finally started to work.

Lu Hongge pedaled his tricycle and hummed a ditty, feeling happy in his heart!

Instead of doing heavy work, he can earn 20 yuan a day just by collecting some waste newspapers in the office. Such a good thing makes him feel like he is dreaming.

But this is true!
Although half of the 20 yuan was given to his cousin Fatty Liu, Lu Hongge didn't feel that there was anything wrong with such a situation.

After all, my cousin introduced me to this job. If it wasn't for my cousin, I wouldn't be able to earn so much money.

And the boy who used to make money from this was kicked out of this business by his cousin.So what if you did it first?
If you don't have any connections, this kind of business will come to you!
Flour Mill!
Looking at the magnificent office building, Lu Hongge felt that it was a piece of fat.If you tidy up yourself, maybe you can earn more than 30 yuan just for newspapers?
"Who are you looking for?" The guard in khaki worker's attire stopped Lu Hongge's way.

Lu Hongge skillfully took out a cigarette and handed it over, "Brother, I am collecting old newspapers, and Section Chief Chen asked me to come."

The doorman took the cigarette and put it skillfully behind his ear, and then said with a hint of doubt: "No, I just went in to collect old newspapers, and they are collecting them now? By the way, there is no such thing as a section chief here. Surnamed Chen."

There is no Section Chief Chen, and there are still people collecting the tatters. The two news made Lu Hongge stunned for a moment.

"Master, you said there are people collecting waste newspapers?" Lu Hongge's eyes turned red when he thought that the money that should have belonged to him would be snatched away by others.

Seeing that someone questioned his words, the doorman said unhappily: "Why, you think I will still fool you with this kind of thing. If you don't believe me, come with me and have a look."

While the guard was speaking, a semi-new tricycle drove out of the factory, and the tricycle was even full of waste newspapers.

A man in a white vest, who looked like he was in his 30s, was driving towards the door full of pride.

"You... how can you collect waste newspapers here, stop for me." Lu Hongge directly blocked the middle of the road.

The white vest braked quickly, and then saw Lu Hongge's dilapidated tricycle.Although there were not many things on the tricycle, as a colleague, the man had already confirmed Lu Hongge's identity in the first place.

Colleagues are enemies!
Especially the one who stops me from leaving, is the enemy of enemies!

"What's the matter?" Bai Beixin asked Lu Hongge unceremoniously.

"My cousin said that I will collect the used newspapers here. He has already made an agreement with Section Chief Chen here." Lu Hongge took a breath and said in a deep voice.

"Section Chief Chen?" The white vest chuckled and said, "I don't know which one is Section Chief Chen. I collect used newspapers here with the approval of my fourth uncle."

Having said that, he turned to the doorman and said, "Uncle Li, do you know who he is talking about, Section Chief Chen?"

"In the office of our flour mill, the only person surnamed Chen is Xiao Chen, who is the correspondent. He couldn't be talking about Xiao Chen, right?"

When the guard said this, he turned to Lu Hongge and said, "Our flour mill is disciplined. If you are blocking the door, don't blame me for asking someone to take you to the police station."

Lu Hongge's aura suddenly dropped a lot. Now that he is being cracked down hard, he doesn't want to be taken to the police station.

As he unconsciously got out of the way, the white vest pedaled the tricycle and wobbled towards the front.

"Master, can you let me go in and find Section Chief Chen?" Lu Hongge was a little unwilling to leave like this, and took out another cigarette and handed it to the guard.

The doorman took the cigarette, pointed at a young man who was going out, and said, "Xiao Chen, come here, is anyone looking for you?"

When the young man heard the voice of the guard, he ran over quickly and said, "Mr. Li, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm looking for you, Section Chief Chen." While the guard was speaking, he sat on his bamboo chair and fanned his cattail fan leisurely.

The young Xiao Chen glanced at Lu Hongge, and then said, "You have something to do with me?"

"Excuse me, are you Section Chief Chen? I'm Fatty Liu's cousin, Fatty Liu from the waste collection station." While Lu Hongge was speaking, he carefully took out a cigarette and handed it over.

Xiao Chen took the cigarette, glanced at it casually, and said, "I was talking to your cousin? Since you're here, you don't need to trouble me to run away."

"You tell your cousin, don't worry about the waste newspapers in our factory, our office director has already arranged someone."

When Xiao Chen said this, he waved his hand at Lu Hongge and said, "Go to another place."

ps: The new book sets sail, please like the boss to join the bookshelf, I need your support!
(End of this chapter)

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