Chapter 8

"Xiaorong, come here." Just as Lu Xiaorong was packing up her belongings and walking towards the second workshop, a familiar voice stopped her.

The person who spoke was a woman in her 50s with short hair who looked very smart and capable. She was wearing blue overalls. Although it was a hot day, she still wore two sleeves on her sleeves.

"Mom!" Lu Xiaorong came to the woman and said softly.

"Xiao Rong, this time you were wronged, and it was all because of that unworthy thing! It is said that the adopted daughter climbed into the high school. I expected that you would live a good life when you entered his house, but I didn't expect that this heavy If the family says no, then it won’t work!”

Chen Hongying said full of complaints: "This white-eyed wolf is because the rabbit's tail can't grow. When he offends all the old people in the factory, I'll see how long he, the factory manager, can keep jumping around!"

Lu Xiaorong smiled helplessly. Now she can only listen to her mother's happy words. Now that she advocates the education of cadres and youth, Bai Bin meets all the conditions. It is difficult to let him step down!
"Mom, it's fine if I go to the workshop, and I'm no stranger to the second workshop." Lu Xiaorong comforted his mother.

Chen Hongying snorted and said: "You are a cadre, let you go to the workshop, thanks to his white-eyed wolf, I have already said hello to Old Feng from the second workshop, he will not arrange for you to do heavy work."

Speaking of this, Chen Hongying took Lu Xiaorong's hand, looked at her daughter's face a few times, and said angrily: "That bastard hit you again? Xiaorong, you can't drag it on any longer."

"You are still young, you can't hang yourself on a crooked tree!"

"Hurry up and divorce him. There is no way to live a life like this."

Lu Xiaorong had considered her mother's proposal a long time ago, and even before yesterday, she was almost moved.

But yesterday's experience made her feel that Shen Lin was not hopeless.

Thinking about the fish soup he stewed yesterday, and thinking about how he boiled eggs for himself this morning, Xiaorong's thoughts about divorce are not so firm.

"Mom, Shen Lin is not always like this, he has changed..."

"Change? I think he is a dog who can't change and eats shit!" Chen Hongying said with a face full of disdain: "If he can change, I will turn his head off and give it to you."

Speaking of this, Chen Hongying took out two dollars from her pocket and said, "Xiao Rong, you should keep these two dollars for emergency first, but don't let your sister-in-law know."

"By the way, don't let Shen Lin know."

"As for the rent, don't pay it yet. When Aunt Chen drives away, you just go back to your mother's house. Let's take this opportunity to divorce."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the crumpled bills handed over by her mother, and felt sore in her heart. She didn't dislike her mother for giving too little.

She knew the mother's difficulties.

Now my brother’s factory can’t pay wages, and my sister-in-law just gave birth to a son, and the whole family is waiting to eat. If you know that your mother secretly took care of the married daughter, and the hot-tempered sister-in-law finds out, that’s nothing to say can speak.

The two yuan should have been secretly saved by my mother.

"Mom, Shen Lin has already paid the rent, and he gave me back five dollars." Lu Xiaorong stuffed two dollars back to his mother and said, "Mom, you should keep these two dollars for yourself!"

Chen Hongying was surprised at first, and then said with a pooh: "It's asking for money from his father again, and I don't even look at what his father looks like, and ask for money from his father."

"Hmph, how did Lao Shen give birth to such a dishonorable thing!"

In the past, no matter what Chen Hongying said about Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong would not say a word, but now, she felt that she should speak for Shen Lin.

After all, the money was earned by Shen Lin himself.

"Mom, Shen Lin earned the money himself!"

"He doesn't even have a job, how does he earn money? I'll tell you Xiaorong, don't listen to his nonsense, maybe he stole it!" Chen Hongying put back the two dollars and said involuntarily. : "If I tell you to hold it, you can take it, and I will go first."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the figure of his mother leaving, but his heart was full of what his mother had just said.

Shen Lin said that he earned the money by collecting trash. Is it true?
After working in a daze all morning, Lu Xiaorong walked out of the factory. She was going to go home, but she walked towards the street in a strange way.

She didn't know where Shen Lin was, but she knew the location of the waste collection station, and she couldn't help but want to go there to see if what Shen Lin said was true.

The scorching sun is baking the earth!

After Lu Xiaorong walked a few steps, she felt sweat dripping from her body. She tried her best to find the shade of the trees, but the newly built asphalt road still made her feel that the soles of her shoes were stepping on a hot iron.

