Chapter 38 What is a Supermarket
Eastern State Institute of Technology!
Xu Laosan woke up early in the morning, and the burnt-yellow sesame seed cakes were baked on the sesame seed cake stove, exuding bursts of aroma in the air.

In just half an hour, Xu Laosan had already sold more than a dozen sesame seed cakes, which made him very happy.I felt that I really came here this time.

Students start school, especially college students start school, tsk tsk, this money is easy to earn!

Just when Xu Laosan was feeling happy, he saw a tricycle and rushed over.

Yes, just rushed over!

Behind the tricycle, there is an ugly looking carriage, but no matter how ugly the big carriage is, it is also a carriage!

When the tricycle rushed towards him, Xu Laosan only had one thought in his mind, that is how strong a person would be to be able to kick the tricycle into the air.

And when the car came in front of him, Xu Laosan realized that the car didn't need to be pedaled.The sound of the rumbling engine represents this tricycle, and it turned out to be a motorcycle tricycle...

A motorcycle costs thousands of yuan, and now someone is driving this kind of car, which makes Xu Laosan feel a little red in his eyes.

Riding a tricycle was a young man who looked to be in his 20s. He was not too tall and wore a white vest. Although his figure was not muscular, it also gave off a feeling of being generous.

For young people, Xu Laosan has no interest, what he is interested in is the tricycle.Looking at the stylish tricycle, Xu Laosan felt envious for a while.

It would be great if I could drive such a tricycle!

"Brother, is there no one here?" The young man said with a smile when he saw Youngest Xu, threw a cigarette over.

Seeing that young people don't seem to be selling food, Xu Laosan said with a smile: "No."

"My name is Shen Lin. I'm also doing business here these two days. I will take care of you in the future." While speaking, Shen Lin parked the tricycle on the right side of Xu Laosan.

From Shen Lin's position to Xu Laosan's position, it was more than ten meters.Seeing Shen Lin's stall setting up like this, Xu Laosan wondered why this young man has so many stinking problems, did he feel that his sesame seed cakes tasted great when he did this.

However, Youngest Xu is unwilling to pay attention to this young man who lacks beating skills.But what happened next made Youngest Xu dumbfounded.

He saw the young man named Shen Lin quickly open the door of the carriage, and saw that the carriage was full of things.

Just when Xu Laosan was thinking about how this guy should unload the goods, he realized that he was simply worried about the ancients.

The young man named Shen Lin quickly removed the iron plates of the carriage one by one. These plates were supported by a small bracket, and in the blink of an eye, they became a row of shelves!

Toothbrush, toothpaste, enamel jar, thermos pot, enamel washbasin, key chain...

All kinds of items can be said to be everything that one expects to find. There are even several items that Mr. Xu can't even name.

With the removal of the carriage, the box in the middle of the tricycle was also revealed.This is a camphor wood box that looks old. The box is surrounded by a layer of worn felt, and on top of the camphor wood box, there is a big flowered quilt.

What is this for?
Just when Xu Laosan couldn't help himself and wanted to ask, Shen Lin stretched out his hand on the camphor box and took out another piece of red cloth.

He unfolded the red cloth and tied one end to the carriage, and the other end to a row of shelves.

At this time, the huge black characters on the red cloth were clearly reflected in front of Xu Laosan.

Thanks to Teacher Gao’s strict requirements, Mr. Xu knew all the words in front of him, and saw that it was written impressively: "Choose your own supermarket, clearly mark the price, serve students, and be honest."

Looking at such a line of words, Xu Laosan felt a little confused. Although he knew the word supermarket, he really didn't know what this supermarket meant!
At this moment, he saw that Shen Lin was holding several written papers and quickly hung them on the brackets one by one. He saw that there were written on them: one cent district, two cent district, fifty cent district, one yuan district ...

Can the business still do this?Shouldn't people ask honestly when doing business, and then set a price by yourself?

Even sometimes, you have to bargain!
And just when Xu Laosan felt that Shen Lin's arrangement was about to end, he saw Shen Lin pasting another piece of paper on the camphor wood box.

"Iced orange soda, [-] cents a bottle."

The price of orange soda is basically [-] cents a bottle, and this one sells it for [-] cents a bottle. Isn't this poor and crazy?

But soon, his eyes fell on the ice.

