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Chapter 35 Lu Xiaorong's Persistence

Chapter 35 Lu Xiaorong's Persistence
"Damn girl, come here." Just as Lu Xiaorong was walking towards the workshop, Xu Hongying's voice came from not far away.

Lu Xiaorong glanced in Xu Hongying's direction, and finally walked over and said, "Mom, do you have anything to do with me?"

"You damn girl, why did you talk to your mother and me?" Xu Hongying blamed dissatisfiedly, then pointed to the top and said: "Have you seen that Bo Yuan is now the deputy director."

"Let me tell you, it won't take long for him to become the leader of the factory."

Lu Xiaorong didn't refute her mother's words, she said calmly: "Fang Boyuan is a college student, it's normal for him to be valued!"

"You... What do you want me to say about you? By the way, have you and Shen Lin decided to divorce? Let me tell you, don't think that Shen Lin can fix things, but he has no future at all."

Xu Hongying snorted and said, "In his whole life, he will never even think about entering a factory as a worker. You will be the one who suffers only by relying on those stealthy skills."

"Also, it's not just a day or two that Lao Bai and Shen Lin's father hold grudges. As long as he is the director of the factory, you don't want to have good fruit."

"If you want to get out of the workshop, you must divorce Shen Lin."

What Xu Hongying said was actually clear to Lu Xiaorong, she looked at Xu Hongying with an unquestionable appearance, bit her lips tightly, but said firmly in her voice: "Mom, I will not divorce. "

"You damn girl, you have to piss me off. Let me tell you, Bo Yuan has a crush on you. He doesn't care if you are married again. As long as you divorce Shen Lin, he can marry you."

"After passing this village, there is no such shop."

While Xu Hongying was speaking, she reached out to grab Lu Xiaorong. She wanted to use this method to re-establish her authority in front of her daughter.

Unfortunately, just as he stretched out his hand, Lu Xiaorong also stretched out his palm, blocking Xu Hongying's hand abruptly.

"Mom, I just regard Fang Boyuan as a friend. If he has other ideas, then we can't even be friends."

While Lu Xiaorong was speaking, he quickly walked towards the workshop.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong leaving, Xu Hongying stomped her feet angrily, but she was not prepared to let this matter go.

Lu Xiaorong couldn't do the work here, so she didn't trust Shen Lin's father's side, and she didn't even want any face.

A day's work in the workshop not only made Lu Xiaorong sweat profusely, but also his mother's words made Lu Xiaorong's heart cold.

Several times when she was working, she felt that her head was in a daze and her whole body was cold. If it wasn't for the supporters of her beliefs, Lu Xiaorong would have felt that she was going to faint.

After work, Lu Xiaorong walked towards home in a daze. At this moment, Fang Boyuan, who was surrounded by several people, came over.

Fang Boyuan glanced at Lu Xiaorong, and said with a soft smile on his face: "Xiaorong, some classmates invited me to have a meal, you go over together, let's have a good time too."

"Thank you Boyuan, I have something to do today, so I'm leaving first." In the past, Lu Xiaorong felt that Fang Boyuan, who was full of smiles, was very nice, but now, looking at Fang Boyuan's smiling face, he felt that his heart was a little bit uncomfortable.

So, she just responded flatly.

Almost rushing, Lu Xiaorong quickly returned to the downstairs of his home.She quickly glanced around downstairs, and the ugly tricycle that seemed to be able to carry a lot of things was not there.

Such a situation made Lu Xiaorong a little disappointed.

At this moment, she really wanted to see Shen Lin and let him comfort her.

He doesn't know where to make money!
Comforting herself in her heart, Lu Xiaorong gently pushed open the door, and when she was about to change clothes, she suddenly found that there was a piece of paper on the dining table at home.

There is still writing on the paper.Shen Lin was the only one who could leave a note for himself.

Lu Xiaorong quickly walked over to pick up the note, and saw that it wrote: "Want to know how it feels to eat popsicles in summer? Please close your eyes and walk ten steps forward, and open the bottom door of the refrigerator."

Lu Xiaorong didn't close her eyes, she fixed her eyes on the front of her, where the refrigerator that Shen Lin received was placed.

Although the refrigerator is still a bit worn out, it looks extremely clean.

The moment the refrigerator door was opened, a gust of cold air rushed towards Lu Xiaorong.The cold air made Lu Xiaorong, who was sweating all over his body, shiver uncontrollably.

Refrigerator fixed!
This idea flashed in Lu Xiaorong's mind, and she saw a small bowl on the bottom floor.

At this time, there was a thick layer of ice in the small bowl, and an ice cream stick was inserted on top of the ice.

Taking out the ice cubes that looked like a small bowl, Lu Xiaorong licked them lightly, and a sweet taste rushed directly to her heart.

Tears began to glisten in Lu Xiaorong's eyes, but at this moment, Lu Xiaorong felt that everything he did today was worth it.


Before he finished eating a different piece of ice, the piercing sound of brakes came from downstairs. Hearing the familiar sound of brakes, Lu Xiaorong knew that Shen Lin was back.

She quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes, and while eating ice cubes, she opened the door for Shen Lin.

Shen Lin came in with two ribs in his hand.

Looking at the things in Shen Lin's hands, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but said, "Didn't I say that? We ate fish yesterday, so why don't we buy it today?"

"I didn't buy fish. The ribs are really cheap, not to mention half cheaper than meat, and you don't have to pay for the meat, tsk tsk!"

While Shen Lin was speaking, he raised the ribs in his hand and said, "Let's make ribs soup later, drink it to support people!"

Looking at Shen Lin who took a huge advantage, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but said: "Ribs are much cheaper than meat. Look at your neighbors. When someone buys meat, they buy ribs!"

Lu Xiaorong's inadvertent accusation implied a different kind of divine light, Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong at this time, and couldn't help feeling hot.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, pinched Lu Xiaorong's face, and said, "Whether it's worth buying spare ribs or not, you'll know later."

While speaking, Shen Lin quickly walked towards the kitchen.

Although they are husband and wife and have been married for half a year, Shen Lin's little action at this time still makes Lu Xiaorong stunned.

He even twisted his face!
During the time of marriage, Shen Lin has never been so intimate with her, especially after Shen Lin was fired, the relationship between the two has dropped to freezing point.

Now, although there is some recovery, it has not reached this level.

This guy, he actually...

In Lu Xiaorong's heart, there was a trace of embarrassment at first, but soon, this embarrassment turned into a kind of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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