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Chapter 50 Brother, Don't Make Me Difficult

Chapter 50 Brother, Don't Make Me Difficult

Shen Lin didn't panic. He had actually been prepared for this phenomenon in his heart since he started setting up a stall.

But I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Just as Shen Lin was thinking about which step he should take to solve this matter, the uncle at the gate of the engineering college quickly ran over.

"Who is Shen Lin, come over and answer the phone." The old man glanced around twice and shouted loudly.

Who is this calling me?Shen Lin was puzzled, but still walked over quickly.

"Hello, I'm Shen Lin, who is looking for me." Picking up the old-fashioned crank phone, Shen Lin felt a little emotion for no reason.

This call is really stupid!

"Shen Lin, I'm your second brother-in-law. Wait a minute, our director has something to talk to you about. Remember to listen carefully to what our director has to say." Chu Feng's voice came from the other end of the phone.

When Zheng Yunhong wanted to come over, Shen Lin's heart was moved, and a thought was born in Shen Lin's heart.At this moment, he already had a new idea in his heart.

"When will your director come over?" Shen Lin asked urgently.

"I will be there in 5 or [-] minutes." Chu Feng said with certainty.

"Okay second brother-in-law, I know what to do now." Shen Lin hung up the phone while speaking. He glanced at his watch and walked towards the second army.

The second soldier was smoking, when he saw Shen Lin walking over, he sneered, "Why, have you figured it out yet?"

Shen Lin looked at the sweaty face of the Second Army under the scorching sun, and said lightly: "Brother, can you tell me who asked you to trouble me?"

The Second Army talked about the soot, and said sarcastically: "Why, I figured it out, I know that the arms can't hold the thighs?"

"No, I want to talk to your boss, so that he won't be able to eat meat, and his own teeth will be damaged instead." Shen Lin spoke calmly, but he couldn't hide the pride on his face.

Erjunzi threw away the cigarette and wanted to do something, but seeing Shen Lin's godlike look, he hesitated.

Does this guy really have a background?

"You wait for me. I'll go and tell my elder brother right now. As for whether my elder brother sees you or not, I don't care."

While speaking, the Second Army walked not far away.

Looking at the Second Army who left, Shen Lin looked at the sky, and hoped that there would be no big mistakes at this time.

At this time, Zheng Yunhong was reading a document.

Opposite him, stood Lin Tongwei.

Lin Tongwei lowered his head. To him, it was a credit to him that he flew away from him.

Not only did he fail to become a hero now, he was even secretly ridiculed by some people. Although no one dared to show these smiles, Lin Tongwei knew in his heart that such things really existed.

"Do you have anything to say now?" Zheng Yunhong glanced at Lin Tongwei before saying in a deep voice.

Lin Tongwei looked at Zheng Yunhong's gloomy expression, and finally said honestly: "Boss, I was wrong."

"Then tell me, where did you go wrong?" Zheng Yunhong didn't let Lin Tongwei off because of his confession, but asked solemnly.

Lin Tongwei knew that this was his chance, and that the director could tell him this, which meant that he still valued himself.

If this time, I can't satisfy the director with my answer, then maybe I will be given up.

As an ambitious young man, this was intolerable for him.

"Director, I was careless and didn't take your advice to heart." Lin Tongwei straightened his back and said solemnly: "I didn't do it. If there is a situation, I went to check it immediately. I made a big mistake."

"This time, if it weren't for Chu Feng, I could only watch the criminals leave."

Zheng Yunhong looked at Lin Tongwei, who was serious about his self-criticism, and nodded slightly.Although Lin Tongwei made a mistake, his mistake is not unforgivable.

In his opinion, Lin Tongwei is a good young man who hasn't made any mistakes yet.

Now that he can recognize his mistakes, he must save them.

"Tongwei, do you know what will happen to you if you hand in this report in my hand?" Zheng Yunhong continued to ask as he looked at the information in his hand.

"I know, at least the criticism must be reported." When Lin Tongwei said the report, he couldn't help but lower his head.For him, reporting criticism is no small punishment.

"It's good that you know." Zheng Yunhong patted the table and said: "Remember, this is a profound lesson."

"You don't have to count on Chu Feng as the deputy director this time." Zheng Yunhong continued, "Do you know how to cooperate with Chu Feng in his future work?"

