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Chapter 31 Do good deeds without leaving a name

Chapter 31 Do good deeds without leaving a name
A good piece of fat was about to fall into his mouth, but it was snatched away by people.

Don't mention how aggrieved Lu Hongge was.

His good mood disappeared all of a sudden!

But at this time, even if he felt uncomfortable, he could only bear it. After saying goodbye to Section Chief Chen, he headed towards another factory.

The next factory is also a piece of fat!

Although I lost one piece, there are still several pieces of fat waiting?Thinking of it this way, Lu Hongge suddenly became full of energy!
But he didn't know that what awaited him in front of him was not only fat meat, but also people who would snatch food from tiger's mouth.

Fatty Liu is very busy!
He found that more and more people came to deliver used newspapers, and in one morning, they even lined up at his place!
Although these waste newspapers and books were different, Fatty Liu's keen eyes for collecting waste products for many years allowed him to see the origin of these waste products at a glance.

Used newspapers from factories.

Shouldn't my old cousin be collecting these things?
Fatty Liu felt the strangeness of the matter after going through the scale a few times, so he said to a middle-aged man who had dealt with him in the past: "Old Xu, where did you get this newspaper? It doesn't look like you picked it up? "

"I collected it from my old cousin's unit. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect their unit to accumulate so many good things."

"Waste, if I knew they had so many good things, I should have taken them away a few days ago, tsk tsk, that can make a lot of money."

Old Xu had dealt with Fatty Liu a lot, so he didn't hide anything from Fatty Liu.Fatty Liu's face suddenly turned pale.

He knew where Lao Xu's old cousin worked, and he had even greeted him at that place. Now that Lao Xu collected the old newspapers from there, his greeting would be for nothing.

These old newspapers should have belonged to him.

"Old Xu, how do you know that these waste newspapers can be collected?" Fatty Liu almost gritted his teeth when he said this.

Old Xu smiled honestly: "I didn't know at first, but a kind young man told me. By the way, he not only told me, but also told many of our colleagues."

"Tsk tsk, this young man is also true. It would be great if he just told me about it!"

Old Xu's words made Fatty Liu's head buzz for a while.

For his own big plan to make a fortune, he spent a lot of effort, not only found Lu Hongge as a partner, but also spent a lot of favors.

And now, the return of these favors...

"Is that young man about 1.7 meters tall, and he looks gentle and quiet." When Fatty Liu said this, he felt a feeling of gnashing his teeth.

"Yes, Lao Liu, you know that young man, can you give me a contact address, I want to thank him very much." Lao Xu rubbed his hands and said expectantly.

At this moment, Fatty Liu's eyes were a little red. If Shen Lin was by his side at this moment, he wished to punch Shen Lin to the ground with one punch.

This kid is too ruthless, he just stole his business, but he overturned the table all at once.

This young man doesn't talk about Wude!

Just when Fatty Liu was trembling, Lu Hongge walked over with an empty car and said, "Brother, I went to a few factories, but they took them away first. !"

Shen Lin couldn't see Fatty Liu's anger at all.

At this time, Shen Lin was wandering around the bazaar in the west of the city.With the liberalization of the market, more and more items appeared on the market.

"Come and take a look, foreign trade stockings cost [-] cents a pair, they are very comfortable to wear on your feet!"

"Really good short-sleeves, three yuan a piece!" "Towels are sold, towels produced by big manufacturers..."

Listening to the lively cries, Shen Lin felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

He walked around the market, and Shen Lin found that most of the sellers were quite simple. For example, those who sold towels basically only sold towels, and they didn't sell other things at all.

"Brother, your towel is not bad!" Shen Lin grabbed a towel casually and said with a smile.

The towel seller was a short, thin man in his 30s. Wearing a patterned shirt, he gave off a shrewd and capable look.

"Brother, let me tell you, I am a product of the No. [-] Towel Factory. If you buy it in a store, it will cost you one dollar a piece. For me, it is eighty cents a piece." The short and thin man said with a smile.

He looks like Mr. Jiang who wants to go fishing!
Shen Lin touched the towel, and said with a smile: "It's a good thing, but brother, why don't I think it's a product from the No. [-] Towel Factory?"

Aren't all their things supplied to supply and marketing cooperatives? "

Seeing Shen Lin's doubts in the flower shirt, a look that you don't understand suddenly appeared on his face: "Brother, don't you believe me, brother!"

"Let me tell you, don't look at me as a small stall, but this is indeed a product from the No. [-] Towel Factory."

"In the past, the goods from the second towel factory were not easy to get, but now, the goods from the second towel factory are not easy to sell. They can't pay the bonus, so they use these things to offset the bonus."

"Tsk tsk, I got it from them at the ex-factory price."

Shen Lin looked at the smug floral shirt and said, "How many pieces can you sell in a day, brother?"

"There are always a hundred and ten!" The flowered shirt glanced at Shen Lin with vigilance, and said angrily.

The hundred and ten articles should not be a real number, the flower shirt is too much.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother, if I buy [-] pieces from you at once, you can give me a suitable price, or go to the second towel factory to buy them?"

Buy two hundred at once!

Although the towel in the hand of the flower shirt is not afraid of being put away for a short time, it has been piling up and occupying funds, not to mention, and it must be guarded against fading over time.

Two hundred pieces would be enough to sell him for a week!
Looking at the smiling Shen Lin, Hua Shi wanted to talk about his usual selling price, but thinking about what Shen Lin just said, he finally suppressed this thought.

He is not the only one who sells towels.

"Thirty cents a piece, if it's too much, I won't lose money!" Hua Shirt whispered to Shen Lin in a painful voice.

Shen Lin picked up a towel and looked at it carefully, and then said: "Thirty cents a piece is a bit expensive, but it is acceptable."

"But, you handkerchief, can't you earn my money?"

Compared to towels, handkerchiefs are less timid and also easier to make.

The flower shirt casually picked up a handkerchief and said, "Brother, this handkerchief also came from the No. [-] Towel Factory, and it's much better than those produced by those small workshops in the village."

"Since you say that, then the eldest brother will treat you as a friend, one dime a piece, nothing less!"

A dime for a handkerchief is still acceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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