Chapter 49 Someone is jealous

Zheng Yunhong is very busy!
But he is very clear about Shen Lin's role this time!

So even though it was difficult for him to separate himself at this time, he still came over, said a few words to Shen Lin affectionately, and said that after this matter, he must treat Shen Lin to dinner, and then let Shen Lin leave.

Shen Lin rushed home in a hurry, got all the iced sodas and other things into the car, and then quickly rushed towards the gate of Dongzhou Institute of Technology.

From Shen Lin's point of view, Lu Dongsheng should be in a hurry right now!
After all, his boss is not around, so Lu Dongsheng, as a buddy, should be a little bit unable to support the stall.

But what Shen Lin didn't expect was that when he came to the entrance of the engineering college, he found that there were not many people around his stall.

The students who were supposed to be around him didn't show up, and even Xu Laosan's sesame seed stall was far away from him.

A few shirtless young men, like bodyguards, smoked around their booth.

At this time, Lu Dongsheng was arguing with someone with a red face.

However, Lu Dongsheng was obviously not the opponent's opponent, and was pushed back continuously.

Although he didn't know what happened, a not-so-good guess had already arisen in Shen Lin's heart.

He pondered for a while, then pushed the cart up quickly and said, "Dong Sheng, what happened?"

Just as Shen Lin's car stopped, a young man who looked like a college student walked over from the school gate.

After taking a look at Shen Lin's stall, he quickly walked over.

But just as he was about to approach Shen Lin's stall, a young man with a bare back and smoking a cigarette came up to him.

"Hey, isn't this a college student? Can you do anything for me?"

The young college student was stunned for a moment, and said casually, "I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for the boss here to buy things."

"If you don't find me, get lost, what are you talking about here?" The young man who spoke snorted and said, "Didn't your mother tell you to go to the department store to buy things?"

"Don't be uncomfortable!"

The young college student blushed a little, but in the end, he still walked towards the school gate.

For young college students, shopping is the most important thing, but there is no need for him to provoke these people who are not good at first glance.

"Brother Shen, they won't let us do business." Lu Dongsheng said loudly to Shen Lin with his eyes red.

For Lu Dongsheng, Shen Lin is his hope of working, and now these people are so arrogant to prevent Shen Lin from doing business, this is to cut off his way.

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Lu Dongsheng. He has been a human being for two lifetimes, and he knows that some people hate him, but he has to deal with them.

As for these people, although Shen Lin didn't like them, he didn't have the idea of ​​confronting them head-on.

After all, the current him is firstly unwilling to waste this time, and secondly, there is not much need for it.

According to his income of 1000 yuan a day, if he can use 100 yuan to solve the problem, in Shen Lin's view, it is not unacceptable.

"What's the name of this old man?" Shen Lin smiled and took out a cigarette, and handed it to the man.

"Xi Meiyan, bah, who are you looking down on?" The person who was arguing with Lu Dongsheng took a look at the cigarette Shen Lin handed over, and left it on the ground casually.

Lu Dongsheng clenched his fists tightly!He was on the verge of anger. Seeing Shen Lin being humiliated like this, he even had the desire to start a fight.

But Shen Lin still said calmly: "I only have this here for the time being. If my brother thinks this cigarette is not good, I can buy you another good one."

"You're still on the right track." The young man who was arguing with Lu Dongsheng pointed at him, "My name is Erjunzi, have you heard of it?"

As a reborn person, Shen Lin hadn't really heard of the name Erjunzi.

After divorcing Lu Xiaorong, although he experienced a decadent life, he basically had no dealings with these punks.

"Brother, I came here to tell you one thing. The business of selling things around the university is owned by the owner. In the future, don't sell here." The Second Army patted Shen Lin on the shoulder and said.

Shen Lin looked at the second soldier who looked like I am notifying you, although he was angry in his heart, but on the surface, he still smiled and said: "Brother, it is not easy to come out to find a bowl of food, why should you say such a thing?" Absolutely?"

"I see, let's have a good talk. If you have any requests, I will definitely agree to them."

The second army threw the cigarette in his mouth to the ground at once, and a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes and said: "Why, can't you listen to people's words?"

"Boy, let me tell you, if you are obedient today, get out now, if you are not obedient, just give me a try."

The smile on Shen Lin's face also disappeared. The attitude of the second soldier was that he didn't come to ask for some money and let it go. He didn't allow himself to do business here.

What he did was clearly not leaving any room for himself.

With anger in his heart, Shen Lin said coldly: "What if I try you? I'm right here. Can you move my stall and try?"

Seeing Shen Lin who suddenly became tough, Er Junzi was not only not angry, on the contrary he laughed.

"Who said you are going to move your stall, we don't mean to move your stall, haha, we are just here to play."

The Second Army said this, and said to several shirtless young men around him: "Brothers, what are you doing here?"

"Second brother, we feel that there is wind here, so we come here to enjoy the cool air." A young man said jokingly.

The young man's words immediately elicited bursts of laughter.

Hearing this laughter, Lu Dongsheng's face turned red. It was the first time he had encountered such a shameless person at such a young age.

This made Lu Dongsheng feel like he wanted to explode.

At this moment, some people who were going to walk towards Shen Lin's stall all walked out in another direction.

There were also one or two bold ones who walked towards Shen Lin's stall, and some even said to Shen Lin, "Boss, here are two bottles of iced soda."

But while they were talking, two shirtless young men came up to him and said, "You son of a bitch, is the hair all grown? Drink ice soda, and get the hell out of here!"

"Come here again and see how I deal with you."

Although a few college students wanted to drink iced soda, they turned around and left in the end. A few people who looked like parents would even give advice to their children, so that they would not make trouble on weekdays.

"Brother Shen, what should we do?" Lu Dongsheng came to Shen Lin's side and asked in a low voice.

Although Shen Lin didn't think of any countermeasures at this time, he still calmly said to Lu Dongsheng: "It's okay, I'll take care of him in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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