Chapter 9 Delicious

Pushing the cart and walking under the setting sun, Shen Lin felt that his whole body was about to fall apart!

But looking at the things on the car, I was very satisfied.

A rickshaw with only one wheel left and the bottom of the bed has rusted away, two broken radios, and a soldering iron from a hardware store.

Originally, Shen Lin had no confidence in whether he could buy a soldering iron, but he never thought that the soldering iron was really available in hardware stores, and there was no ticket required.

Such a situation made Shen Lin overjoyed, but also felt more and more that the current supplies were more and more abundant.

The money in his pocket has become 27 yuan and [-] cents, which is today's net income after buying items such as electric soldering irons and screwdrivers.

Practice makes perfect, the business of collecting waste products just started yesterday, and I still have to figure it out by myself.At the same time today, one unit of waste was charged more than yesterday.

The butcher shop was closed, and Shen Lin didn't expect to buy meat at the butcher shop, after all, meat tickets were needed here.The reason why he came here is because there are often farmers selling their own chickens and ducks here.

Sure enough, after Shen Lin glanced at the butcher shop, someone walked over cautiously and said, "Brother, do you want to buy chicken?"

While talking, the visitor pointed to a black rooster hanging on a stick.

Shen Lin looked at the dark and anxious face of the visitor, and said with a smile, "Yes, how much?"

"Two yuan five, forget it, just give me two yuan." The man seemed to be afraid that Shen Lin would not want it, so he took the initiative to lower the price.

Shen Lin looked at the look of the person who came, and knew that this was an honest person. Although it was not easy for him to earn money, he was not willing to take advantage of others.

"I'll give you two dollars and five dollars. If you have any good cocks in the future, just keep them for me." While speaking, Shen Lin took out two dollars and five dollars from his pocket.

The chicken seller never expected that Shen Lin would take the initiative to give more money. Apart from surprise, he was more excited.

"Two yuan is enough, dare you do this?"

Seeing the incoherent speech of the man's gratitude, Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's not easy, let alone your rooster, which is worth two yuan and five."

"Thank you brother, I am often here, if you need anything, just ask." After the man who bought the chicken handed the rooster to Shen Lin, he handed over a plastic bag and said, "The potatoes grown at home, you use it and Chicken is better stewed together."

Chicken stew with potatoes is definitely a delicious dish.

In this world, only love and delicious food can live up to it.

Shen Lin made up his mind to change his image in Lu Xiaorong's eyes. Of course, he would never refuse this delicious food.

Pushing the flatbed cart back to the residence, the small courtyard was already bustling with activity. People off work were chatting while drinking water from enamel jars, and even children after school, regardless of the hot weather, were chatting with friends in the courtyard. Running wildly pushing the hoop.

Shen Lin's return attracted the attention of many people. Some people looked at the black chicken on his flatbed cart and couldn't help showing envy in their eyes.

After all, in this day and age, even a worker’s salary is only 50 yuan. If you want to eat meat, you have to rely on meat tickets.

Not to mention a week, some families cannot eat chicken once a month.

But at the same time of envy, many people even showed disdain. This bum has already been fired from the factory, and he is so lazy, tsk tsk, pity for such a good girl like Lu Xiaorong.

Shen Lin could feel these gazes, but at this time, he didn't have the heart to pay attention to what these people were thinking.

Put the flatbed down, then use a pocket to carry items such as the radio and soldering iron and go upstairs.He doesn't have a watch now, but according to experience, Lu Xiaorong should not be off work yet.

After washing his hands, Shen Lin walked into the kitchen.Although the kitchen is small, it is complete with chili, ginger and garlic.

Looking at a bunch of bright red peppers, Shen Lin suddenly had the idea of ​​making a large plate of chicken.Before the time-traveling, he never remarried after the divorce, so his three meals a day were all settled by himself.

Recipes, kitchenware and other software are almost the items he uses every day, so Shen Lin's meals are getting more and more delicious.

It's just that at that time, the food he made was only eaten by himself, so he didn't have much motivation at all.

But now, it's different.

Dishes like the large plate of chicken pose no challenge to him.Killing chickens, removing feathers, cleaning...

In half an hour, Shen Lin stewed the chicken into the pot...

Lu Xiaorong dragged her exhausted body back downstairs. This afternoon, she was learning how to operate the machine in the workshop, but what she thought about the most was about Shen Lin.

