Chapter 6 Repairing the Radio
"It's 11 yuan and [-] cents."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who couldn't believe it, and couldn't hide his excitement: "Daughter-in-law, I'm still not proficient in business, and there will be more in two days."

Looking at the confident Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong didn't say much, she just silently put down the receipt in her hand.

"Be hungry, eat quickly, this fish soup won't taste good when it's cold." Seeing that Lu Xiaorong was calm, Shen Lin felt a little disappointed.

After all, my young self has disappointed Lu Xiaorong too much.

Fish soup, corn bread with yellow noodles, and a dim light from a fifteen-watt electric lamp!
Although the conditions are not comparable to those of the brightly lit previous life, Shen Lin at this moment is very content.

At this moment, Shen Lin still had some excitement about being reborn. He was talking to Lu Xiaorong while eating, but Lu Xiaorong's reaction was always calm.

"Drink it!" Shen Lin picked up the bowl and stuffed it into Lu Xiaorong's hand. This is his way.Not lingering, but real.

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment.

From her marriage to the present, Shen Lin has never served her food.

At this time, Lu Xiaorong's eyes were darkened, his eyes were dim, and he lacked the slightest expression. He looked weak and helpless, but he was definitely not feminine.Her expression was dull, as if her thoughts had been frozen, a kind of long-lost concern, a kind of warm dependence, a warm current of sweetness and grievance gushed out of her heart, but there was always a controlled indifference on her face.

Lu Xiaorong is not sure how long Shen Lin, who is so considerate, can last.

After all, he also said before that he would change, but he disappointed himself more and more each time.

Don't look at him as a group of five people and six people, he seems to be good to himself, once he gets together with those cronies and pissing down, he probably won't know who he is anymore!

"Eat it, I can't eat it." Lu Xiaorong pushed back the fish soup that Shen Lin handed over.

"Don't, daughter-in-law, it's just a fish. It's not worth pushing around like this. You should eat it!"

"In the future, we will often eat fish."

Lu Xiaorong had no choice but to take it, took a mouthful of soup with a small spoon and put it into his mouth, the taste was surprisingly delicious.It seems that what Shen Lin cooks is fish in sour soup. This bowl of milky white soup is fresh, sour and thick, and Lu Xiaorong really whets his appetite.

"I'll clean it up." Seeing that Lu Xiaorong was about to wash the dishes, Shen Lin hurried over to him.From then on, he wanted to do his best to love his daughter-in-law.

He knew that his woman had just conceived a child, so he didn't dare to take a little risk.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who couldn't help but enter the kitchen, and was very puzzled.

There were only two bowls, so it was quick to wash. When Shen Lin was thinking about how to talk to Lu Xiaorong, when he went out, he found that Lu Xiaorong had already entered the bedroom.

With the lights off in the bedroom, Shen Lin thought about it for a while, but finally did not disturb Lu Xiaorong.

He hurt Lu Xiaorong so badly, and now the bruise on his face hasn't gone down, so it's over after cooking a meal and saying a few nice words, how is this possible.

It has been a long time to see people's hearts, and I want to win back Lu Xiaorong's heart, the most important thing is to live a good life.

Looking at the empty home, Shen Lin shook his head.

He remembered that when he got married, there was not only a gold star brand [-]-inch black and white TV set at home, but also a tape recorder, and an artificial leather sofa...

Among other things, three turns and one sound, he has everything he needs!
But later, because of my fooling around, I sold the TV set, the tape recorder, and even the two bicycles that Lu Xiaorong brought as a dowry. I sold them for wine.

It seems that I was really a jerk back then!
But when he came back, Shen Lin felt that he should earn it all back soon.

Finding a screwdriver from the drawer, Shen Lin began to disassemble the old-fashioned radio. Shen Lin, who was used to radios the size of cards, really loved this radio that was the size of two bricks. stand up.

However, the principle of repairing radios is the same. Shen Lin used to repair hundreds of radios with just a soldering iron and a multimeter.

Now there is no multimeter, only experience.

The screwdriver was not very suitable. It took a lot of effort for Shen Lin to open the back cover of the radio. The dusty body made Shen Lin secretly take a breath.This really hasn’t been cleaned for a while!
Knowing that he could not use water, Shen Lin found a dry cloth and slowly cleaned up the dust...

Lu Xiaorong entered the room, lay down on the bed, and put her body flat. She wanted to put her thoughts flat, no more ups and downs, tossing up and down, but how could her thoughts be as obedient as her body?

She silently thought about Shen Lin's change.

Has Shen Lin really changed?

As soon as this idea appeared in her mind, someone told her that it was only a temporary phenomenon.

When Shen Lin married himself, although he was not very outstanding, he was still a sunny young man, but with the retirement of his father-in-law...

Thinking of his father-in-law's retirement, Lu Xiaorong thought of his current job.She has heard the wind and is going to transfer herself to the workshop.

According to Lu Xiaorong's own qualifications, as a cadre, she should be in the office, but now, she has been sent to the workshop.

The reason is also high-sounding: exercise at the grassroots level!
Lu Xiaorong, who is bitter in his heart, although he despises some people's behaviors that appear to be upright on the surface but dirty in their hearts, he has no choice but to accept this reality.

She couldn't accept it, because Lu Xiaorong had no other choice at all.

What is he doing?

Lu Xiaorong suddenly thought of Shen Lin who hadn't entered the house!
In the past, she who had given up on Shen Lin didn't want to care about whether Shen Lin went out to fool around.

But today's fish soup made her curious.

Pushing open the door, Lu Xiaorong saw that on the low dining table, Shen Lin was repairing a dark-looking radio with the help of the dim light.

"Don't play with it, this radio needs to be repaired by a professional master." Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who was playing with it seriously for a while, and said softly.

Shen Lin raised his head and glanced at Lu Xiaorong, and found that under the dim light, the thin Lu Xiaorong was like a slender young white poplar, tall and straight proudly!

"You underestimate me, daughter-in-law, I have found the problem, and I can fix it today."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the black box full of mottled mottled spots, and didn't persuade him anymore, but she didn't believe that Shen Lin could fix the radio.

In her impression, Shen Lin is best at destroying radios.

Lu Xiaorong, who didn't say much, walked into his room silently.After a day of running around and completely relaxing, she fell into a dreamland in a daze.

But just when she was about to fall asleep, a melodious piece of music suddenly rang in her ears.

"The night at the military port is quiet

The waves shake the battleship gently

Young sailor resting his head on the waves
sweet smile in sleep
sea ​​breeze you blow gently

Waves you gently shake..."

At the beginning, Lu Xiaorong felt that he was delusional, but after listening carefully, he realized that the sound came from his own home.

Gently pushing the door open, Lu Xiaorong saw that Shen Lin was screwing the black box with his hands, and the singing voice that touched people's hearts clearly came from the dilapidated black box.

"The sea breeze you blow gently
waves you gently shake

How hard the sailors on the voyage..."

(End of this chapter)

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