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Chapter 400 Shen Lin, my son-in-law

Chapter 400 Shen Lin, my son-in-law
The living area of ​​the hardware machinery factory is still the same as before.

It's just that as the new year is approaching, this old and dilapidated old living area has a little more New Year's atmosphere.

However, compared with Chinese New Year, more people care about whether this year's salary can be paid in full, and what kind of benefits can be paid for this year's Chinese New Year.

At Lu Dahai's house, Chen Hongying was cooking, and the smell of cooked meat made people salivate.

"Hey, go and see, why hasn't Xiaoshan come back?" Chen Hongying shouted to Lu Dahai who was drinking peanut beans.

Lu Dahai tightened his shirt and said, "Xiao Shan is now the sales chief of the Hot Fast Factory, isn't it normal that he doesn't come back for dinner?"

"You, don't worry about it."

Chen Hongying was already angry with Lu Dahai for drinking, but when she heard Lu Dahai talking back to her, she said angrily, "Lu Dahai, let me see if you don't go with the child, just drink by yourself."

"Drink, drink, drink, drink you to death."

"By the way, you can drink as much as you want, Lao Baigan. I told you that Shen Lin bought good wine, but I disagree that you can't drink it."

When Chen Hongying said this, she raised the cooking spoon in her hand and said, "Did you hear that?"

"I heard it, I heard it!" Lu Dahai knew that if he didn't speak at this time, he didn't know how many words were waiting for him later!
But Chen Hongying, who had already aroused her fighting spirit, was still chattering at this moment: "Tell me about you, what are you busy with every day?"

"Min Zhong just called you Master Lu a few words, hehe, it seems that you have suddenly become some important person."

"Tell me, did you become the director of the workshop in the workshop, or did your salary increase? It's not because of my son-in-law that you can have five people and six."

Hearing Chen Hongying say that Shen Lin is her son-in-law, Lu Dahai was speechless for a while. He really wanted to ask his wife, isn't her son-in-law his own?
But looking at the half-cup old Baigan in front of him, Lu Dahai finally decided to put up with this sentence.

At this time, I heard Chen Hongying continue: "That Min Zhong, I don't think it's a good thing at first sight."

"The one surnamed Bai is down, but he found a good place. He also said that he must turn the hardware machinery factory into a profit. Is it that simple to turn a loss into a profit?"

"If you ask me, only by subcontracting the factory to my son-in-law can we hope to turn losses into profits. What does Min Zhong know? He even promoted Fang Boyuan to be the director of the office when he first came up. Thinking about it makes me angry."

Lu Dahai was completely out of ideas at this time, but he remembered clearly that in the past when his wife talked about Fang Boyuan, her eyes would shine.

But now, Fang Boyuan's promotion has also become a problem in her eyes.

But this kind of thing, he is lazy to argue.But in his heart, he still felt that Min Zhong was a man of affairs.

At the very least, he can understand technology, and he is not fooling around like Lao Bai and the others.

Just when Lu Dahai's heart drifted to nowhere, there was a knock on the door from outside.

Lu Dahai didn't move, and Chen Hongying, who had already cooked more than half of the vegetables, quickly walked towards the door with a cooking spoon.

"Who, knock on the door softly, don't knock on the door for me, let me tell you, if anyone knocks on my door for me..."

Chen Hongying just opened the door, and said to Lu Haihai: "Come here quickly, Xiaoshan has too much to drink, you help him drink."

Lu Dahai walked over quickly, and saw Lu Xiaoshan staggering into the door with his shoulders on a young man.

Looking at his son's appearance, Lu Dahai knew that this kid was drinking a lot.

"Auntie, Xiaoshan drank too much. Let him drink more water. I'll leave first." The young man who gave him away knew Chen Hongying's character and ran away without waiting for Chen Hongying to speak.Chen Hongying frowned when she looked at her drunken son. After Lu Xiaoshan was helped on the sofa, she asked in a deep voice: "Xiaoshan, where did you go to drink?"

"Mom, I went to the boiler factory with my brother-in-law at noon today, and the horse factory manager insisted on keeping us drinking. I drank... I drank too much!" Lu Xiaoshan still maintained a trace of sobriety, and when he saw Chen Hongying, he explained intermittently.

Hearing what Lu Xiaoshan said, Chen Hongying immediately said: "Your brother-in-law also drank too much?"

"No, that horse didn't dare to drink my brother-in-law's wine for a long time. He almost died of joy for a big order of [-] pieces."

Lu Xiaoshan waved his hand and said, "That Ma Younian dared to bring people from his factory to fight me in a liquor lawsuit."

"Hey, I didn't embarrass my brother-in-law, I just drank him down."

If it was the past, Chen Hongying would have to teach her a good lesson when she saw her drunken son, but when she heard that the factory manager was treating guests, and her son was going to drink the factory manager down, Chen Hongying's face was full of tears. A trace of pride.

"What are you talking about, an order of [-] pieces?"

"Mom, you don't know, my brother-in-law and I... went... to that boiler factory. Their situation is worse than that of the hardware machinery factory."

"Haha, I heard from their factory manager that they won't be able to pay their wages for three months. Tsk tsk, when my brother-in-law got there, he waved his hand and said that he could give them an order of [-] pieces, and the price was not low."

What Lu Xiaoshan said was confusing, but the content was also said. In Chen Hongying's ears, this was Shen Lin's enthusiasm for smashing a factory with a single order.

"Xiaoshan, work is work, but you can't get so drunk in the future, it's not good for your health."

Lu Dahai, who cared about his son, couldn't help but educate Lu Xiaoshan.

"Dad, I'm afraid I can't listen to you these days. My brother-in-law said that we have a lot of small factories to take down these days. In the future, drinking will basically belong to me."

"Oops, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable."

When Lu Xiaoshan shrank on the sofa and shook his head, Chen Hongying said loudly: "Lu Dahai, help your son to the room quickly, let him have a good rest."

"By the way, add an extra quilt to save you from catching a cold. Also, you are talking to Xiao Shan, so don't let him fall asleep. I will make you a hot and sour soup for him to drink later before going to sleep."

Listening to his wife's words, Lu Dahai felt a burst of emotion in his heart. Every time he got drunk, Chen Hongying threw him on the bed and it was over.

He has never encountered this kind of treatment like now.

"Hongying, when I'm drunk, you can be so reasonable."

When Lu Dahai said this, he was simply emotional, but after he finished speaking, Chen Hongying said: "Lu Dahai, it's not easy for me to be reasonable, as long as you are like Xiaoshan, you are drunk because of business. I will take good care of you."

"But you drank two or two horses for nothing, and walked around the table drunk. You still want me to treat you like this. Go ahead and dream."

"You, in this life, you may not have a son or a future."

Hearing Chen Hongying's disgusting words, Lu Dahai sighed helplessly.

At the same time, he was drunk, but the treatment was too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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