Chapter 303 Heavyweight Beauty

Boiling contest, literally!
A heavyweight beauty, that definitely makes people look forward to it.

The conversation with Shen Lin made Xu Ruibing suddenly not feel that he had worked hard this time, and even said with a smirk: "You Shen Lin just doesn't play cards according to common sense, I want to see, your heavyweight beauties have Spring Festival Gala Is the host pretty?"

"This is a secret for the time being, it's not a heavyweight!" Shen Lin said solemnly.

Just then, a burst of music sounded.

"Sweet honey, your sweet smile is like flowers blooming in the spring breeze..."

The familiar melody made the people present quite quiet all of a sudden, but hearing the sound, Xu Ruibing asked in doubt: "Shen Lin, you didn't use amplifying equipment here, why is the sound so loud?"

"Brother Xu, I would like to borrow the PA equipment in your office, but unfortunately, your Song Institute is a cheapskate and refuses to borrow it."

Xu Ruibing understood Song Suo's temper, and it was easy to talk about other things, such as borrowing things, he didn't even think about it.

"Haha, the equipment you repaired is the heart of our Song Institute. If you want to borrow it, how is that possible?"

When he said how it was possible, there was a trace of ridicule in Xu Ruibing's voice.

Shen Lin also said: "Yeah, I can't help it, so when playing music, I used ten tape recorders."

Ten tape recorders!
Xu Ruibing understood instantly, and he looked at Shen Lin with a shocked look.This guy is really not ordinary arrogance, ten tape recorders play ten identical tapes together, this guy...

"I won't say anything, I can only say, Boss Shen, you are so proud!" Xu Ruibing stretched out a finger towards Shen Lin while speaking.

Shen Lin laughed and said: "It's all my own stuff, and it's a waste of resources to be idle, so I used a little more."

Xu Ruibing didn't want to chat anymore, if it wasn't for the heavyweight beauty Shen Lin said, he would have no interest in staying with this guy.

"Shen Lin, your heavyweight beauty, when are you going to start?"

At this moment, with a beautiful melody, Shen Lin came to the final part. After hearing Xu Ruibing's complaint, Shen Lin, who personally checked the process, said with a smile: "Isn't this just the beginning?" ?"

Following Shen Lin's words, the high platform built in front of Lin Rong Electronics began to tremble wildly.

"Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by this sound, a woman with a loudspeaker in her hand strode to the middle of the stage.

Short hair, bun face, split into two slender waists, and two big eyes that began to shrink due to the accumulation of fat around the eyes...

Looking at the middle-aged aunt in overalls, Xu Ruibing was stunned for a moment, and casually said to Shen Lin: "Why don't you let the heavyweight beauty play first, why is the heavyweight beauty her own mother?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "This is the heavyweight beauty I told you. If you don't believe me, you can wait for her to finish hosting and let's find a scale to weigh it on the spot."

Xu Ruibing was really speechless. The heavyweight beauty Shen Lin was talking about turned out to be this one. At this moment, he didn't even want to talk to this guy.

"This is also a beauty, you...don't waste your words, okay?"

"Old Xu, what you said is wrong, is this a lesbian?" Shen Lin pointed to the fat aunt holding the trumpet.

Xu Ruibing nodded and said: "Yes, I absolutely cannot deny this, but you are talking about beautiful women!"

"He has a beautiful heart, what do you want!" Shen Lin said with a smile to Xu Ruibing: "The beauty of the soul is the most important thing."

Listening to this perfect explanation, Xu Ruibing felt that everything was fine. At this moment, he heard the fat aunt holding a loudspeaker say loudly: "Dear guests, friends, and our young and old men in Dongzhou, everyone. Good morning." Everyone present was really dumbfounded by the arrival of the fat aunt.For them, such a host is really a bit unexpected.

After all, this is so different from everyone's imagination!

"I'm Chu Hongmei, the host of today's water boiling contest, haha, but I still like people calling me Fat Aunt."

Aunt Fat held a loudspeaker, and her voice instantly resounded around everyone.Shen Lin looked at the fat aunt who said two sentences according to his script, without the slightest nervousness, and seemed more relaxed than in yesterday's rehearsal, and restrained himself from giving a thumbs up.

He knew that a live player like Fat Aunt needed to be on stage.

"This water boiling competition is the first event of our company, haha, everyone may be a little unfamiliar with our company, but Boss Shen Lin, I believe everyone has heard of it, right?"

Aunt Fat suddenly raised her voice a lot and said, "You guessed right, our boss is Boss Shen."

"Otherwise, how could such a high platform be built here."

"As for why I came to be the host, I can tell everyone that I definitely didn't go through the back door, and I won it all by strength."

Speaking of this, the fat aunt took a breath and said, "I have said so much in this breath, I really need to take a breath."

Aunt Fat's words elicited a wave of good-natured laughter, and those who were originally dissatisfied with the host all looked at Aunt Fat curiously.

For most people, the temperament of Fat Aunt as the host is too down-to-earth.

"Boss Shen said that this water boiling competition is very important to our factory, so he set up such a big table, so he needs a heavyweight beauty to help him host it."

The fat aunt with the loudspeaker was not timid at all: "As soon as I heard the news, I felt that Boss Shen's words were tailor-made for me."

"After all, among the beauties in the whole factory, in terms of heavyweight, my fat aunt is well-deserved number one!"

"So, I went directly to Boss Shen and told him that I was the heavyweight beauty he was looking for. If you don't believe me, we can use the scale."

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.Even people like Xu Ruibing, who had already been told about this by Shen Lin, couldn't help laughing at this moment.

"Shen Lin, where did you find this kind of treasure? Let me tell you, I almost died laughing."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I found it from my company. I was worried that she would be restrained in a crowded place and would not let go, but I didn't expect that she was much braver than I thought."

Xu Ruibing chuckled, this is called being unable to let go, so what is called being able to let go!
"As for Boss Shen, he watched me for 5 minutes and was finally impressed by the beauty of my soul, so he asked me to host this boiling water contest."

Fat Aunt continued: "The water boiling competition, as the name suggests, is actually about boiling water!"

"Oh, I'm a little thirsty, that little Qiangzi, get some water for my aunt, let me moisten my throat."

Just as the fat aunt was talking, Qiang Zi, one of the service staff, came onto the stage with an empty thermos.

Behind him, there was another person carrying an iron bucket filled with cold water.

The audience, who were already aroused in curiosity, widened their eyes at this moment.

They want to see, what is Fat Aunt doing?
ps: The first update today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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