Chapter 32 Unexpected Gains

After Shen Lin negotiated the price with Hua Shirt, they agreed to come here to pick up the goods the next day.During the conversation, Shen Lin knew that the name of the floral shirt was Du Ming, and he had been setting up a stall here for some time.

After giving Du Ming a cigarette, Shen Lin and Du Ming chatted in front of the stall.From Du Ming's point of view, the two of them were just sitting around bragging. He didn't know that during this kind of bragging, Shen Lin had already touched a lot about the situation in the market from his mouth.

Half an hour later, Shen Lin came to a stall selling enamel jars.

"Young man, these are all the latest tanks. Look at how beautiful the painting is." The middle-aged woman standing behind the tricycle said with a smile after seeing Shen Lin.

There was a landscape painting printed on the enamel jar. According to the current view, Shen Lin felt a bit old-fashioned, but at that time, it was the most popular.

"Sister, how much is this good jar?" Shen Lin picked up the enamel jar and asked with a smile.

"One piece, two one." The middle-aged woman said with a smile on her face when she was called "big sister" by a young man like Shen Lin.

One piece two one!
Shen Lin did not bargain as he did just now, but put down the jar and said, "Eldest sister, do you have any bumpy enamel jars here?"

The eldest sister who sold things was stunned for a moment, and then her enthusiasm waned a lot. She casually pointed to the corner and said, "Those are crock pots. I'll give you three for one dollar."

Shen Lin picked up those defective enamel jars, and found that the size of these jars looked a little wrong from the outside, but they didn't delay their use.

"Sister, how many things do you have in total? I want them all. But how about lowering the price?"

The sales lady who was already indifferent, suddenly became enthusiastic again after hearing what Shen Lin said.

"I have more than 40 of these things. If you want them, I can sell them to you for one yuan."

Shen Lin was very satisfied with the price, and after discussing with the eldest sister who sold things for a few words, the delivery time was confirmed!
Tooth cups, toothbrushes, combs, socks, hangers, hooks for mosquito nets...

It took a long time to run all the way down, and when everything was confirmed, the sun had already started to set.

On this day, although he didn't earn any money, Shen Lin was still very excited. Although the business he is preparing now is just a job to make quick money, the speed of making money should be much faster than his collection of waste products. up.

On the street of the butcher's shop, Shen Lin accidentally found a wild fathead fish that weighed five catties and did not need a ticket.

Putting the fat head fish and tofu on the tricycle, Shen Lin pedaled the tricycle, and couldn't wait to drive towards home.

In order to discuss business at noon, he only ate two steamed buns. If he didn't comfort his stomach well, his stomach would rebel.

With black smoke coming out of the engine, Shen Lin's tricycle attracted a lot of attention.

"Hey, look at that tricycle without pedaling!"

"What's the situation? Why does his tricycle look like a motorcycle!"

"I really saw something rare today!"


Shen Lin didn't hear these discussions. Driving a tricycle in hot weather, blowing gusts of hot wind, actually gave people a refreshing feeling.

Otherwise, the tricycle consumes a lot of fuel, and Shen Lin even has the idea of ​​driving the tricycle for a few more laps.

After parking the tricycle in the yard, Shen Linzuo waved the fat-headed fish and the tofu in his right hand and just got out of the car, when Qiangzi quickly came up to him and said, "Brother Lin, I've been waiting for you for a long time, what are you doing?" I just came back!"

Qiangzi looked at Shen Lin who was holding the fish and tofu in his hand, and couldn't help swallowing.He couldn't remember how many days he hadn't eaten fish. Shen Lin had just invited them to eat chicken two days ago, and now he ate fish himself.

This guy is really rich!
Shen Lin smiled at Qiangzi and said, "Qiangzi, what's the matter with you, go and tell me in my room."

Qiangzi enviously said: "Brother, this fat-headed fish is really fat, do you want to stew fish soup?"

"No, I'm going to stew the fish head into fish head tofu soup. As for the rest, I'm going to braise it in soy sauce." Shen Lin said seriously.