"Shen Lin, are you really ice-cold?" After Xu Laosan glanced around twice, he asked Shen Lin softly.

Shen Lin glanced at his neighbor, and casually took out a bag of orange soda from his camphor wood box.Without saying anything, he directly handed the orange soda to Xu Laosan.

Feeling the hard ice, Xu's doubts disappeared without a trace.

On a hot day, he was already sweating profusely while making sesame seed cakes. He had long been used to the heat.But now, touching the ice cube handed over by Shen Lin, Xu Laosan felt a chill that spread directly from his palm to his heart and lungs.

He was really reluctant to return this ice cube.

"Shen Lin, I bought these ice cubes." Youngest Xu asked for money from his cash box while speaking.

"No, our city neighbors, you can drink it." While speaking, Shen Lin took out a Maza from the cart, sat down leisurely and said, "Brother, let's take a good rest now, and wait for the students to come up later. , we have to be busy."

While Shen Lin was speaking, several students had already walked over.They saluted, and their family members followed.After looking curiously at Shen Lin's stall, they walked towards Xu Laosan's pancake stall.

In just a few minutes, Xu Laosan sold eight sesame seed cakes, while Shen Lin didn't sell any.

Not even asking for a price.

After Xu Laosan had been busy for a while, he found that most of the ice cube in his hand had melted. He bit the ice cube and drank it quickly. A chilling feeling filled his heart instantly.

"Brother, is it okay for you to sell goods like this? Look at those students, basically they don't look here." Xu Laosan felt that he drank ice cubes from others and hadn't paid him yet. He needed to remind Shen Lin .

Shen Lin looked at Xu Laosan who was full of good intentions, smiled and said: "Brother Xu, I don't think there is any problem with me."

For Shen Lin's stubborn mouth, Xu Laosan did not persuade him much. After all, he and Shen Lin were not too familiar with each other. The two words he just said were actually worthy of this young man's soda.

At this time, it was already eight o'clock, and more and more students with luggage, accompanied by their parents, gathered towards the school gate from all directions.

Almost everyone who came here had a sincere smile on their face. After all, in this era, being admitted to a university not only means having a good status, but also means having a stable job.

Even if you don't graduate, when you talk about college students, you are still superior.


A roar of motorcycles came from a distance, and with the roar, a Pian San motorcycle was seen coming from a distance.

When Xu Laosan saw the police car, he shrank his body unconsciously, while Shen Lin looked at it casually.

He saw a total of three police officers on the motorcycle, and the one sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle was his brother-in-law Chu Feng.

Shen Lin knew about the three-way motorcycle riding method at that time. Basically, the leaders sat in the car body, and those who drove motorcycles were also people who were valued. After all, at that time, driving a motorcycle was a kind of enjoyment. .

It seems that from now on, my brother-in-law is not doing well?
The motorcycle stopped at the entrance of the college. Chu Feng and others got off the motorcycle and looked around. It seemed that they were escorting the school to start.

Chu Feng also saw Shen Lin, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

For this brother-in-law, Chu Feng didn't have much affection for him in the past.Seeing him repairing the radio at the police station, Chu Feng began to feel that this brother-in-law was doing something right.

Why is he here!

Just when Chu Feng was wondering, he saw Shen Lin walking over with three bottles of soda in his hand.He handed over three bottles of soda without any hesitation and said, "Brother-in-law, where are you on duty? It's so hot, everyone, drink some soda to cool off the heat."


The people who followed Chu Feng didn't intend to pick up the soda, but after hearing the words of Bingbing, they couldn't help but take the soda.

Chu Feng didn't open the soda, but just held the cold bottle of soda with his hands, feeling the coolness coming up continuously.

"What are you doing here?" Chu Feng asked.

"Brother-in-law, isn't this the start of school for students? I'm here to sell some things, firstly to serve the start of school for students, and secondly to earn some money." Shen Lin said straight towards his row of goods while speaking.

Sitting in the car, the policeman in his thirties took a sip of the frozen orange soda and felt refreshed all over. The way he looked at Shen Lin was a little different.

"How's business going, lad?"

"It hasn't opened yet?" Shen Lin said casually.

Chu Feng looked at the students rushing into the school quickly, and then glanced at the busy Xu Laosan, and immediately became suspicious of his brother-in-law's business.

This doesn't even have a business, can it make money?

(End of this chapter)

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