Lin Tongwei felt his heart weeping when he thought that the deputy director he was about to get had just flown away.

But he was very clear that this matter would not depend on his will.

"Director, I will definitely cooperate with Chu Feng's work. No, it should be the work of Deputy Director Chu in the future." Lin Tongwei said firmly.

"It's good if you have this attitude. Remember, it's not Chu Feng who snatched you from you, but you who said such a good opportunity and lost it." Zheng Yunhong said with a serious look on his face. .

"I've already talked with Chu Feng about your matter, and I'm going to confirm this matter as Chu Feng's investigation and discovery, and then with the cooperation of Shen Lin, the suspect will be arrested."

Listening to Zheng Yunhong's words, Lin Tongwei said excitedly: "Thank you, Director."

"Chu Feng agreed, and we need another person to agree." Zheng Yunhong coughed and said, "Wait a minute, change your clothes, and come with me to meet Shen Lin."

Lin Tongwei knew what it meant to see Shen Lin, he hesitated for a moment, and said quickly: "Thank you, Director."

With Lin Tongwei's departure, Zheng Yunhong sighed.Lin Tongwei is a good seedling, with strong working ability and very active, but he is a little proud. I hope he can get rid of his problems this time.

Just as Zheng Yunhong changed into casual clothes, Erjunzi had already walked into a dilapidated small house.

The fan is turned on in the small house, but it still gives people a warm feeling of gratitude.An ordinary man in his 30s, wearing a white shirt, was reading a book.

"Fourth brother, I'm back." Second Army Son looked a little domineering in front of Shen Lin, but at this moment, his expression was full of respect.

The person reading the book put the book down, and then said to Er Junzi, "How is it?"

"Fourth brother, the guy who bought things was disobedient, so I asked a few brothers to guard the stall for him. The guy was quite arrogant. He said he wanted to see you, and he said that we should pay attention not to patronize meat, bad teeth." Er Junzi's words were full of disdain.

The young man who was reading put down the book in his hand, and said with a hint of perseverance: "I can't see that this kid dares to say such a thing, come on, show me, what kind of dragon crossing the river is this?"

"Let's settle this matter early, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Second Army Son was very arrogant in front of Shen Lin, but at this moment, facing the fourth brother who was wearing a white vest and reading a book, he didn't dare to say no.

Wearing a pair of slippers, the fourth brother wobbled out of the house, while the second soldier followed him and walked towards the gate of the engineering college.

At the entrance of the engineering college, several barebacked people were surrounding Shen Lin's stall, using their eyes and words to frighten the students who wanted to buy things.

Lu Dongsheng's heart trembled a little as he watched the guests leave like that.

Xu Laosan and the others pushed their stalls far away.

Shen Lin stood under the shade of a tree and watched all this quietly. He was calm on the surface, but in fact he was a little anxious.

It's best to match the timing so that nothing goes wrong.

At this moment, Shen Lin saw two familiar figures approaching, they were Zheng Yunhong and Lin Tongwei.Seeing these two people coming, Shen Lin felt relieved for the most part. ,
Just at that moment, I saw Er Junzi and a young man in a white vest coming from another direction.

The Second Army came to Shen Lin quickly, and said loudly: "The surname is Shen, this is my elder brother Zhang Sihe, you can call him Si Ye."

Hearing this title, Shen Lin felt amused for a while, thinking that this title was really acceptable.

"Second Army is talking nonsense, I can just call me Fourth Brother." Zhang Sihe looked at Shen Lin and said with a smile: "I heard from Second Army that my brother is in trouble with him."

Zhang Sihe's attitude was very peaceful, but in this peace, there was an undeniable flavor.

It was obvious that they were causing trouble for Shen Lin and not allowing Shen Lin's business to continue, but from Zhang Sihe's mouth, it turned out to be Shen Lin's trouble for them at this time.

Shen Lin looked at Zheng Yunhong and the others who were approaching in plain clothes, smiled and said, "Fourth brother, if I say that I didn't know you before this afternoon, I don't know if you believe it or not?"

"Of course I believe it." Zhang Sihe said with a smile: "Actually, I only heard your name today, brother."

"I like to make friends, but at the same time, I don't want my friends to make trouble for me."

"Brother, don't embarrass me!"

(End of this chapter)

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