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Chapter 387 Shameless, Bundle Sales

Chapter 387 Shameless, Bundle Sales

Fang Boyuan never expected that Shen Lin, a shameless guy, would even make fun of himself.Isn't this fucking deceitful!

You have already tried it twice, and everyone believes in you. You still ask me to fetch water for you, which is clearly a deliberate trick. can't be a good person, don't be so wicked and smokey!
Faced with the gazes and laughter all around, Fang Boyuan felt bad all over, and he even had an urge to scold his mother.

Shen Lin, you are too deceitful!
Just when Fang Boyuan was about to stand up and refuse, Bai Bin, who was sitting next to him, said calmly, "Boyuan, go."

"Director, it's not that I don't want to go, but that Shen Lin is too deceitful. If I go over, this guy doesn't know..."

At this time, Fang Boyuan was also somewhat dissatisfied with Bai Bin, I am your loyal subordinate, how could you let me surrender to Shen Lin?
Seeing Fang Boyuan's disaffected face, Bai Bin sighed in his heart, if possible, he would not want Fang Boyuan to embarrass himself like this, but it would be impossible not to let Fang Boyuan go.

If Fang Boyuan was not allowed to go, Shen Lin, that unscrupulous guy, would definitely call his name again.

He had already said just now that he and others are friends and businessmen. If he didn't show mercy and just said that his factory produces things that are hot for them, it would become another sad story.

"Bo Yuan, I know this kind of thing, you are a little wronged, but you have to bow your head when you are under the roof. What's more, this is not a loss to you."

After pondering for a while, Bai Bin comforted his subordinates and said, "At least, we can still test whether the things Shen Lin made are fraudulent or not."

False, how could Shen Lin cheat on this kind of thing, your head was kicked by a donkey!

Fang Boyuan finally left his seat, returned to the rostrum, and took a jug of water from a service worker.

"Haha, Director Fang, I'm really embarrassed to trouble you so many times, how about this, when you leave, you can go to our service staff and get a pick-up coupon."

"When this water dispenser is on the market, you can use the coupon in your hand to get a water dispenser." Facing Fang Boyuan who was full of awkwardness, Shen Lin said with a smile again.

Relying on the coupon in hand to get the water dispenser, I am missing your water dispenser?I, Fang Boyuan, are the kind of stingy people, you are simply insulting people.

Fang Boyuan, who was very upset in his heart, didn't say a word at all. He knew that he couldn't speak against Shen Lin. Instead of arguing about this kind of matter, he might as well fetch water and leave quickly.

Soon, Fang Boyuan filled the water dispenser with cold water, and then walked quickly towards his seat without receiving any delivery coupons.

At this time, he really wanted to leave, but the factory manager hadn't left yet, and he wanted to see how Shen Lin's water dispenser was, so he chose to continue watching.

"Everyone, the function of this water dispenser is that we can drink hot water whenever we want, and our researchers have warmly added a child lock to this water dispenser, even if children at home accidentally press it Press the water button, and there will be no hot water..."

After the water dispenser started to boil water automatically, Shen Lin began to speak, and following Shen Lin's words, the expressions of all the people present became more and more serious.

At this moment, they suddenly realized that the water dispenser was really not just a household appliance.

High-end, this is high-end!
This thing is not only suitable for use at home, it is also suitable for use in work. If an office has such a thing, then basically there is no need to fetch hot water, and it does not need to be as rough as it gets hot quickly...

After seven or eight minutes, the water dispenser finished boiling, and Shen Lin demonstrated how to open the child lock, how to discharge water conveniently, how...

Along with Shen Lin's demonstration, Fang Boyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this thing is really convenient.

For a single person like me, if there is such a thing at home, why not use a briquette stove to heat hot water?It's almost like you can drink it whenever you want. Grandma's. Or else, when you leave, you still get your own coupon?

Don't reject what Shen Lin gives, since it's not at your own money anyway.

Just when Fang Boyuan's mind began to loosen, someone said: "Director Shen, how do you plan to sell this water dispenser, can you tell me a price?"

Following these words, many people followed suit: "Director Shen, how much is the retail price of your water dispenser?"

Shen Lin laughed and said, "This water dispenser is definitely a high-tech household appliance."

When he said these words, Shen Lin felt his heart twitch. After all, speaking like this was a bit deceiving.

However, if you don't say that, how can you reflect the benefits of this machine, not to mention that compared to the present, the water dispenser can be regarded as a high-tech thing.

"After research, we decided to set the retail price of this water dispenser at [-] yuan." This time, Shen Lin did not continue to delay, but directly stated the price.

Hearing the price of one hundred yuan, the expectations of those dealers suddenly increased.For them, this price is very in line with their positioning of the water dispenser.

Although this is the wages of ordinary workers for two or three months, it is still very cost-effective to use two or three months of wages to add a household appliance to the family.

What's more, this water dispenser is very beautiful. If it is placed at home, especially for young people who have just married, it will definitely be a very eye-catching item.

"What's the ex-factory price? Director Shen, what I'm asking is the ex-factory price for us dealers?" Someone stood up and asked impatiently.

"The ex-factory price is [-] per unit." Just when many people were worried that Shen Lin would continue to play tricks, Shen Lin said frankly again.

As for the ex-factory price of [-], the only feeling in the hearts of everyone who heard it was whether there was something wrong with their ears.

Otherwise, why is the ex-factory price so low.

Although it is necessary to make a profit to the dealer, 50 yuan is too low.

This is almost not making much money, but giving up the bulk to the dealer!

All of a sudden, dealers like Lu Guozhong began to breathe shortly.

Because once they sell a water dispenser, they can earn a month's salary of an ordinary worker!

"However, because the production of water dispensers is limited, we are going to use the distribution system. That is to say, every time you sell [-] hot water dispensers, our factory will distribute a water dispenser for you."

Shen Lin used the big move he had planned for a long time, and said directly: "Everyone, we will not cap this distribution system."

Hearing the distribution system announced by Shen Lin, Fang Boyuan found that Bai Bin next to him turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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