Chapter 7
Although Lu Xiaorong didn't take a closer look just now, he knew that the radio was broken!
It is not easy to fix a broken radio. Even in the specialized repair department, there are very few masters who can repair radios.

Although he was full of curiosity about Shen Linxiu's radio, in the end, Lu Xiaorong returned to the bedroom silently, lay quietly on the bed, thinking about Shen Lin's changes.

Outside the bedroom, Shen Lin screwed on the last screw of the radio and couldn't help stretching.Although he is back in his 20s and his physical fitness has improved a lot compared to his previous life, he is still a little tired from the busy day.

Not to mention the repair of the radio just now, it is even more troublesome.


Instinctively, Shen Lin wanted to go into the room where Lu Xiaorong slept, but according to his memory, he and Lu Xiaorong had slept separately just a few days ago.If he broke in suddenly at this time, he might lose the goodwill he gained just now.

More importantly, Lu Xiaorong is already pregnant, so she cannot be excited now.

With a bit of reluctance, Shen Lin returned to the bedroom where he slept, and when he was about to lie on the bed and plan his future life, he did not expect that he fell asleep in just a few minutes.

"Sweet honey, you smile sweetly.

It seems that flowers bloom in the spring breeze.

Blooming in the spring breeze..."

The melodious singing made the sleeping Shen Lin suddenly wake up from his sleep, and he subconsciously opened his eyes and looked around.

Old-fashioned wooden beds, high and low cabinets, flowery wires...

It was still the house remembered in the previous life, he was not dreaming, he really went back to the past.

Gently pushing open the door, Shen Lin came to Lu Xiaorong's room. Lu Xiaorong was sleeping soundly. Her body was curled up, as if she was resisting something...

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong's sleeping position, his thin body looked clumsy, like a chick just hatched, this image made him feel a little heartbroken.But he knew that at this moment, haste makes waste. The most important thing for him is to let Lu Xiaorong take good care of his body.

Finding Lu Xiaorong's Plum Blossom brand watch on the table, Shen Lin saw that the hour hand was only pointing to six o'clock, and walked towards the kitchen lightly.

Except for some rice in the kitchen, it is just the corn bread left over from yesterday, how can this work?
For the sake of the unborn child, he tried to find a way to increase nutrition for Lu Xiaorong.

Putting the remaining five yuan and twenty cents in his pocket, Shen Lin prepared to walk towards the morning market according to the memory of his previous life.

But thinking of the morning market, Shen Lin hugged the radio he repaired yesterday in his arms again.

The morning market is a small street on the left of Shen Lin's house. It is not known when a market has been formed here. Not only are there farmers selling their own vegetables, chickens and ducks with burdens, but there are also some second-hand items.

Shen Lin was planning to sell this repaired radio, and what he lacks most now is money!
When walking out of the family courtyard, Shen Lin met several neighbors who were in a hurry. These neighbors all ignored Shen Lin who came over with a radio.

For them, this guy who was fired from the factory, drinking and beating his wife all day long couldn't catch their attention at all.

Shen Lin didn't care about how coldly his neighbors treated him. Holding the radio, he was thinking about how much to sell the radio for.

In the morning market, people come and go, bustling.You basically don’t need a ticket to buy things here, but some commodities that are in short supply are much more expensive than in stores.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. The nylon socks from Guangzhou are more chic for boys, and they look beautiful for girls!"

"Dresses, wholesale dresses from Shanghai, five yuan a piece!"

"Hu spicy soup, delicious Hu spicy soup, fifteen cents a bowl..."

All kinds of cries rang out in the morning market. Shen Lin walked around from south to north, found a place, put the radio on the ground and said: "Radio, who wants a radio, a foreign imported radio , good sound quality, only 20 yuan!"

Shen Lin's shout attracted a lot of attention.

Although the radio has gradually entered more and more families, the price of 20 yuan still attracts many people.

There was a middle-aged man in his 40s who was wearing a yellow shirt. After looking at the huge radio facing Shen Lin, he said, "Young man, does your radio ring?"