Fish head tofu soup, braised fish nuggets, this is really cool to eat!
Qiangzi licked his lips lightly, at this moment he actually had a feeling that poverty restricted his thinking.

People don't even bother to eat things that they come up with.

Fish head tofu soup, braised fish nuggets!Boss, you really know how to play!

Shen Lin opened the door, and Qiangzi followed him in. After putting down the things, Shen Lin got two glasses of water from the basin of cold boiled water, one for Qiangzi, and one for himself. "Brother Shen, don't you want us to collect old appliances? I collected one, but it's a bit old." Qiangzi said to Shen Lin while drinking water.

Received an old appliance which is great news.

It seems that although I didn't open my business today, it doesn't mean I can't make money.

"Don't be afraid of the old, as long as there is no major damage." Shen Lin poured himself another glass of water, and said while drinking: "What did you take?"

"Brother Shen, I took away an old refrigerator." When Qiangzi said about the old refrigerator, his voice was full of pauses.

From Qiangzi's words, Shen Lin felt that he had no confidence.

"Come on, let's see what this refrigerator looks like? Where did you put it?" Shen Lin immediately became interested when he heard about the old refrigerator.

Qiangzi stood up and said, "It's downstairs, I'll take you to have a look."

At the corner downstairs, Shen Lin saw the refrigerator lying flat on the flatbed.This dark green refrigerator, now not only has most of the paint peeled off, but also smells of soybean paste from afar.

"Brother Shen, after the refrigerator in this family broke down, it was used as a cabinet for sauces. When I took it back, I cleaned it for him."

When Qiangzi said this, he looked at Shen Lin eagerly. He knew the situation of the refrigerator being taken back, but he couldn't help but see it.

He used a kitchen knife and two scissors to replace the refrigerator.

Shen Lin looked at the refrigerator and found that although the appearance of the refrigerator was a little old, the main parts inside were not missing.

After carefully looking at the half-person tall refrigerator, Shen Lin said to Qiangzi: "Qiangzi, although this refrigerator is a bit old, it can still be used."

"According to what we said earlier, you take the 15 yuan first."

While speaking, Shen Lin stretched his hand into his pocket, and took out his remaining 15 yuan.

Photon looked at the money handed over by Shen Lin, his eyes began to shine. As a temporary worker, his salary in the factory was more than 20 yuan a month.

This is 15 yuan, which is more than half a month's salary.

While accepting the money from Shen Lin, Qiangzi said: "Brother Shen, you don't have to give so much, it's not worth it..."

"Qiangzi, what I say will definitely count. Do me a favor and carry this thing upstairs to my room."

Shen Lin forced the money to Qiangzi, and then he and Qiangzi carried the old refrigerator and walked upstairs quickly.

"Qiangzi, brother, please do something." Shen Lin looked at the old refrigerator carefully, then took out ten yuan from his pocket and handed it to Qiangzi.

"Brother, if you have something to do, just arrange for me. I'm your brother. If you give money like this, it will appear that we are far away." Qiangzi waved his hand with a determined face.

"Qiangzi, I asked you to buy something, and it's not cheap." Shen Lin said with a smile, "If you do this, I won't be able to ask you for help in the future."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Qiangzi took the money and said, "Brother Shen, what do you want to buy, I will buy it right away."

"You buy me some freon, and you buy me some foam board, yes, if you can, give me some more..."

In one breath, Shen Lin said more than a dozen materials.

Shen Lin can buy these things himself, but it's a little troublesome to buy. The most important thing for him now is to cook for Lu Xiaorong who is about to get off work.

At the beginning, Qiangzi was still anxious about Shen Lin's arrangements, but after half of the memorization, he felt that his brain was not enough.

Holding the ten yuan handed over by Shen Lin, Qiang Ziqiang smiled and said: "Brother Shen, speak slowly, I will remember."

Shen Lin picked up a piece of manuscript paper and said, "Okay, I'll write it for you."

Two minutes later, Qiangzi happily left with Shen Lin's shopping list, while Shen Lin closed the door of the room where the refrigerator was stored, and then returned to the kitchen.

ps: To set sail for the new book, we need the support of the big guys, please ask for all kinds of support!

(End of this chapter)

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