Chapter 37 Who to talk to

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who was full of smiles, and snorted, "Are you going to tell me that after you sell this refrigerator, your little goal will be accomplished."

"I'm not going to sell this refrigerator for a short time." Shen Lin smiled at Lu Xiaorong and said, "I'll let this summer go."

Looking at the grinning Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong was not talking, but remembering that he was still stewing ribs on the fire, Shen Lin quickly ran towards the kitchen.

Lu Xiaorong, who turned her head and walked towards her room, thought of the small goal of 1000 yuan for no reason. She suddenly felt that for her, she would have to accumulate money for several years. For Shen Lin, it was really a small goal. Target.

As long as Shen Lin is the reason, he will soon be able to earn enough 1000 yuan.

Rib soup, cold cucumbers, and steamed very soft steamed buns, even Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but whet his appetite.

After drinking the second bowl of pork rib soup, Lu Xiaorong solemnly put down the bowl and said, "Shen Lin, our life these days is really good, I think we should stop doing this."

"After dinner, just keep it simple."

Looking at the serious Lu Xiaorong, Shen Lin knew that it was useless to argue at this time, so he solemnly said: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"By the way, how is your purchase going?" Lu Xiaorong couldn't help asking.

"I have locked all the goods in the tricycle, and I can sell them tomorrow. The 600 yuan is basically spent."

Shen Lin said nonchalantly while drinking the soup.

The 600 yuan was spent all of a sudden. Although Shen Lin felt that he bought the goods, Lu Xiaorong still felt a little distressed.

After all, this is 600 yuan, it's too fast to spend!

"When are you going to open the stall tomorrow?" Lu Xiaorong asked seemingly casually.

"I'll go there early tomorrow morning. After all, when the teacher's college starts, there are always people coming." Shen Lin said while drinking soup.

Lu Xiaorong nodded and said: "I'll clean up the bowl later, you go to bed early. By the way, I'm almost finished writing the story you told. When you have time, help me take a good look. Is there anything that needs to be changed?"

Shen Lin knew that Lu Xiaorong would write about the Wandering Earth he was talking about, and he was not against this kind of thing, so he said immediately: "Okay."

After washing the dishes, when Lu Xiaorong came out of the kitchen, he found that Shen Lin had taken out a bottle of freshly frozen orange soda.

While reading the manuscript quickly, he drank the orange soda leisurely, looking very contented.

Such a situation made Lu Xiaorong feel helpless.

Isn't this guy too disrespectful to the fruits of his labor?

"Honey, your writing is very good. I think it's very good. It's more than enough to publish." Shen Lin put the paper away, took out a bottle of orange soda from the refrigerator, and handed it to Lu Xiaorong, saying, "Come on, drink a bottle of soda. You have worked hard cleaning the dishes."

"Didn't we buy this soda?" Lu Xiaorong looked at the soda Shen Lin handed over.

"It's for sale, but did you say that we can't drink the things you bought?" Shen Lin said nonchalantly: "It's just a few cents."

You are right!
Looking at the opened orange soda, Lu Xiaorong felt a little suffocated, but after taking a sip angrily, she felt very comfortable.

And when she imitated Shen Lin and sat on the chair with her legs slanted, drinking soda leisurely, she felt more comfortable.

But before he could feel comfortable for a while, that overwhelming feeling surged out again.This time Lu Xiaorong felt very uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but ran towards the water pipe pool.

"Uh, uh..."

Shen Lin looked at the uncomfortable Lu Xiaorong and said, "Xiaorong, let's go check it out tomorrow?"

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I just changed positions these two days, I'm too busy, let's wait a few days."

Shen Lin wanted to persuade again, but Lu Xiaorong took the lead and said: "I promise you, if this happens again, I will definitely go to check."

Shen Lin looked at the persistent Lu Xiaorong, and didn't persuade him anymore. The child is still young, and it's not too late to go for an inspection in two days.What's more, he can clearly feel that the relationship between Lu Xiaorong and him has begun to heat up, and the longer Lu Xiaorong knows, the better for the child in Lu Xiaorong's belly.

There are two rooms, two people, one is still writing and the other is repairing things, the dim light makes the shadows of the two people very long.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong got up almost at the same time.While washing and washing, the two of them seemed to be at ease while listening to the news on the radio.

Just as Shen Lin brought out the noodles boiled in ribs soup left over from yesterday, there was a knock on the door.

