Chapter 302: Boiling Contest: Fight if you don’t accept it
For the entire Dongzhou City, Paris Street is a bustling place integrating people flow, logistics, and information flow.

I don't know how many people like to come here to have a look.Early in the morning, Paris Street was extremely lively.

There are even many breakfast and dinner sellers who like to gather here.Fortunately, the Street Office is dedicated to making this place an important scenic spot, so the surroundings of Paris Street will not become chaotic.

"Oh, what is this table for?" Lao Wu, who came to Paris Street early in the morning, was surprised when he saw the high platform in front of Lin Rong Electronics on Paris Street.

After all, Paris Street has been paying attention to cleanliness these days, not to mention setting up tables, even setting up tables to sell things is not allowed.

Now a table suddenly appeared, which immediately surprised many people.

"Hehe, you don't know what's going on, do you? Let me tell you, this is Boss Shen's handwriting, otherwise you think who has such a big face to set up such a big table in the middle of Paris Street."

A very well-informed fat man said with a touch of emotion in his voice: "After all, this whole street belongs to others."

Regarding Fatty's statement, although many people felt a little uncomfortable listening to it, they also felt that what he said made sense.

Boss Shen rented out the entire Paris Street, and he set up a table in the middle, what a deal!

But this table seems to hinder people's communication a bit!
"Did Boss Shen say that he will use this table for a long time?" A middle-aged man in his 40s, holding a brick-like radio in his hand, said with a hint of emotion in his words: "After all, this table has been in use for a long time." Here, it's not a problem!"

"I heard that Boss Shen is planning to use it for ten days, and it seems that he is going to hold some kind of conference." The fat man said, "Look, this time it is definitely to increase the popularity of Paris Street."

"Does the popularity of Paris Street still need to be improved? Those of us from Dongzhou don't know about Paris Street!" The middle-aged man holding the radio sighed, "But the table made by Boss Shen is definitely exciting."

"Yes, Boss Shen is not an ordinary person. What he has done is really exciting."

In the midst of this chaotic discussion, more and more people gathered around the high platform on Paris Street.

Although the merchants on Paris Street didn't like the table made by Shen Lin very much at the beginning, but as the number of people increased, they all became happy.

The only one who was unhappy was Xu Ruibing.

Xu Ruibing, who was on the night shift, originally planned to have nothing to do in the morning and take a good slack, but he didn't expect that Director Song would let him bring a few auxiliary police officers here to be on duty before he lay down.

"What the hell is that kid Shen Lin going to do?" Xu Ruibing looked at more and more people around, and while assigning tasks, he muttered to his companion, this Shen Lin is really our enemy, even during the rest time , are not left to us. "

"Brother Xu, apart from this point, Boss Shen is pretty good. As long as our brothers come here to patrol, the tea has never been burnt."

The young man who followed Xu Ruibing said with a smile: "Brother Xu, on this street, three months ago, there were not many people who were depressed. Look at it now, it has almost become our Dongzhou..."

At the end, the young man forgot his words, and his face turned red for a moment.

Xu Ruibing knocked on the young man's head and said: "Fool, that's called a business card, you are ignorant, don't say you know me in the future."

Hearing Xu Ruibing's accusation, the young auxiliary policeman was not only not angry, but instead smiled and said, "Brother Xu, you are still knowledgeable, that's your business card."

"Tsk tsk, I have an old cousin who came back from Pengcheng, a special zone a few days ago, and said that the boss over there always hires models when they open."

"What is a model? They are beautiful girls. They all wear cheongsams. I heard that the bare sides are open to the knees?"

Xu Ruibing listened to the kid's words becoming more and more outrageous. He hit him directly on the forehead and said, "Okay, I can't speak clearly. Just keep working." "Just the same as before, give me the answer." Separate people and avoid congestion.”

While everyone was talking, someone said: "Look, someone has come out, isn't it about to start?"

"Well, why did the balloon rise up? There seems to be words on the red balloon."

"You don't even know this bit of common sense, don't you know that hydrogen balloons can go up to the sky? But Boss Shen really knows how to play, and even used hydrogen balloons."

"Look, there seems to be words on the red banner under the balloon."

"Water boiling competition, let's fight if you don't accept it!"

"Am I reading it wrong, or is this page written wrongly, what is the boiling water competition, what... what does this boiling water competition mean?"

"I don't know either, maybe it's because I don't have enough knowledge, so I don't understand the meaning of these two words."

"I think, this water boiling competition should be a typo, it should be a water injection competition, but to inject water into something, you need a competition."

Shen Lin was standing in the crowd at this time, silently listening to the discussions around him.Although he is full of confidence in his plan, this matter is really important now, and he has to pay attention to it.

Water injection contest, you really know how to play!You think that this is for you to write essays, and you are still here to boil water for me.

Although complaining in his heart, Shen Lin is extremely satisfied with the current situation. Among other things, the current situation alone has actually aroused most people's interest in this matter.

For Shen Lin, this is already the first victory, a very good victory.

Seeing the busy Xu Ruibing, Shen Lin felt a little unbearable. Anyway, his own affairs made old Brother Xu work hard again.

So in any case, Shen Lin couldn't turn a blind eye to Xu Ruibing, he quickly came to Xu Ruibing's side, greeted Xu Ruibing: "Brother Xu, we haven't seen each other for some time."

Seeing Shen Lin, Xu Ruibing couldn't help but patted him heavily on the shoulder and said, "Shen Lin, I really don't want to see you!"

"Almost every time I see you, it's either on duty or on the way to duty."

Looking at Xu Ruibing who was bitter and bitter, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Brother Xu, I don't blame me for this matter. If you have any opinions, you should go to Songsuo."

"He is focusing on training you. Otherwise, why doesn't he give these outstanding jobs to others, and arranges them all for you!"

Shen Lin said this, and said with a smile: "If Brother Xu, you think this is too tiring, why don't I go to the Song Institute and arrange this kind of thing to others in the future."

Xu Ruibing snorted, and didn't bother with Shen Lin about the duty anymore. He pointed to the words under the red hydrogen balloon and said, "What's the meaning of the boiling water contest?"

"Of course it's literally." Shen Lin spread his hands and said casually.

"By the way, Brother Xu, you must find a good place. After a while, the host of our competition will be a super beauty." Shen Lin thought of the candidate to host this competition, and said to Xu Ruibing with a smile.

ps: The fourth update is here today, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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