Chapter 436 The Second Child

In the lobby of the No. [-] Guest House, almost all the guests were stunned.

what's the situation?In such a grand situation, it was Boss Shen who made the full moon wine for his son. Where did this second child come out of nowhere?

Is this an extramarital affair?However, if there is an extramarital affair, shouldn't it be hidden? Why did you say it on this occasion!
Shen Lin's head wasn't kicked by the donkey, how could he have a silly face and dare to say anything here, he... what is he trying to do?
Thoughts surged crazily in everyone's hearts, and some even stood up and asked Shen Lin what he was doing.

Chen Hongying, as Shen Lin's mother-in-law, was originally sitting in the chief position, talking to a few relatives of her natal family. At this time, listening to Shen Lin's words, Chen Hongying felt her head buzzing.

What is Shen Lin doing?
In full view of the public, what did he say about the first child and the second child? What was he going to do?
Chen Hongying's first feeling was that Shen Lin had other women, but she herself didn't believe it.Although the son-in-law is rich and powerful, he still has a deep affection for his daughter, so he can't be so unreliable.

She stood up suddenly, she had to ask what the son-in-law wanted to do, but was grabbed by Lu Dahai who was sitting on the side: "Don't worry, we don't know about our own son-in-law, Shen Lin He's smart, he can't make a lot of bad things for himself."

Hearing what Lu Dahai said, Chen Hongying slowly calmed down, but her face was staring at Shen Lin in a daze.

Shen Xingye was also quite surprised. He was talking with relatives and friends when he suddenly heard what his son said.

Shen Xingye was very happy to have a grandson, but the second child that Shen Lin suddenly mentioned surprised him as well.

He even wondered if there was something wrong with Shen Lin's head, or else, why would he say such a meaningless thing.

What's more, brat, even if you can't resist the temptation and have done something wrong to Lu Xiaorong, you just need to know it yourself, and it's better to talk to our old couple in private later, and you just tell us directly Let it go out, how do you let me, a father, end up?

For a moment, Shen Xingye really had the urge to beat his son up.

Fang Boyuan also felt his mind buzzing, and he found it incredible, because this matter was beyond his expectation.

What does Shen Lin mean by this? What exactly is he talking about?Besides him and Lu Xiaorong, there is another child.

This is a heartless guy. From the moment I saw him, I felt that this kid was not authentic.

But while this kind of thought was surging in his heart, his rationality told him that this matter was definitely not what he heard.

Among them, there may be other situations.

Amidst the flashing of thoughts, Fang Boyuan suddenly thought of a name, a name that Shen Lin just mentioned.

Cheng Zhenyuan, why should Shen Lin thank Cheng Zhenyuan and others for helping him conceive this child? Could it be that Shen Lin's concubine introduced him to Cheng Zhenyuan?

Lu Xiaorong, Lu Xiaorong, I, Fang Boyuan, have a special liking for you, but you just don't like it, so you have to follow this bastard Shen Lin. Now that you're all right, what happiness do you have for the rest of your life?
Just when Fang Boyuan was thinking wildly, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Next, please turn on the TV."

As the largest guest house in Dongzhou, there is a 25-inch large color TV in the lobby.Usually, the color TV is not turned on.

But now, Shen Lin is not only a distinguished guest of the private room, but also has friendship with the director of the first guest house, which is easier to handle. According to the prior arrangement, the waiter quickly pressed the remote control and turned on the TV.

"Friends from the audience, this time the noon news is over." With the voice of the announcer on the TV, the noon news of the provincial station has been broadcast.

Director Shen, what are you doing, letting everyone watch the midday news here?Most people kept their questions in their hearts at this time, but some people also asked their questions.

For example, Director Lei, who had just been slapped unceremoniously by Shen Lin and felt that he couldn't hold back, suddenly burst into laughter at this moment: "Director Shen, you said so much just to let us watch the news ?”

"Haha, I thought you really had another one..."

Just as Director Lei was speaking, the picture on the TV screen suddenly changed. It was originally a news page, but it suddenly became a family.

A home full of warmth and technology, decorated with white floors and light gauze.

For the appearance of this family, Shen Lin made the decoration team work hard for a full month. As soon as the decoration style of the 21st century appeared, all the people watching the TV immediately widened their eyes.

For these people, this is the first time they have seen such a situation, so everyone has an incredible feeling.

"How do you pretend? My family also wants to pretend like this." The young people who were about to get married saw the light gauze and the floor-to-ceiling windows, their eyes were full of longing.

It can be said that the decoration of the house on TV, that is, in an instant, has captured everyone's heart.

At this moment, a woman who looked to be in her 30s, wearing home clothes, walked out with brisk steps.

She came to the desk, gently pressed the light blue water dispenser, took out a glass of water, and then went to the kitchen with the glass of water.

In the kitchen, a drum-like rice cooker was emitting steam, and as the woman gently opened the top cover of the rice cooker, a pot of steamed rice was displayed in front of everyone...

Such a situation, to many people, seems like a dream.

Playing soothing light music, the woman is at home, drinking hot water and pressing the button directly, steaming rice without briquettes or fire, directly turning on the rice cooker, and there is steamed rice inside.

"Mike, light up life with technology!"

Following the appearance of this line of words, the woman gently slid her finger, and a line of four English letters appeared on the huge TV screen.

Then there was a nice female voice who uttered the four shining words of Mishell Electric!
Such TV commercials, if placed decades later, would of course be considered very popular and common, but at this time, almost all the guests watched all this with wide-eyed eyes.

The impact brought by this kind of advertisement makes them feel dizzy even more.

"Mi Ke, use technology to light up life!" Zhong Tianyang was the first to react. He looked at the line of words on the TV and couldn't help but sigh with emotion; "This sentence is really good. Remember this sentence, Mi Ke."

And at the end of the advertisement, the logo of the rice shell on the automatic water dispenser and rice cooker was displayed at the same time.

A few seconds later, the TV commercial changed. This time, the TV commercial was an advertisement for selling radios, but this kind of ordinary advertisement gave people a very ordinary feeling.

It didn't make people feel the slightest interest at all, and everyone was still silent in the shock just now.

(End of this chapter)

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