Chapter 46

"Miss boss, you don't have children in your family. I'm terrible and noisy when I sleep. I don't want to sleep if I can't wake up." Shen Lin followed the lady boss upstairs while muttering: "If you don't want to sleep peacefully, who would come here to spend money?" what!"

The proprietress has not yet accepted Shen Lin's money, so her attitude is very good at this time. She smiled and said: "The youngest child in our family has already entered junior high school, and no one is making noise."

"Boss, you and I naturally believe it. I'm afraid that some people will bring their children to stay in the hotel." Shen Lin still looked like he couldn't wake up: "I played cards all night yesterday, and I couldn't keep my eyes open."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, there was a trace of contempt in the eyes of the proprietress.

But the visitor is a guest, so she still said with a smile: "Guest, don't worry, we are only here who brings a child from the countryside to see a doctor."

"The child is sick, and apart from drinking some water, he doesn't make any noise at all."

Take children to see a doctor from the countryside!

Hey, it looks like it's him!
Shen Lin looked at the position of the proprietress' fingers, and was [-]% certain in his heart that the person who took the child was a human trafficker.

Shen Lin, who didn't want to startle the snake, nodded to the proprietress and said, "Okay, I'm relieved, but the proprietress, you'd better tell them not to disturb my sleep."

"Okay, I see." The proprietress felt a little bit of dissatisfaction with Shen Lin in her heart. This young man is young, but he has a lot of things.

Seeing how the proprietress was coping, Shen Lin was overjoyed.He looked at the proprietress and said, "Madam proprietress, why do I hear that you don't want to?"

The proprietress was even more unhappy with Shen Lin in her heart, but she was the most unwilling to provoke this kind of ruffian young man who was hanging out on the street when she was in business.

At this time, Shen Lin was such a person in her eyes.

"Young man, I'm not unwilling, I'll go right away." The proprietress said while opening the door for Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at the room with only one bed, and snorted, "The more you say that, Ma'am, the more I can't believe you."

"Didn't you say that the people living here are country people who treat children? I'll go and tell them."

While speaking, Shen Lin walked towards the third room next to him.

The proprietress grabbed Shen Lin and said, "Young man, sleep with you. I'll remind them later."

"Hmph, who knows if you will remind me or not." While speaking, Shen Lin tried to push the door, but when he pushed the door, he felt that the door was locked.

"Boom boom boom!"

Shen Lin, who changed his actions into knocking in an instant, started knocking on the door directly.

When the knock on the door sounded, Shen Lin heard the sound of a table moving in the room, and it took a long time before someone asked, "Who is it?"

"Me, the proprietress." The proprietress was afraid that Shen Lin's family would be unhappy, so she took the lead and said, "Old He, you open the door, I have something to tell you."

"I'm asleep, tell me?" The person inside hesitated for a moment, and instead of opening the door, said in a low voice.

The proprietress glanced at Shen Lin, thinking what was going on, but the matter had already begun, so the proprietress would not give up halfway.

"Old He, there is a guest who is a light sleeper today. Let me tell you, take care of the child and don't let him make a fuss, so as not to wake up the guest."

After the proprietress finished speaking, an impatient voice came from the room: "Okay, got it."

The proprietress glanced at Shen Lin, which means I have already notified.

Shen Lin smiled at the proprietress and said, "Thank you big sister, this time I can finally have a good sleep."

While talking, Shen Lin walked towards his room.As he walked, Shen Lin missed the days before he traveled through time. After all, at that time, it was too easy to notify people.

A phone call, a WeChat, everything can be done.

But now?
Shen Lin came to the room, closed the door and did not go out immediately. He felt that his actions just now might have alerted the trafficker. If the trafficker escaped because of this, it would be a great loss.

So he has to stare for a while.

About 20 minutes later, Shen Lin walked out the door casually. The proprietress was drowsy on the chair. Seeing Shen Lin coming out, she said unexpectedly: "Why don't you sleep?"

"I can't sleep. I feel that I suffered too much yesterday. I need to drink a few sips to fall asleep." Shen Lin said casually, "I'm going to buy a bottle of wine."

The proprietress has seen many people who drink in small hotels, so she doesn't care too much. Anyway, Shen Lin has already paid the deposit, so the proprietress doesn't care where he goes?
The sun at the outer door was very strong, so Shen Lin got on the tricycle and ran towards the area that the second brother-in-law was in charge of.

In order not to alarm the trafficker, Shen Lin didn't start the engine of the car when he started.

However, what surprised Shen Lin was that Chu Feng, who was supposed to check on the street, was not at the intersection at this time.

What's happening here?
Do you have to face the traffickers alone!

Shen Lin's heart was a little tense at this moment. Although he was not afraid of human traffickers, he still had some concerns about being a lone hero.

After all, he still doesn't know how many people are the traffickers?
Just when Shen Lin was a little restless, he suddenly saw several figures in police uniforms in the distance.

Regardless of whether there was a second brother-in-law inside, Shen Lin started his tricycle and chased after him. For Shen Lin, even if Chu Feng was not there, he could still ask about Chu Feng's whereabouts.

To Shen Lin's delight, Chu Feng followed behind several police officers.

"Second brother-in-law, what are you doing here?" Shen Lin asked Chu Feng quickly with surprise on his face when he saw Chu Feng.

Chu Feng did not hide it either: "We have received news that human traffickers have appeared in the provincial capital. Now that the surveillance is over, we are going back."

Trafficker's Trick!

Shen Lin immediately stopped Chu Feng and said, "Second brother-in-law, I just saw a child in the hotel, it looks like a kidnapped child."

Although one person catches the traffickers, although he has done a lot of credit, there are also risks hidden in it.

Now Chu Feng's companions are all here. If they go together, although the credit will be shared equally, it will be safer.

And as the main whistleblower, the second brother-in-law can get the most credit.

"Young man, don't talk nonsense here. We have already got the exact news. The traffickers took the abducted child. Just a while ago, they left the bus station in the provincial capital. The people we arrested have already gone there. Already." A tall man with thick eyebrows said to Shen Lin with a hint of reprimand.

Shen Lin didn't have time to fight against this man, he said to Chu Feng: "Second brother-in-law, I think it's really similar, anyway, it's not far away, you get on my tricycle, I'll take you there."

Chu Feng looked at Shen Lin with a serious face, hesitated for a while and said, "Then we will go and see with you."

Speaking of this, he said to the tall man: "Tongwei, the small hotel my brother-in-law mentioned is not too far away, let's go and have a look."

The man named Tongwei looked at Shen Lin twice, and suddenly smiled: "Old Chu, I heard that your brother-in-law was fired because he was so unreliable. Him."

Having said that, Na Tongwei turned around and walked forward.

Ps: The new book sets sail, its support

(End of this chapter)

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