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Chapter 435 It's fine if you don't cooperate

Chapter 435 It's fine if you don't cooperate
Director Lei's voice was like a bell, resounding to the ground. At this moment, he was not only highly nervous, but also full of high-spirited fighting spirit.

As the leader of the alliance, being able to deliver an impassioned speech on behalf of everyone, in the eyes of Director Lei, is so hearty and exciting.

This time, he wants to become a hero in the eyes of everyone, and he wants to let those who are not too convinced of him and mutter about him behind his back know that he, Lao Lei, is not just for nothing.

Be famous all over the world!

Although it has not yet reached such a level, but in the future, once someone mentions Shen Lin, someone will definitely talk about himself, saying that he is the one who dares to fight Shen Lin in this world.

And this time, his impassioned words can also become classics.This is really a bright sword move!
His eyes stared at Shen Lin closely, and his wide eyes seemed to imply an unquestionable fighting spirit.

Just when Director Lei's mind was running fast, organizing his words, and when Shen Lin shied away, what countermeasures should he take? , you don’t want to cooperate anymore?”

"Director Shen, you can't say that. We hope to cooperate, but we are not satisfied with the way of cooperation."

Director Lei patted his chest and said, "We feel that our interests have been compromised..."

"Director Lei, I already understand what you mean. Since you are unwilling to use the current cooperation method, then let's not cooperate."

Shen Lin directly interrupted Director Lei's words, and his voice was even more unquestionable.

Hearing Shen Lin's words, Director Lei was stunned for a moment. In his mind, facing the departure of himself and others, Shen Lin would try his best to keep them no matter what.

But he and the others must not be able to satisfy Shen Lin's small concessions.

It is necessary to let Shen Lin reduce the profit a little more, because only if Shen Lin reduces the profit more, they will get more profit.

But now, what Director Lei heard was Shen Lin's words that it's fine if he doesn't cooperate.

This sentence was said lightly, but upon hearing this sentence, Director Lei's heart was like thunder.

Although Director Lei has already figured out a way out, if the factories of himself and others unite, there should be great development.

However, this is only their worst plan after all.

Although they all thought very well when planning, none of them can guarantee the final result.

In this case, what they are more willing to get is Shen Lin's regression.

"Shen... Director Shen, what did you just say? You... You haven't figured out what I mean just now?"

Director Lei stammered a bit, but at this time, he couldn't care less about it!Compared with the profit of the factory, face is nothing!
Shen Lin looked at Director Shen with a smile. He was calm, but said in an unquestionable way: "Old Lei, you should understand what I just said."

"It's fine if you don't cooperate, I won't force others to cooperate with me."

"And all of you here, if you all agree with Lao Lei, then after this full moon wine, please report to our sales department."

After coughing lightly, Shen Lin went on to say: "I will not give you a single penny of the money that should be paid to everyone."

"However, please don't disturb me here. After all, today is my son's full moon wine. This is a good day."

Although Shen Lin has already issued an order to evict customers, Director Lei still couldn't accept it. He asked very unwillingly: "Director Shen, do you know how much harm will be brought to you once your factory does not cooperate with us?" influences?"

"Do you know, once your decision is implemented, what kind of... consequences will it cause..." Min Zhong did not look down on Director Lei's attitude. On the contrary, he felt that Lao Lei was... True mutual tolerance serves the country.

In order to calm Shen Lin down, he doesn't even care about his own face now!

Shen Lin's two light words made Min Zhong feel a little dazed.He originally thought that Shen Lin would find various ways to evade it.

In the end, the situation presented in front of them should be that their alliance is pressing harder and harder, while Shen Lin will retreat step by step.

Even if the talks collapsed, it should be that the conditions they raised were too harsh, and Shen Lin had to interrupt the cooperation when Shen Lin was very uncomfortable.

But now, Shen Lin didn't even give them a chance to negotiate, and just said that they would not cooperate.

What's happening here?What kind of rules is this? You are obviously not playing cards according to common sense...

"As a result, I am very clear. We just accept the impact on us." Shen Lin smiled and said: "Director Lei, people really can't be hanged on one tree, you can try a few more!"

"In addition, you have delayed my son's full moon wine by one minute. As the host, I hope you will not disturb us any more."

Having said that, Shen Lin waved his hands at Factory Manager Lei and said, "Everything will be done according to your instructions, please stop talking."

Director Lei's complexion kept changing, first he was angry, then pale, and finally turned gloomy.

He seemed to have got what he wanted, but he also felt that he seemed to have fallen into some kind of design by Shen Lin.

Not only Director Lei, but also the heads of other cooperating factories seemed to be stepping on cotton at this moment, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, they seem to have got the result they want, but they have no bottom in their hearts.

"Director Shen, why can't we talk?" Ma Younian, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help standing up at this moment and shouting loudly.

What Ma Younian wanted most was for Shen Lin to give up a large part of his interests, and then everyone would work together, which would have the least impact on him.

What he was looking forward to was such a result, but he did not expect that Shen Lin would be so decisive about this matter.

Cheng Zhenyuan and the others looked at Ma Younian with a flat look.Although they had already prepared for this matter, when Lao Lei and others forced the palace, their hearts were filled with anger.

But now, Ma Younian's words made them even more sarcastic.

"Director Ma, I don't think there is any need to negotiate." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Cooperation is a matter for both parties."

"If we can cooperate, let's continue; if we can't cooperate, we can get together and break up. Why should we make everyone unhappy because of this kind of thing?"

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said again: "Today is my son's full moon wine, and everyone has a good drink or two, which can be regarded as a good breakup."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin showed a smile on his face and said: "Everyone, here, I would like to thank my wife Lu Xiaorong, she brought me my son Xiao Guokeer, this time the full moon wine, My greatest wish is for my family to be safe and happy."

As soon as Shen Lin said this, Lao Lei couldn't say what he wanted to say.He shook his head and stepped back.

At this moment, Shen Lin said again: "In addition, I would also like to thank Cheng Zhenyuan and other colleagues. It is your help that made my second child born."

(End of this chapter)

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