Chapter 36 A Small Goal
After putting down the ribs, Shen Lin rushed to the refrigerator, quickly opened the door under the refrigerator, and took out an ice cube with a popsicle stuck in it.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who was eating popsicles, and couldn't help but said, "Did you repair this refrigerator yesterday?"

"It's been repaired. Not only is there a problem with the circuit of this refrigerator, but also the pipes inside are broken. If you add Freon, it will leak light in a few months." Shen Lin said casually while feeling the heat of the ice cubes.

Lu Xiaorong didn't understand Shen Lin's professional stuff at all.She came to the refrigerator, opened the top of the refrigerator, and saw the position on the top. At this time, there was nothing in it, but under the light, she could clearly see the frost and dew.

"Then how long can it be used now?"

Shen Lin said indifferently: "Basically, there is no problem in using it for four or five years. If you cherish it, it can be used for ten years."

Ten years later, Lu Xiaorong's heart skipped a beat. On a hot day, who wouldn't want to own a refrigerator, but thinking of Shen Lin's repair situation, she swallowed what she wanted to say again.

"By the way, how much does it cost to repair this refrigerator?" Lu Xiaorong changed the subject.

"Daughter-in-law, there are not many materials used to repair the refrigerator, which is only one or two yuan. The key is that labor is expensive!" Shen Lin said with a heartbroken look: "I spent a full 400 yuan on this repair. Artificial."

Lu Xiaorong was startled at the labor cost of 400 yuan, and then realized that the refrigerator was repaired by Shen Lin himself. He was boasting to himself that he was worth 400 yuan.

Although she blamed Shen Lin for being so glib in her heart, a trace of pride rose in her heart.

Among other things, Shen Lin's labor to repair this refrigerator is really worth 400 yuan.

If my mother said that Shen Lin was no good, would I just tell her these words?
Just when Lu Xiaorong's thoughts were surging, Shen Lin had already eaten most of the ice cubes. He didn't eat slowly like Lu Xiaorong, but gulped it down.

The ice cubes entered the stomach, cooling from the inside to the outside. This refreshing feeling is really refreshing.

After three times, five times and two times, Shen Lin finished eating the ice cubes.Then he strode into the kitchen and prepared to stew the ribs.

"Let me do it." Lu Xiaorong put down the ice in his hand and said proactively.

Shen Lin didn't make a sound. He picked up a kitchen knife and chopped the ribs open with a few knives. He added water to the ribs and put them on the fire, saying: "The ribs need to go through the water first."

"You watch for me, and when the water foams, call me." Shen Lin said to Lu Xiaorong, "Do you want to drink frozen orange soda?"

The frozen orange soda made Lu Xiaorong's heart flutter immediately, but she still stopped and said, "The ice cubes are very good now, I can't drink the orange soda."

Shen Lin smiled at Lu Xiaorong, then strode downstairs.Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who was leaving, feeling helpless in his heart.

This guy, why didn't he listen to his advice?

In just 2 minutes, the sound of going upstairs came. Along with the sound, Lu Xiaorong saw Shen Lin walking up carrying two cardboard boxes.

Walking behind Shen Lin was a young man that Lu Xiaorong didn't know. In his hand, besides a black cardboard box, there was also a long tape recorder.

After moving so many things to the third floor, Shen Lin couldn't help taking a breath the moment he put down the things.And the young man took a quick breath the moment he put the thing down.

"Brother Shen, why are you buying so many orange sodas?" The young man panted and said to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin didn't answer, but quickly stuffed the bottles and bags of orange soda into the refrigerator.When the young man saw that there was an ice bowl in the refrigerator, he gulped and said to Shen Lin expectantly: "Brother Shen, are the ice cubes in this bowl for eating?"

"It's not for eating, but for you to see." While speaking, Shen Lin took out the ice bowl and said, "Eat it."

"Okay." While the young man was speaking, he grabbed the ice cubes in the bowl and started to eat quickly. The crackling sound all showed that the young man was eating very comfortably.

"Brother Shen, have you already bought a refrigerator?" The young man glanced at the appearance of the refrigerator full of signs of time and said: "Brother, this can't be..."

"It was brought by Qiangzi." Shen Lin finished putting away a box of orange soda, and then said: "I have already fixed the problem with my refrigerator. Basically, within five years, there will be no major problems."

When Shen Lin said this, he took out ten yuan from his pocket, handed it to the young man, and said, "This is money for the tape recorder. You'd better ask your mother to save it for you to marry a wife. Don't eat everything you have money like before. It's gone."

What Shen Lin said made Lu Xiaorong who was standing aside couldn't believe his ears.

Is this what Shen Lin said?Shen Lin used to be the one who spent two dollars on one dollar.

"Thank you Brother Shen!" After the young man had a few polite words with Shen Lin, he put the sheet of Great Unity in his pocket.

For him, this great unity is quite a lot. With it, when drinking and eating meat on the street with his companions, he doesn't have to hide behind because of his cash.

Shen Lin wanted to keep the young man for dinner, but the young man with money in his pocket left in a hurry after saying no to Shen Lin.

But before leaving, he said to Shen Lin full of envy: "Brother Shen, whenever my family is like yours, it would be nice to have a refrigerator at any time."

Shen Lin looked at the young man full of longing, smiled and said: "This goal is small, and you can achieve it soon."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the extremely calm Shen Lin, and couldn't help rolling his eyes, this guy really dared to say it.

"Shen Lin, don't fool around. This is a small goal. It's a big goal, okay? It's worth fighting for ten years." Lu Xiaorong said righteously.

Looking at Lu Xiaorong who was full of anger, Shen Lin patted his head and said: "What kind of small goal am I? The small goal of the old Wang is considered a small goal?"

Lu Xiaorong instinctively thought of Wang Tiezhu in his unit, because most of the time, Lao Wang was this.

"What is Uncle Tie Zhu's small goal?"

Listening to Lu Xiaorong's question, he knew that what he said was nonsense, so Shen Lin could only say: "The old Wang I'm talking about is not Wang Tiezhu, his little target, hehe..."

Shen Lin didn't say anything, but just stretched out a finger.

"Should I save 1000 yuan first?" Lu Xiaorong said angrily, "This is still a small goal. I think this is a big goal."

Shen Lin knew that he really couldn't say anything at this time, so he could only nod his head and said, "Daughter-in-law, I think we have to set up a small goal of 1000 yuan."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support.

(End of this chapter)

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