"Uncle, don't worry, the sound quality of this radio is excellent." While speaking, Shen Lin turned on the switch, and a melodious singing sounded.

"Sunset Xishan Hong Xiafei,..."

The clear sound quality immediately attracted the attention of many people, and some people stared at the English letters on the radio and said: "It is imported from abroad, and the sound quality is better than our new one."

"Sounds good, but a bit old."

Shen Lin patted the radio and said: "My radio is quite old, but I just invited a master to renovate it. According to the master, there will be no problems with this radio in four or five years."

"Whoever you like, take 20 yuan away, and after passing this village, there will be no such shop!"

The middle-aged man in his 40s looked at the radio carefully, his expression full of hesitation.

He has always wanted to buy a radio, but a new one is a bit expensive, and one needs a month's salary of his.

Now this one, in terms of appearance, is not worse than the new radio, but it is only half the price of the new radio.

Although it was a bit old, the sound quality of this radio was the best he had ever heard.

"Young man, I'll buy it for 15 yuan!" The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin looked at the middle-aged man with a painful look, and knew that he was someone who wanted to buy it.Immediately smiled and said: "Uncle, I can see that you still have a lot of vision and taste. How about this, let's buy it now, seventeen, if you think it's okay, take it away; if it doesn't work, you can transfer it change."

Although Seventeen had an extra two yuan, it was acceptable to a middle-aged man. He fiddled with the radio, tried to tune a few stations, and found that the sound quality of most of the stations was very pure and extremely Penetrating power, sounds like the sounds of nature.

This discovery made the middle-aged people love it even more.

"Young man, you old thing, what if it doesn't ring when I take it home?" The middle-aged man hesitated just as he was about to pay for it.

Shen Lin didn't know what the middle-aged man was worried about, so he said cheerfully, "Uncle, I live in the metal factory family yard not far from here. Within this year, as long as it is not man-made, I will repair it for you."

"If it is damaged by man, I will only charge you for one part to repair it." Hearing what Shen Lin said so honestly, and feeling very fond of the radio in his heart, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I bought it."

A worker-peasant-soldier bill, a five-yuan note, and two red one-yuan notes quickly fell into Shen Lin's hands.

Shen Lin was overjoyed as he touched the hard, prickly hands of the workers, peasants and soldiers.This second-hand radio earned the money of a hard day yesterday. If I bought an old TV, then...

With the money in his hand, Shen Lin gained confidence and walked around the morning market. In addition to five catties of eggs, he bought a few catties of millet and two biscuits.

What disappointed Shen Lin was that the electric soldering iron he expected was not sold at all. He only bought a few screwdrivers at a hardware stall.

When he got home, Lu Xiaorong had already woken up and was making breakfast.She looked at Shen Lin who was carrying a big bag, and couldn't help but ask, "Where did you come from?"

"I bought it at the morning market." Shen Lin raised the egg in his hand and said, "Daughter-in-law, let's cook three eggs later, you two and I have one."

Looking at the eggs Shen Lin carried in a wicker basket, Lu Xiaorong felt a little distressed.It was too wasteful to just eat fish and eggs.

Shen Lin is still as gluttonous as ever!
But it's delicious, and now Shen Lin is using the money he earned, which made Lu Xiaorong want to say something, but couldn't say it.

Without waiting for Lu Xiaorong to speak, Shen Lin picked up the eggs and prepared to wash and boil them.

"You... Did you spend all the money you earned yesterday?" Lu Xiaorong hesitated for a while, but still asked this question.

Shen Lin earned 11 yuan yesterday and gave five yuan to the landlord. Adding these things now, there should be nothing left.

Shen Lin, who was about to put the washed eggs into the pot to boil, heard Lu Xiaorong's question, and said casually: "No, I still have less than 20 yuan, and I sold the radio I received yesterday for [-] yuan. "

The radio is sold!
Lu Xiaorong felt a pang of distress. The night of the military port played on the radio yesterday, the song was ethereal and full, which made her feel very comfortable listening to it.

