Chapter 47

Seeing the figures turning away one by one, Chu Feng's face flushed red!
Lin Tongwei's doing this made him lose face and made him feel a kind of sadness in his heart.

A kind of sadness that I have no status in the unit, and everyone doesn't even give face.This kind of sorrow moved Chu Feng to anger, and this kind of sorrow made Chu Feng feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Second brother-in-law, get in the car." Shen Lin also felt very uncomfortable about these people's departure. He knew that the second brother-in-law was not valued in the work unit, but he did not expect it to reach this level.

But after this incident, the second brother-in-law didn't have to do this anymore.

Chu Feng hesitated for a while, and finally got into Shen Lin's car. For Chu Feng, he had no other choice now. It would be embarrassing to follow these companions, and to follow Shen Lin, no matter what Shen Lin said Is it true, at least not so embarrassing.

The tricycle kicked up, the engine roared, and in an instant, a puff of black smoke brought Shen Lin and Chu Feng towards the small hotel.

Lin Tongwei looked at the roaring tricycle, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

Although he often rides the Pian San motorcycle in the office, the motorcycle belongs to the unit after all, and he can only ride it when he is working.

Other times, he's more on his beloved permanent bike.

Lin Tongwei is very satisfied with his permanent bicycle.Not only is the bike brand new, but it also looks better than the old bikes.

But now, looking at the old tricycle emitting black smoke, he suddenly felt that his permanent bicycle was no longer fragrant.

"That tricycle is not bad. It would be great if I could make one later." Lin Tongwei said enviously.

"Brother Lin, I'll go find out later, who installed that thing, and put it on your bicycle. At that time, the overall situation will depend on you!"

Lin Tongwei smiled complacently and didn't talk, but under the sun, the scorching sun was really uncomfortable.

Ten minutes later, Lin Tongwei and others returned to the office. Although they all walked by the shade of the trees, everyone's backs were already soaked.

Lin Tongwei took two sips of water and was about to find a place to rest when someone said, "Brother Lin, congratulations this time."

Lin Tongwei looked up and saw that it was his colleague Chen Meng.He took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Meng, saying, "What congratulations, you haven't even flipped the horoscope yet?"

"Brother Lin, just kidding me, who doesn't know that this time the deputy director is none other than you." Although Chen Meng gave a very powerful name, his whole person gave off a shrewd feeling.

He smiled and said: "In terms of ability and merit, you are the only one in our firm who is qualified. If it weren't for you this time, everyone would not be convinced!"

Speaking of this, Chen Meng looked around twice and said, "Tell me, if Chu Feng mentions it, will everyone be convinced?"

Lin Tongwei enjoyed this kind of talk very much, he snorted and said: "We are all colleagues, so don't talk about Chu Feng."

"But what? Chu Feng really can't support the wall with mud."

Both of them smiled, Chen Meng looked around and said, "Why didn't you see Chu Feng?"

"Chu Feng's brother-in-law said that he met a child who looked similar to the abducted child and took Chu Feng to see it." Lin Tongwei snorted and said, "His brother-in-law was fired because he was unreliable. Chu Feng actually believed his words."

Chen Meng said: "We have already received definite news that the traffickers have appeared in the provincial capital with their children. Chu Feng is unnecessary."

While the two of them were chatting, someone notified: "The meeting has been held, and there is a meeting in the conference room."

Hearing this, Lin Tongwei and Chen Meng quickly walked towards the meeting room.

The meeting room in the institute was not too big. When they walked into the meeting room, they felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, because the director's expression was obviously a bit severe.

"Is everyone here?" Zheng Yunhong, the director of the Chengbei Institute, asked with a dark face towards the deputy director sitting next to him.The deputy director glanced at it for a few times and then said, "Chu Feng is the only one."

"Lin Tongwei, Chu Feng is with you, where is he now?" Zheng Yunhong looked at Lin Tongwei and asked in a deep voice.

Lin Tongwei said in a deep voice: "Director, on our way back, Chu Feng's brother-in-law said that he met a child who wanted to be abducted very much."

"We had already received a report from the bureau that the trafficker had appeared in the provincial capital with the abducted child."

"Chu Feng didn't listen to my advice, so he insisted on following his brother-in-law to check."

After hearing Lin Tongwei's words, Zheng Yunhong knew the meaning of Lin Tongwei's words, that Chu Feng's brother-in-law couldn't believe what he said, but Chu Feng followed.

He waved his hand towards Lin Tongwei, and said, "I just received a call from the county bureau that the traffickers who got off from the railway station in the provincial capital have not been found."

"The bureau requires that we not relax on this matter."

Hearing Zheng Yunhong's words, Lin Tongwei's heart sank a little. The child was lost in the range of the Chengbei police station. If they can't find it and can't solve the case, it will be very bad for their face.

No wonder Director Zheng has always had a dark face until now.

Lin Tongwei was in a hurry in his notebook carefully, but he didn't dare to speak casually. He knew very well that the director was not happy now, and if he spoke indiscriminately, he might hit the muzzle of the gun.

"For this case, the bureau leader asked us to make inferences. While hunting down the traffickers, we must also..."

Just when Zheng Yunhong's voice became more and more serious, the door suddenly opened to the north, and the internal staff inside the office quickly walked in.

Looking at the flustered internal staff, Zheng Yunhong's face became more serious, and he said in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

The employee took a breath and said, "Boss, just now Chu Feng..."

"What's wrong with Chu Feng?" Zheng Yunhong frowned, and his voice became more severe.

The back office of the institute is a little girl who has just started working for less than half a year. Under Zheng Yunhong's sternness, she is always trembling.

At this moment, seeing Zheng Yunhong being so strict, he couldn't say what he wanted to say for a while.

"Chu Feng...Chu Feng is injured." Speaking of this, there was a slight tremor in the little girl's voice.

Although he felt that Chu Feng was a bit too old and good, and his performance was average, he was his subordinate after all. When Xiao Xi heard that Chu Feng was injured, Zheng Yunhong stood up and said, "Where is the injury?"

"That...that I don't know, I didn't make it clear on the phone." The little girl's voice trembled more and more.

"Where is he now?" Zheng Yunhong stood up and said, "Have you notified the hospital yet?"

"Chu Feng...Chu Feng called. He asked you to bring a few more people over at the Dongfeng Hotel." Finally, the little girl spoke at a normal speed.

Zheng Yunhong nodded and said, "Contact the hospital and ask them to send two doctors there, Tong Wei and Chen Meng, follow me."

Lin Tongwei and Chen Meng agreed, and quickly followed Zheng Yunhong out of the conference room door. Neither of them spoke, but there was a trace of suspicion in their expressions.

Why was Chu Feng injured?
ps: The new book sets sail, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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