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Chapter 48 The Unexpected Big Fish

Chapter 48 The Unexpected Big Fish

"Boss, I think you should criticize Chu Feng. As a person, he has not accomplished enough and failed more." Sitting on the Pian San motorcycle, Lin Tongwei said loudly to Zheng Yunhong.

Zheng Yunhong sat on the back of the car and didn't say a word.

For Zheng Yunhong, what he considered most at this time was how to deal with Chu Feng's injury.

This time, a child was abducted in the jurisdiction, which in itself made him lose face. If Chu Feng was injured, these things were really enough for him to drink a pot.

Chu Feng, it's really troublesome!
Chen Meng sat in the back seat and said nothing, but he knew in his heart that this time, Chu Feng might be put into another book.

While driving the motorcycle, Lin Tongwei continued: "Director, I'm not talking behind my back, Chu Feng is free and loose, and he still doesn't obey the management."

"His brother-in-law is unreliable, I told Chu Feng, don't go with him, but it's good for him, he doesn't listen to me, is he at a disadvantage?"

"It's fine for him to suffer, but he still caused trouble for us at this critical moment. This is simply a shame for us..."

"I see." Zheng Yunhong said lightly, from his voice, everyone familiar with him knew that he was very unhappy.

Lin Tongwei reached his goal, so he stopped talking, but stepped on the gas, and soon came to the door of Dongfeng Inn.

A lot of people surrounded the entrance of Dongfeng Hotel, pointing and pointing.From the looks of it, there's a lot going on inside.

"Look, director, this matter is considered to be..." Lin Tongwei didn't say what he wanted, but his waving gesture already explained everything.

Zheng Yunhong ignored Lin Tongwei, he stepped in, and saw Chu Feng standing not far away, his left hand was wrapped in a white gauze, and the gauze was filled with red blood.

Such a situation made Zheng Yunhong heave a sigh of relief.

In any case, Chu Feng's life is not in danger now.

For Zheng Yunhong, as long as the lives of his subordinates are not threatened, it is a good thing.

"Chu Feng, what did you do? You came out to do errands by yourself, and even brought the boss to wipe your ass, you can't save us some trouble." Lin Tongwei said loudly to Chu Feng as soon as he came up.

There was a trace of embarrassment on Chu Feng's face.

At this time, someone said inside: "My brother will make people worry, you don't care if you say it."

"If everyone is as reassuring as you are, then the abducted child may not be found in ten years."

Following these words, Shen Lin walked out holding a child who looked like two or three years old.

The moment Zheng Yunhong saw the child in Shen Lin's arms, he was taken aback!
During this period of time, what he saw most were the photos of abducted children.The child in front of him is too similar to the child who was trafficked.

No, they are one person!

Zheng Yunhong, who was already thinking about how he should take responsibility, never thought that he would meet this abducted child.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

"He...he is the kidnapped child?" Zheng Yunhong asked Chu Feng in disbelief.

As the director, he believed in Chu Feng the most at the scene.

Chu Feng said loudly: "Director, he is the trafficked child. When the trafficker escaped by jumping out of the window, I held him down. Now I am handcuffing him in the room."

Shen Lin shook his head involuntarily when he heard Chu Feng's angry words.

My second brother-in-law was really too persistent in some things. The trafficker jumped out of the window and escaped in fear, and he...he even chased him down.

Fortunately, the window was not too high, otherwise, the second brother-in-law's arm might not have been broken.

"You caught the trafficker too." When Zheng Yunhong came in, he had a kind of expectation in his heart, an expectation that he had caught the trafficker.

Now, from Chu Feng's mouth, his expectation has finally come true.

"Take me to take a look." Zheng Yunhong walked towards the inner room without caring about other things while speaking.

Both Chen Meng and Lin Tongwei's eyes widened.

At this moment, the two of them still couldn't believe what they heard was true!

According to the news they received, the abducted child who had arrived in the provincial capital was still here.And he was found by Chu Feng, whom they all looked down upon.

how can that be!

But looking at the child full of timidity and fear in Shen Lin's arms, they couldn't help but believe that this was the truth.

Because in the past two days, each of them has kept this face deeply in their hearts, in order to find the abducted child.

Now, the child was found, and Chu Feng beat him when they didn't expect it.

The two of them didn't care about being surprised, and followed Zheng Yunhong into the room. They saw a thin middle-aged man lying on the ground. The middle-aged man had a hideous face. own left leg.

Zheng Yunhong looked at the middle-aged man, his face changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Chen Yongbo, stand up for me!"

Lin Tongwei didn't react when Zheng Yunhong called the middle-aged man's name, but Chen Meng's expression changed, as if he had thought of something.

The middle-aged man trembled when he heard Zheng Yunhong's words, and then said, "You mistook me, I'm not Chen Yongbo? My name is Li Dali."

Zheng Yunhong smiled, and said with confidence on his face: "Chen Yongbo, it's useless for you to pretend at this time, your wanted warrant is on file in our office."

"I didn't expect that you would dare to abduct and sell children here."

Listening to Zheng Yunhong's words, Shen Lin felt suspicious in his heart, and said to Chu Feng who was standing aside: "Second brother-in-law, is this Chen Yongbo very famous?"

"Yes, I didn't recognize him. He is a wanted criminal that the provincial department is looking for. I read his information, but I didn't expect him to be Chen Yongbo."

Chu Feng's voice was full of emotion. Obviously, he was full of surprise and joy that he was a big fish in catching the trafficker.

"Chu Feng, find a place to sit and rest for a while, and the doctor will come later." Zheng Yunhong said to Chen Meng, who was standing like him, "Chen Meng, find a phone number, and immediately call the clinic for someone to come over."

"Lin Tongwei, you are responsible for taking care of Chu Feng!"

After a series of orders, Zheng Yunhong couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Finding the abducted child so quickly, and arresting a wanted criminal, this... This really gave him a big face. Not only did he not have to worry about the reprimand from the bureau, but he would also wait for the praise from the higher-ups.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Director, I have nothing serious to do!"

"Why is there no major event? You have caught the wanted criminal and rescued the abducted child without thinking about your own safety. It is not a major event that you have suffered such serious injuries."

"Let me tell you, you are now a great hero of our institute."

Having said that, Zheng Yunhong patted Chu Feng heavily and said, "Young man, work hard."

Chu Feng smiled and didn't argue anymore, but Lin Tongwei, who was standing aside, looked at Chu Feng with envy and jealousy.

This kid is out of luck.

In just ten minutes, the police from the police station arrived in large numbers. After the identity of the suspect was confirmed, many people looked at Chu Feng differently.

It was the first time that Chu Feng received such attention after working in the unit for so many years.

His heart is full of excitement!
"Shen Lin, thank you." Coming to Shen Lin's side lightly, Chu Feng's voice trembled slightly.

He knew that everything about him was mainly because of Shen Lin.

If Shen Lin hadn't brought him to this hotel, it would have been impossible for him to catch the wanted trafficker, let alone make the credit for what he is doing now.

In Shen Lin's heart at this time, there was both joy and guilt.

What he is happy about is that his plan has succeeded. After this incident, Chu Feng will definitely not become a little transparent existence in the unit.

What made him feel guilty was that although he had already planned it, he still hurt Chu Feng.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, isn't this what it should be?"

"By the way, your colleagues are here, and my business is over. Can I stay here forever? I'll go first."

"Say hello to the director before leaving." Chu Feng pondered for a while and said.

(End of this chapter)

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