Chapter 5 I earned it

"Our people, we are so happy today..." Shen Lin was humming while cooking...

He is really happy!

Back in the past, none of the things that made him sad happened.Although he is physically exhausted now, he is full of energy.

Such a long wild fish, if you don't put in a lot of effort to make it well, it would be a waste of money.

Shen Lin collected a piece of lard from the kitchen, thinking in his heart that if the fish is not rotten, fry the fish in a hot pot with cold oil; boiled water must be added to the stew, so that the stewed fish will be tender and plump, and the soup will be white and fragrant.

This dollar is really worth it!

Using a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of fish soup from the pot, just took a small sip, and the freshness was rippling in his stomach, and a satisfied smile appeared on Shen Lin's face!
So fragrant!
"Shen Lin, could you do this!"

Lu Xiaorong saw the man in front of him intoxicated with a pot of fish soup, and felt even more disgusted in his heart, finally bursting out with grievances.I am a woman from a family, and I went out to borrow money in a humble manner. This man is so good, he hides at home and steals his mouth.

It is said that men are reliable and pigs can climb trees.Now she felt that the man in front of her was not even as good as a pig.

Although she already had a plan in her heart, the scene in front of her still made her hard to let go.

Shen Lin subconsciously turned his head, looked at the angry Lu Xiaorong, and quickly smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, the great leader taught us that people are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will starve. Well, look, I bought a fish, let’s drink fish soup today!”

"You buy fish? Where did you get the money to buy fish?" Lu Xiaorong finally couldn't hold it in any longer: "Even if you borrowed money from your father, have to pay the rent first, right? Dad’s current salary is not enough for medicine, how can you have the nerve to borrow his money to eat fish!”

Lu Xiaorong was so angry that he was incoherent.

Originally, she felt that she and Shen Lin were already strangers, but now, seeing his unprogressive appearance, Lu Xiaorong was still very angry.The grievances she suffered that day, the situation at home, and everything else made her unbearable.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, listen to me, I earned the money!" Shen Lin looked at the excited Lu Xiaorong, put down the spoon in his hand and walked over.

At this moment, years of guilt made him want to embrace this person whom he did not cherish in his previous life, but before he could reach out, Lu Xiaorong pushed him away with a look of disgust.

"What did you earn? How did you earn it?" Lu Xiaorong was so angry that he was trembling all over: "Whose property did you steal from? Return it to them quickly!"

"If you wait until the person who was stolen comes to find you, it will be too late! If you are not afraid of embarrassment, I will still be embarrassed!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaorong grabbed Shen Lin's arm and prepared to go out.

It seems that Lu Xiaorong is indifferent to himself on the surface, but he still cares about himself in his heart.

In the previous life, although the two of them ended up on the road to divorce, their experience together made Shen Lin feel that Lu Xiaorong cared about him.

And this kind of concern deepened his lingering guilt for many years.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, just listen to me." Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "I went to collect scraps and bought this fish with money."

Lu Xiaorong was stunned, and then said: "Shen Lin, if you want to lie, you have to find a credible reason, do you think you can fool me with your words?"

"Your mother won't believe it."

"If you don't send it back to me, I will tell your mother about this and she will tell you the seriousness of the matter."

Seeing that Lu Xiaorong refused to believe him, Shen Lin suddenly thought of the payment receipt given by the scrap yard when he sold scraps at the scrap yard.

Except for the red receipt for receiving the money, I handed in the three-part receipt, and the light green one is still in my hand.

"Daughter-in-law, look, I have the receipts for the scrap yard." While speaking, Shen Lin took out seven or eight receipts that were mostly soaked with sweat from his pocket.

Lu Xiaorong looked at the vague handwriting on the document with hesitation, not knowing whether to believe it or not. "I hereby receive 380 two kilograms of old newspapers!"

"I have received 190 seven catties of scrap books!"

"This is received..."

The dates are all today, so it doesn't look like a fake, but will Shen Lin really collect waste?Lu Xiaorong wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death. How could this man who regarded his face as big as the sky accept waste products!

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a hasty knock on the door, and the landlord's Aunt Chen's voice drifted over: "Lu Xiaorong, open the door."

Lu Xiaorong's face suddenly became tense.She smelled the fish soup in the house, and thought that she hadn't borrowed a penny until now, she just felt a little tight in her body.

How to do?
Aunt Chen's rent hasn't been paid yet, but fish soup is stewed at home, how should I explain to Aunt Chen, and what should Aunt Chen think of herself.

Her heart was tense, and her head was a little dazed. Just when she didn't know whether to open the door, Shen Lin had already opened the door.

"Oh, there's stewed fish soup!" Aunt Chen's face became tense after entering the door.

Although Aunt Chen sympathized with Lu Xiaorong very much from the bottom of her heart, she felt that it was not easy for this girl to be with a man who was like a bum, but it was an old crime.

A woman's family is borrowing money from everywhere for the rent, but this boy is better off staying at home and stealing money...

"Aunt Chen, I'm going to pay you rent today. There's no one in your house. I'm going to send you some after the fish soup is ready!"

Shen Lin looked at the old lady with a bad face, why didn't she know what the old lady was thinking.

Shen Lin respected this kind-hearted old lady from the bottom of his heart.Although he is also very greedy for fish and meat, but since he is here, he can't help but be rude.

What's more, he had to borrow someone else's flatbed.

While speaking, Shen Lin took out the prepared five yuan from his pocket and said, "Aunt Chen, I will give you one month's money first, and I will definitely give you the rest in a few days."

When Aunt Chen came here this time, she didn't have much confidence to ask for the money, but she never expected that this bum would take the initiative to pay for it for the first time.

Is the sun coming out from the west?Aunt Chen was very suspicious.

Is this still that bastard Shen Lin?

Just when she was stunned, Shen Lin came out of the kitchen with a porcelain basin.There is not only boiled whitish fish soup in the porcelain basin, but also several pieces of fish that look like tofu.

Aunt Chen couldn't help taking a breath of the tangy aroma.

" is this so embarrassing?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Aunt Chen, you have been taking good care of our husband and wife these days, we all keep it in our hearts, that is, a bowl of fish soup, if you don't eat it, then you think we are outsiders."

"Let my uncle taste this fish soup too!"

Aunt Chen declined a few words, then took the fish soup from Shen Lin.Before leaving, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Auntie, I still want to use your flatbed truck in the past two days, so I won't delay your business?"

"That car has been idling below, you can use it if you want." Aunt Chen said with a smile while holding the fish soup.

As the door closed again, Lu Xiaorong came to her senses. Looking at the receipt in her hand, she said in disbelief, "You only collected five yuan for one day's waste?"

(End of this chapter)

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