The waste collection station was quiet, not even a single person was there.Standing under the eaves of a shop, Lu Xiaorong quietly looked at the gate of the waste collection station.

1 minute, 2 minutes... The sun is rising higher and higher, and the temperature is getting hotter and hotter.The leaves were curled up by the sun, and not a single pedestrian was seen on the road for several minutes.

He should have gone home.

Lu Xiaorong, who found a reason in her heart, turned around and was about to walk towards home, but at this moment, she heard the sound of wheels rolling on the road.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xiaorong saw an unforgettable scene in her life.

The man who was always neatly dressed and liked to dress neatly was wearing a vest at this time, facing the sun, hunched over, like a big shrimp, trying to pull the flatbed forward.

On the flatbed cart, there were piles of old newspapers, and many iron things that Lu Xiaorong couldn't name at all.

He is really collecting waste paper!
Lu Xiaorong wanted to speak, but she felt her throat was salty, as if it was blocked by something!

Shen Lin didn't know that Lu Xiaorong was looking at him at this moment. He pulled the car and came to the waste collection station step by step.

The sun-baked skin would tingle with pain whenever she moved.But Shen Lin didn't care about these things, he wanted to grasp this way of making money now, and let himself accumulate more for the future.

"You boy have so many waste newspapers!" The fat man in charge of buying said with a smile when he saw Shen Lin.

Shen Lin quickly passed a cigarette to the fat man and said, "My uncle has many friends, and this is the waste newspaper from another factory he introduced to me."

"Brother Liu, you smoke."

Fatty looked at the cigarette handed to him, and said with a smile, "Hey, it's still Ximeiyan, not bad!"

Seeing the fat man's expression, Shen Lin quickly took out the cigarette case from his trouser pocket and said, "Brother Liu, I'm quitting smoking these days, please help me get rid of these cigarettes, or it will be wasted."

Looking at the cigarettes that were just opened, only two were missing, the smile on the fat man's face grew a bit, and he said to Shen Lin, "Okay, then I'll try it first."

After Shen Lin moved the bundles of old newspapers to the scale, he looked around the waste collection station. He found that there was really everything in the waste collection station. In the corner, he even saw a A tricycle with only one wheel left.

Ever since collecting waste, Shen Lin wanted a tricycle.It's a pity that buying a tricycle not only requires a ticket, but also more than 200 yuan.

In a short time, he basically didn't have to think about buying a car.

But this old tricycle caught his attention. Although there was only one wheel left, the frame was still there.

Walking in front of the tricycle, Shen Lin found that the bottom of the old tricycle was completely rotten, not to mention pulling things, it was a big pit when he pressed his finger.

But after Shen Lin looked at the tricycle for a few times, he felt that the tricycle could be saved.

"Xiao Shen, this time you sent 620 a catty, please keep the receipt." The fat man handed the purchase order to Shen Lin, and said enviously: "You kid, you earned a full three yuan this trip. !"

Shen Lin hurriedly said: "I'm not lucky. It just so happens that my uncle introduced a few big households. After these two big households have finished collecting, I don't know if I can take things in later!"

Having said that, he pointed at the old tricycle: "Brother Liu, where did this thing come from?"

"It's rags from someone!" Fatty pointed at the old tricycle with only one wheel left: "It's rusted to such an extent, it's useless at all, it can only be used as scrap iron."

Shen Lin turned towards the tricycle and said, "Brother Liu, I want to take it home and disassemble the parts. How much do you think it will cost?"

The fat man looked around, stretched out two fingers and said, "This scrap iron is also worth a lot of money, how about it, you give me two yuan, and the thing will be yours."

Shen Lin looked at the fat man who looked like you were taking advantage of him, and knew that this guy wanted to kill him.

"Forget it, the parts of this thing are some years old, and there are not many usable parts after dismantling them, so I don't want them anymore." Shen Lin said with a regretful expression.

While speaking, Shen Lin took the receipt and walked towards the financial office.

Fatty saw Shen Lin who was about to leave, grabbed his hand and said, "If you really want it, you can take it away for one dollar."

"After all, we are also acquaintances, and I can't let you suffer."

Looking at the fat man's smiling face, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you brother Liu, I will take him away this afternoon."

Ps: The new book sets sail, and we urgently need everyone's support. Please collect it if you like it
(End of this chapter)

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