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Chapter 466 My employees are the masters

Chapter 466 My employees are the masters

Although Lao Ming was cleaning the car, he was obviously absent-minded. His thoughts were all on the result of Jia Erzhu's disturbance.

Although Director Shen made it clear that he doesn't need to worry about this matter, and the factory will handle it for him, but how can he not worry?

After all, this incident happened because of him. If he hadn't been a good person, he wouldn't have been blackmailed.

It's all right now, I caused a lot of trouble for Boss Shen.Thinking about it this way made me feel even more guilty.

What if Jia Erzhu blackmailed Director Shen for a large sum of money?What if Jia Erzhu made a fuss with Director Shen, found a bunch of rascals, cried, made trouble, and hanged himself, what should he do...

Lao Ming thought about it, and felt irritable. These speculations made him almost have no intention of working.

"Xiao Chen, do you have any news?" Seeing the young colleague coming from outside, Lao Ming hurried up.

Although this little Chen has average working ability, he is very reliable in handling things. Among other things, at least he has a fixed source of news about the factory's affairs.

"Old Ming, the matter may have become serious. I heard from the fifth aunt who was in charge of cleaning the meeting room that those guys opened their mouths so loudly that our manager scolded them away."

As soon as Xiao Chen's words came out of his mouth, the drivers who hadn't been on duty all started talking with smiles on their faces: "Hey, our manager is still domineering!"

"If it were me, I would have to greet all the eight generations of their ancestors. What kind of dog is it, who actually repays kindness with revenge."

"That's right, I think this matter, we can't bow our heads, we must crack down on this bad trend, otherwise, they will be rampant in the future!"

For a time, various theories emerged one after another.

Hearing these words, Lao Ming felt a little more relaxed. After all, his colleagues were still on his side.

"Xiao Chen, you didn't speak well just now. Is that what you said was wrong?" Before Lao Ming could ask, someone snarled at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen said: "Of course our manager is stubborn, and Director Shen is even better, but that Jia Erzhu is too shameless, he threw his father into the conference room and left."

"You said that this matter is quite disturbing?"

When Lao Ming heard this, he felt dizzy.He knew very well how troublesome it would be if an old man was thrown into the conference room.

A lot of thoughts flooded into his mind in an instant, but in the end, all these thoughts turned into one sentence, that is, he was determined not to cause trouble for Director Shen.

"Xiao Chen, I'm going out for a while, if anyone is looking for me, please tell me."

While talking, Lao Ming hurriedly walked out.

Looking at Lao Ming who left, Xiao Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Brother Ming is a good man, but these days, it's hard to be a good man!"

"If Director Shen hadn't said that the factory was in charge of this matter, I don't know what the hell this matter would be like!"

A driver who was fiddling with auto parts said, "What's the trouble? At least I will lose several thousand dollars."

"We have to be more careful when we get out of the car in the future, don't get hot in the head and catch fire!"

"But speaking of it, our Factory Manager Shen is really interesting. In this matter, he took the initiative to take responsibility, and he did not disappoint us."

"Yes, Director Shen Renyi."

Amidst these discussions, Lao Ming hurriedly came outside Shen Lin's office. Before entering the door, he saw Shen Lin talking with a man in police uniform with a smile.

I heard Shen Lin say: "Brother Xu, spending a little money is nothing to me, but it is worth spending the money."

"If my employees do something wrong, I will admit that they deserve to be hit or punished. But if my employees do not do anything wrong, then it is not the end of the world if I don't pay a penny. I will also be held accountable for this loss of reputation. I If we don't seek justice, isn't this corrupting the social atmosphere?" "They want to play rogue for me, huh, look at how I mess with them."

At this time, Lao Ming had already walked over. He looked at Shen Lin excitedly and said, "Director Shen, this matter is all because of me, or I should handle it, so we can't implicate our factory!"

"Old Ming, this is Director Xu from the north of our city." Shen Lin did not respond to Lao Ming's words. After introducing Xu Ruibing, he pointed to Lao Ming and said, "We have already investigated the matter of Lao Ming. He is Do a good deed and send the fallen old man to the hospital."

"And when the old man's relatives could not be found, he paid ten yuan in advance for medical expenses."

"I am proud of having such an employee. He is a common hero in our factory, so at this time, I can't say anything to make such a hero with great love shed blood and tears."

Hearing the word "hero", Lao Ming felt his nose ache.

And Xu Ruibing looked at Lao Ming who couldn't help the tears pouring down, and couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart. It's not that he hasn't encountered things like rogues, but it's just that such things are often troublesome to solve.

This old man met Shen Lin. If it was another factory, especially a personal factory, no one would take care of it at all.

"Old Ming, your factory manager Shen has already told me about you, you are doing well."

"Don't worry, we will use the fastest speed to find the person who sent the injured to the hospital with you, and give you justice."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Old Ming, director Xu has already said, you should hurry back and work hard."

"Director Shen, I can't do anything now, so you can arrange for me to do something else, I..." Lao Ming looked at Shen Lin with a trace of firmness in his voice.

Looking at the persistent old Ming, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, then you can report to Aunt Fat later."

Lao Ming is no stranger to Aunt Fat, she is a publicity star in the factory, and he has even driven Aunt Fat in the past.

But now, what role can Aunt Fat play in this matter?

"Don't worry, this matter is not complicated. Not only do we need to punish those bad guys severely from the legal level, but we also need to let some people know that he is in the wrong place to play a scoundrel here!"

Shen Lin patted Lao Ming on the shoulder and said: "Follow Aunt Fat these few days, work harder, and the matter will pass soon."

Lao Ming nodded heavily. He didn't speak any more, but his determination to work for the factory became more and more determined.

After Jia Erzhu and others threw their father to the rice shell electronics factory, they returned to the village in a mighty way.

Along the way, Jia Erzhu was swearing and cursing, and he even said bluntly, this time without 1 yuan, it's not enough to talk to Shen Lin.

And those who went with him were more impressed by the decoration and environment of Mishell Electronics Factory.

"Erzhu, I think it's better for us to be careful about this matter. I don't think it's easy to mess with the electronics factory." A mature-looking man persuaded Jia Erzhu: "Why don't you just get some money quickly? gone."

"Whatever it is, this is the way to get rich, hehe, I am willing to cut myself to pieces, dare to pull the emperor off the horse!"

"I'm not bragging to you. This time, no matter what, I will bite off a piece of meat from their factory."

Jia Erzhu patted his chest and said: "Damn it, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, they are afraid of him!"

"Let's go outside his factory tomorrow, and make a fuss with them, and see if he loses money or not!"

"By the way, brothers, come to my house for a drink later."

(End of this chapter)

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