Chapter 4 Unexpected Surprise

"Xiao Li, wait a minute, follow Xiao Shen, and go to other departments to see if there are any old things that need to be disposed of? Our office space is not spacious, and if there is a pile of useless waste, it should be cleaned up quickly gone."

"Saving a bunch of old things not only takes up space, but also affects the image of the office."

Cannibalism has a short mouth, and when Lao He looked at Shen Lin again, he always felt that this simple-minded young man was good-looking and capable of doing things, so he began to help him out.

"From now on, we will keep all the waste newspapers and books in our department, and give them to this little comrade."

After eating a piece of ice cream, the feeling is naturally refreshing. Xiao Li felt that the icy taste was too refreshing, and immediately agreed happily: "Don't worry, I will leave this small matter to me!"

With Xiao Li leading him, Shen Lin is much more familiar with the business.

It took only half a day, and Shen Lin took his flatbed cart and ran back and forth to the waste collection station three times.

The sun was extremely hot, the air was motionless, and the sunlight turned the leaves into curls and withered yellow like a fire.

Shen Lin's back was soaked with sweat, and he even felt that his bare skin was aching from the sun.

However, Shen Lin's pockets began to become more and more bulging as he unloaded things again and again, especially when he sold a batch of useless discarded books to the waste collection station, Shen Lin made a lot of money during that trip. two dollars.

Although tired, but also made money.

Bitterness is in the body, sweetness is in the heart, the money earned in this day is much more than working in the workshop.

If this momentum continues, he will be able to independently open a waste recycling station.

Then, relying on the recycling station, open a second-hand repair shop that specializes in recycling discarded home appliances.

Let this superb craftsmanship show itself!
A clear business plan has emerged in Shen Lin's mind.

The more you think about it, the more motivated you become.

In this life, no matter what, I have to let my daughter-in-law live a good life!
"Xiao Shen, this is an electronic classroom, and they don't have many discarded newspapers."

After working all afternoon, when he came to the last office, Xiao Li said, "Maybe you will be disappointed this time."

"Brother, you have helped me a lot." Shen Linman said sincerely: "Look at you, you don't have the slightest bit of official airs, and you are so approachable to ordinary people like me. I am really lucky!"

When Xiao Li was called out by Shen Lin's words from the leader, he was startled, and sighed to himself what kind of leader I am, but this sense of superiority of being looked up to by others was still like a clear stream, blowing a gap in his heart , very useful.

Immediately smiled complacently and said: "It's okay, isn't this what it should be, just come to me if you have anything to do in the future."

While speaking, Xiao Li knocked on the door of the electronic classroom.

As Xiao Li said, there are not only fewer people in the electronic classroom, but also fewer newspapers and used books. A stack of newspapers and magazines add up to less than [-] catties.

The young man who was in charge of receiving Xiao Li and Shen Lin had already heard about how Xiao Li and the others exchanged the money from selling scraps for ice cream.

Now I can't even replace a popsicle with the waste products here, so I can't help but feel a little anxious.

After wandering around for a while, he said to the people sitting in the office: "Brother Zheng, let's sell that old antique. It's useless to keep it, and it takes up space."

The one called Brother Zheng was a middle-aged man in his 30s. He pondered for a while and said, "That old antique can't even be repaired by a repair shop, so can my little comrade want it!"

While speaking, he brought Shen Lin to a warehouse, where there were a bunch of things in a mess.

In one corner, there was a dilapidated old-fashioned radio.

It was almost covered in dust, and in the warehouse, the color could not be seen at all.The young man said: "This old antique has only been broken for three or four years, how much can you give me?"

Shen Lin looked at the old-fashioned radio with English letters, which was imported, and his eyes lit up.

What do you want!

But at this time, Shen Lin did not show his surprise.He pretended to be honest and said: "If you sell it as a scrap, the price is not high, but it would be good if you put this thing in my house to bluff people."

"I'll give you fifty cents, what do you think?"

"Fifty cents? If it's not broken, I won't give you 50 yuan." The young man hesitated and said, "Forget it, take it away!"

It’s broken anyway and is useless if you keep it, so you might as well liquidate it.With the scorching sun above his head, Shen Lin drove the car home. At this time, he felt like he was about to fall apart.

However, the 11 yuan and [-] cents in his pocket, plus the old radio in the car, filled Shen Lin with joy.

In the early 80s, the monthly salary of an ordinary factory worker was only about 40 yuan.

This also includes bonuses and benefits.

It can be seen from this that the degree of profit contained in the business of waste recycling is high.

The only fly in the ointment is that only cash is accepted, no tickets.

After all, in this planned economy era where tickets are purchased, tickets are the hard currency.

If you don't have food stamps and meat stamps, you have to be prepared to be slaughtered when you buy things.

However, this kind of life will not be very long. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the national economy is improving day by day. Since the mid-80s, the country has gradually abolished some bills. Until 1993, after the full liberalization of grain and oil, the 40-year-old The era of shopping by ticket has come to an end.

He came to the butcher shop full of joy, ready to buy some meat, but the door of the butcher shop was closed.

Shen Lin, who was a little disappointed, was just about to think of other ways when someone came to him with a basket and asked, "Do you want fish?"

Shen Lin looked at the man in his thirties with a simple and honest face and asked, "How did you sell it?"

"Give me one yuan for this fish, or five catties of food stamps." While speaking, the man opened the lid on the basket, and saw a big carp weighing three to four catties inside, in a carp filled with water. Swimming in a porcelain basin.

The big wild carp is alive and kicking, full of vitality.

Shen Lin's heart became hot all of a sudden, now that Lu Xiaorong was in need of nourishment, buying this fish was better than buying meat.

"Okay, I want it!"

Carrying the fish and walking home, Shen Lin was very satisfied.

Use craftsmanship today to reward your own wife and daughter-in-law.

As the sun was setting, Lu Xiaorong mechanically walked towards home. The experience of this day made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

The most difficult word in the world is to borrow money.

The sarcasm of relatives and the white eyes of colleagues are still vivid in my memory.

Although she clenched her teeth tightly, the tears were still involuntary and wanted to flow down her face.

But this wasn't what bothered her the most. The most uncomfortable thing for her was how to face the landlady, who owed her rent for such a long time, and if she didn't pay it, it really couldn't be justified.

How to do?what do I do?
Rely on your own man?

As soon as this idea arose in Lu Xiaorong's mind, Lu Xiaorong felt a little disheartened.Men can be trusted, pigs can climb trees, no one can rely on Shen Lin in this world...

Why can't I be more stubborn than my parents and marry such a bastard?

Just when Lu Xiaorong's mind was churning with various thoughts, he smelled a tangy fragrance as soon as he entered the corridor. This fragrance made Lu Xiaorong's stomach that hadn't eaten for a long time couldn't help but growl .

Whose house is making fish soup?
Thinking of fish soup, Lu Xiaorong instinctively licked her lips, all she could do at this moment was lick her lips.

In retrospect, the last time I ate fish was a few months ago, and the food stamps at home were running out.

Moving upstairs mechanically, the fish soup smells really good!Lu Xiaorong suppressed the longing in his heart, and gently opened the door.

Maybe eat something and you won't be so hungry!

But when Lu Xiaorong opened the door, she was surprised to find that the smell of stewed fish soup suddenly became more intense.

The fish soup is stewed at home!

PS: A new book is about to set sail. Please support me guys. It is updated four times a day. If you like it, don’t forget to collect it!

(End of this chapter)

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