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Chapter 34 Fang Boyuan's Promotion

Chapter 34 Fang Boyuan's Promotion

Seeing Qiangzi's movements, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Xiao Rong, go to that bowl, Qiangzi, can you taste the fish soup I made?"

Qiangzi rubbed his hands together and said, "Brother Shen, this is so bad!"

Even though he said that, Qiangzi still took the fish soup handed over by Lu Xiaorong, and he almost drank a bowl of fish soup in one gulp.

"Drink slowly, there will be more later." While speaking, Shen Lin helped Qiangzi fill another bowl.

After making five bowls in a row, Qiangzi looked at the fish soup that had bottomed out, and said to Shen Lin in embarrassment: "Brother Lin, I...I drank a little too much just now, that..."

"Okay, Qiangzi, we're all on our own. If you don't have enough to eat at my house, I won't be happy?" While speaking, Shen Lin sandwiched another piece of braised fish into Qiangzi's bowl.

Qiangzi eats fish like a fish, and said to Lu Xiaorong: "Sister-in-law, don't look at my brother being fired, but now my brother can earn money and can cook. I think he is much better now than in the factory." gone."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "I think so too."

Qiangzi wanted to help clean up after eating, but Lu Xiaorong stopped him.With Qiangzi around, Lu Xiaorong was even more determined not to let Shen Lin clean up the mess.

And when Lu Xiaorong went to wash the dishes, Qiangzi said in a low voice: "Brother, Guangzi and the others are waiting for me at the old place, will you go?"

"I won't go." Shen Lin refused casually: "I'll clean up this big guy and see if I can fix it today?"

Qiangzi looked at the refrigerator that Shen Lin was pointing at, with a hint of hesitation on his face, and finally he said: "Brother, I... When I took this refrigerator away, the family said they had found a master, and the master said this The refrigerator was never repaired."

"This money...I'll give you this money."

Looking at Qiangzi who took out the money, Shen Lin stopped his hand and said, "Qiangzi, I never regret what I said."

"What's more, if they can't fix it, it doesn't mean I can't fix it."

"The money given to you is what you deserve. Even if it can't be repaired, I won't blame you."

Lu Xiaorong was listening to the conversation between the two in the kitchen, and his heart was churning for a while.In the past, Lu Xiaorong hated Shen Lin's lavish spending of money on his friends, but at this time, Shen Lin made Lu Xiaorong appreciate it.

What is this situation?

After Qiangzi left, Shen Lin took the tools Qiangzi bought and started to tidy up the old refrigerator.For the working principle of the refrigerator, Shen Lin has long been familiar with it, so repairing it is naturally easy.

When the power is turned on, it does not work, which means that there is a problem with the circuit.

If it's just a problem with the circuit, then it's not a big problem, there should be other problems, but now, the first thing to be repaired is still the circuit.

It took only a few minutes for Shen Lin to find out the reason why the power was not turned on. After re-soldering the blown circuit, Shen Lin turned on the power to the refrigerator.

Just as Shen Lin thought, the refrigerator is not cold!

A refrigerator that is powered on and not cooling is useless, and there is basically only one reason why the refrigerator does not cool, and that is the absence of Freon.

It is easy to directly pour freon, but what Shen Lin has to do now is to find the reason for the leakage of freon.

Unscrew the screws on the back cover of the refrigerator and remove the insulation layer...

After a while, the sweat dripped down from Shen Lin's body.

Standing at the door, Lu Xiaorong, who was holding a glass of water, looked at the sweating Shen Lin, and couldn't help being stunned.

She wanted to say something to Shen Lin, but she was afraid of disturbing Shen Lin who was working, so she finally put a glass of water on the table not far from Shen Lin, and then returned to her room.

On a quiet and hot night, one of the two people in the house was repairing the refrigerator, while the other was seriously writing the manuscript...

After writing another twenty pages of manuscript paper, Lu Xiaorong stretched in satisfaction. She glanced at her watch, it was past eleven o'clock.

Lu Xiaorong became more and more fond of this story of wandering the earth.The more I wrote, the more I felt that the story Shen Lin provided to me was extraordinary.I don’t know if Shen Lin is asleep?

After wiping his face in the kitchen, Lu Xiaorong came to Shen Lin's room softly and slowly, and saw Shen Lin was serious, checking the thin copper pipes.

Lu Xiaorong didn't know what these copper pipes were for, but judging by Shen Lin's appearance, it should be very important.

Lu Xiaorong wanted to speak, but she finally endured it. She waited quietly for Shen Lin to put down the brass pipe in her hand, and then she said to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, it's getting late, you should also rest early !"

Shen Lin was a little anxious since he hadn't found out the fault.

But looking at Lu Xiaorong who was standing not far from him, Shen Lin still smiled and said: "It's okay, I've already finished most of the inspection, and it will be finished in an hour, you go to bed first."

Lu Xiaorong nodded and said: "I put the water on the table, when you are thirsty, go here and drink it yourself!"

Back in her room, Lu Xiaorong wanted to pick up a pen and continue writing, but her sore hands made her decide to lie down and take a rest first.

By the way, think about the plot of Wandering Earth.

But after lying down, Lu Xiaorong realized that he was no longer in charge of the family.After a while, she fell asleep.

In his dream, Lu Xiaorong dreamed of the earth flying in space, of a hero who was driving a locomotive but was facing hardships, and of...

In the end, the faces in the dream began to overlap, and these faces finally turned into a person's face.

Shen Lin!

Waking up from the dream, Lu Xiaorong looked at the watch on his wrist and found that it was already seven o'clock.

Oops, why did I sleep until this hour.

Lu Xiaorong got up quickly, and after simply washing his face, he looked towards Shen Lin's room.

Shen Lin was lying in the room and sleeping soundly, and the dismantled refrigerator had been tidied up at this time, and he didn't know how it was repaired.

Lu Xiaorong, who wanted to talk to Shen Lin, finally swallowed the words. She made breakfast lightly, ate a little by herself, and left most of it for Shen Lin in the pot.

The soft-handed Lu Xiaorong came to the gate of the factory in a happy mood. Under the sun, the big characters of Kaiyang Machinery Factory shone brightly.

"Xiao Rong, you came so early today!"

"Xiao Rong, did you watch yesterday's TV, Huo Yuanjia is so beautiful."

"Xiao Rong, I heard that your family ate fish again yesterday. Look at you, you are now fattened up by Shen Lin."

Saying hello to familiar people, Lu Xiaorong walked towards the workshop with a smile on his face, only to find that there was a group of people surrounded by the bulletin board of the factory.

"What's going on in the factory?" A companion next to Lu Xiaorong asked loudly to the acquaintance who was watching inside.

"It's Fang Boyuan. The factory has appointed Fang Boyuan as the deputy director of the factory office." The speaker turned his head, his expression full of envy.

The companion next to Lu Xiaorong said with an unbelievable expression: "Really? How long has he been in our factory, and he has become the deputy director of the factory office."

"It's not true. He is a serious college student, and the factory manager attaches great importance to it. I heard that he is also a temporary deputy director of the office. In a few days, he will become a full-time employee."

"Tsk tsk, I knew I would go to college too."

Lu Xiaorong didn't care about these discussions.Although Fang Boyuan is her classmate, her position as Fang Boyuan is just a classmate.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support
(End of this chapter)

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