"How much did you pay for the radio?"

"Fifty cents, those people in the electric classroom don't know how to repair it, so they waste good things for nothing! Wife, do you know where to sell electric soldering irons?" Shen Lin asked casually after putting down the pot.

Fifty cents, after being repaired by Shen Lin, he earned 17 yuan, which...

"Let me ask for you, by the way, when will you repair the radio?" Lu Xiaorong couldn't help asking curiously.

She and Shen Lin have also been married for half a year. After experiencing the downfall of Shen Lin's family from the glorious to the present, she was extremely disappointed in her man, but she never thought that he could repair electrical appliances.

"I loved thinking about this when I was young, and it will come naturally when I think about it a lot." Shen Lin was already prepared for this matter, so he answered normally.

Boiled eggs, egg flower noodle soup, a few yellow noodle buns, and a plate of small pickles. Although light, it is very delicious.

Although Shen Lin is determined to strengthen nutrition for Lu Xiaorong, but he also needs capital in his hands, and now he can't wait to break a penny into two halves, not to mention, to increase nutrition for Lu Xiaorong and the child in her stomach, it takes step by step.

"What are you going to do today?" Under Shen Lin's insistence, Lu Xiaorong finally picked up the egg.

Shen Lin ate the egg very slowly, not because he was reluctant, but because he was afraid that if he swallowed it in one gulp, Lu Xiaorong would force the egg in her hand to himself.

"Collect old newspapers." Shen Lin didn't hide his plan, he said with a smile: "If today goes well, maybe we can collect one or two old electrical appliances."

Lu Xiaorong looked at this sunny and confident man, and his heart moved inexplicably.Is this still that strange man?Yesterday, I only knew how to drink and beat myself!

After hesitating for a while, Lu Xiaorong finally said: "Scavenging trash is not a long-term solution, you... you'd better find a temporary job."

"I know, I'll only pick up trash for half a month at most!" Shen Lin had his own plans, and he didn't hide it from Lu Xiaorong.

While talking, Shen Lin took out another five yuan and handed it to Lu Xiaorong: "You put the five yuan first, so that I won't lose it."

Seeing the money Shen Lin handed over, Lu Xiaorong was in a daze.

Just when she was about to say something, a feeling of nausea surged out of her stomach. Lu Xiaorong quickly covered her mouth and ran towards the kitchen sink.

After retching twice, Lu Xiaorong, who didn't spit out anything, rinsed his mouth with cold water and walked out.

For Lu Xiaorong's reaction, Shen Lin thought it was normal, after all, Lu Xiaorong was pregnant now.However, Lu Xiaorong himself did not know this situation.

Should I directly tell Lu Xiaorong that she is pregnant?Shen Lin hesitated for a while, but decided not to say anything for now.

After all, I and Lu Xiaorong are almost on the verge of divorce at this moment, if I tell Lu Xiaorong about this all at once, maybe Lu Xiaorong will think wildly.

It's better to change slowly by yourself, and let Lu Xiaorong slowly discover about the pregnancy.

Son, for you, Dad can only do this.

Having made up his mind, Shen Lin asked Lu Xiaorong, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, maybe what I ate yesterday was a bit greasy." Lu Xiaorong picked up the egg again and said.

After breakfast, Lu Xiaorong went to work.Shen Lin didn't go out immediately, but after tidying up the house, he borrowed a flatbed from Aunt Chen and walked towards another factory he had planned.

When they just left the house, many people saw Shen Lin pulling the scooter, some said hello, and some just glanced at Shen Lin before looking elsewhere.

Shen Lin didn't care about these things. When he was reborn, how could he have time to care about these people's contemptuous eyes?What he wants is to let himself and his family live a good life.

After spending [-] cents, Shen Lin bought Ximei cigarettes, and then strode into the office area of ​​the factory.

At this moment, Lu Xiaorong had an extra notice in his hands.

A notice to let her go to the workshop to exercise!

(End of this chapter)

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