"Who are you looking for?" Lu Xiaorong opened the door and asked politely when she found that she did not recognize the person knocking on the door.

There were two people knocking on the door, one looked to be in his 40s and the other in his 60s.The middle-aged man in his 40s was not tall, but he looked smart and capable.Seeing Lu Xiaorong opening the door, the middle-aged man laughed and said, "My surname is Zhong. Is this Master Shen's house?"

Lu Xiaorong froze for a moment, she almost instinctively said that you have found the wrong person.

There is no master Shen here, only Shen Lin here.

But in an instant, she realized that the Master Shen they were talking about was their Shen Lin?

"Do you have anything to do with Shen Lin?" Lu Xiaorong asked cautiously.

"My friend wants to buy a radio, but Master Shen hasn't been to the market for the past two days, so we came to ask." Lao Zhong explained his purpose as soon as he opened his mouth.

Lu Xiaorong froze for a moment, she didn't know how to solve this situation.

At this moment, Shen Lin came out. Seeing Old Zhong, he asked unexpectedly, "Mr. Zhong, why are you here?"

"My friend wants to buy your second-hand radio. I have been waiting in the market for two days, but I haven't found you. I happened to meet an acquaintance in your factory, so I found out that you live here." Old Zhong said with a smile: " So here we come.”

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Oh, I've been busy these two days, so I didn't go to the morning market."

Old Zhong smiled and said, "Master Shen, we have all heard about you. Even the police station said that your workmanship is good. How can we not believe you?"

"You don't know, there are many people in the market, waiting to buy your second-hand radio?"

Shen Lin looked at the enthusiastic old clock, and immediately pointed the radio that was playing to the old clock: "Mr. Zhong, this is the only radio left in my house. If you want it, you can take it."

"If you don't match, just wait a few days, and I'll send it to you when it's in stock."

The 60-year-old man who followed Old Zhong, his eyes fell on the tape recorder in Shen Lin's room.

"Master Shen, you also took this tape recorder, right? I want to ask, do you sell the tape recorder?"

Shen Lin plugged in the tape recorder, put the tape of Teresa Teng that Lu Xiaorong bought at home at some time in the tape recorder, hummed and turned it off, and Teresa Teng's singing sounded in the room.

"Sweet you smile sweetly
Like flowers blooming in the spring breeze
Open in the spring breeze
Where have I seen you..."

Listening to the clear singing, old Zhong and his companions all had smiles on their faces. Immediately afterwards, Shen Lin turned a button, and the tape recorder, which was originally singing, became a news report with a correct accent.

"How much is this tape recorder?" Lao Zhong's companion asked Shen Lin eagerly.

Shen Lin said confidently: "This tape recorder has been used for four or five years, but I just repaired it. Basically, there will be no problems within four or five years."

"If there is a problem, I can repair it."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Lao Zhong's companion felt a little less hesitant in his heart. For Lao Zhong's companion, he was only afraid of one thing, that is, if the recorder broke down again.

Now, Shen Lin promised to give Xiu, which can be said to solve his biggest worries.

"I don't need to tell you the price of the new tape recorder. Both of you know it well. Since you have come to my house, I won't ask you for more of my old tape recorder. It's 100 yuan. You can take it if you want."

After Shen Lin finished talking about the price, he looked at Lao Zhong's friend calmly.

Lao Zhong's friend carefully observed Shen Lin's tape recorder, and after quickly operating it, he said, "Master Shen, I want your tape recorder."

While talking, the man said to Old Zhong: "Little Zhong, I don't have enough money, please lend me 20 yuan."

Old Zhong laughed and said, "I happen to have 20 yuan here, and I will lend you all of it."

Two minutes later, Lao Zhong and his companion left. From the looks of the two, Shen Lin felt that the two were very satisfied with this transaction.

"Xiao Shen, if you have any good things in the future, you must keep them for me. I will live behind the slope not far from your house." Lao Zhong said with a smile before leaving.

After Shen Lin saw off the people, he handed the entire ten sheets of unity to Lu Xiaorong and said, "Daughter-in-law, you take this money first, and there is really no reason for someone to give you the money before you have eaten!"

Looking at Shen Lin with a sullen face, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but said: "You can do it, eat."

Although Shen Lin was talking, he was not slow to eat noodles. Will he go to Dongzhou Institute of Technology to set up a stall later?Can't be late.

ps: The new book sets sail, the big guy you like joins the bookshelf, please support

(End of this chapter)

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