Mother's words were not unreasonable, but Shen Lin's appearance of selling scraps this morning made her heart ache.

Although in the end, she did not go out to meet Shen Lin, but that scene pierced her heart.

He didn't fail completely. Is there any reason why I don't believe that he will make a comeback one day?
Just when Lu Xiaorong returned home in a complicated mood, he happened to see Shen Lin who was peeling garlic.Before she could speak, Shen Lin had already smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, you are finally back! The big plate chicken I made will be ready in a while, you go wash your hands and rest first."

Lu Xiaorong didn't know what Dapanji was, but the rich aroma strongly aroused her appetite.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Xiaorong still couldn't help asking: "Didn't you just eat fish yesterday, why do you still buy chicken today?"

"You are too thin, and now you need to strengthen your nutrition."

"It's only two yuan. I sold waste newspapers today and earned more than ten yuan." Shen Lin whispered: "You can go to Aunt Chen later and give her two months' rent."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Lu Xiaorong was a little speechless.

Although he still felt in his heart that Shen Lin's habit of spending money lavishly hadn't changed, but the money was indeed earned by him.

And it was Shen Lin who earned it with his own hard work.

While washing his hands, Lu Xiaorong made up his mind that no matter whether he would continue to live with Shen Lin in the future, he had to have a good talk with Shen Lin and let him spend money and not be so lavish.

But just when she was about to speak, an urge to vomit suddenly surged up.This is already the third time today. After Lu Xiaorong took a sip of water, he thought to himself that his stomach was really good. He had only eaten good food for a few days, and that was it.

In the large white magnetic basin, the chicken is smooth and spicy, the potatoes are soft and sweet, spicy and fragrant, thick and thin, plus that layer of green shallots, just looking at the color makes people salivate and has a unique appetite. When I smelled it closely, the smell of chicken came out, hitting the taste buds directly, which gave a huge impact to Lu Xiaorong who was tired all day.

Shen Lin brought two small bowls, put one in front of Lu Xiaorong, and greeted courteously: "Daughter-in-law, quickly try my handicraft!"

Although Lu Xiaorong really wanted to talk to Shen Lin about not spending money lavishly, but the tangy aroma had already made her hungry stomach rebel.

Put a piece into your mouth and bite it away. In addition to the fresh and tender chicken juice, the firm chicken also has a scent of green onions and a spicy taste.Served with soft, glutinous and sweet potatoes, it is pink and melts in the mouth. It is absolutely the best in the world!
Fragrant, spicy, spicy...

The rich experience captured Lu Xiaorong's taste buds all at once. Lu Xiaorong felt that he had never eaten such delicious food in his life.

She stared at Shen Lin in a daze, unable to believe it.

According to Lu Xiaorong's feeling, Shen Lin's skills can definitely be a master chef.

At this moment, Lu Xiaorong felt that he really didn't understand Shen Lin. Not only did he know how to repair the radio, but the dishes he cooked were so delicious!
"How is it? Would you like to have another piece?" Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong, who was full of enjoyment, and felt a little complacent.

Without thinking about what to say, Lu Xiaorong couldn't wait to grab a piece of chicken and put it in his mouth.In just over 20 minutes, half of a large pot full of chicken and potatoes was wiped out. Shen Lin went into the kitchen and put a strand of noodles into the soup. The noodles were covered with thick potato juice. It tasted delicious Slippery, not only potato, but also a hint of chili, it's just amazing!

This time Lu Xiaorong, who finished his meal, insisted on doing the dishes by himself.For this request, Shen Lin argued for a few words before agreeing.

However, in the process of washing the dishes, Lu Xiaorong suddenly discovered that a large piece of oil in the oil tank had been dug out.

This is their family's oil consumption for half a month.

She wanted to say a few words about Shen Lin, but when she thought about the chicken she ate today, she couldn't open her mouth.

After all, eating by oneself is quite enjoyable.

"Daughter-in-law, you rest at home first, I'll go out for a while." Shen Lin's voice came from outside the kitchen.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaorong's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but ask, "Where are you going?"

"I have something to do with Qiangzi." Shen Lin walked out while speaking.

Lu Xiaorong, who was washing the dishes, suddenly stopped.Qiangzi is one of Shen Lin's cronies. When Shen Lin went to him, could it be true that as his mother said, a dog can't change his food?
(End of this chapter)

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